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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
Burial Jars and Human and Animal-Shaped Jade Ornaments from the Wanshan Site, Yilan: With Discussions on Burial Jars from the Laoshan Site within the Nephrite Mining Region
Contextualizing Bronze Triangular Blade Dagger-Axes Excavated from Anyang by the IHP, Academia Sinica
The Earliest Burial in the Western Part of the Xibeigang Royal Cemetery in Yinxu: Three Small-Scale Tombs Adjacent to HPKM1217
Twelve Conjugations of the Han Dynasty Wooden Slips from Jianshuijinguan
Hsiao-ting Li in the Periods Surrounding the IHP’s Relocation to Lizhuang, Sichuan: Views from More than One Hundred Letters