Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
Exploring Chien Mu’s “An Outline of Chinese History”: From Internal Structure to External Impact
YU Ying-shih
TU Cheng-sheng
Revisiting Fang Kuei Li’s Linguistic Field Work Sites with Minority Languages in Southwest China
LI Jen-kuei, LI Peter
Latest Work on the Conjugation of the Juyan Bamboo Slips (I)
SHIH Sheng-shiuan, YEN Shih-hsuan
A Paramount of Japanese Research on Han Wooden Slips: Stories behind A Lexicon of Han Wooden Slips
LIU Hsin-ning
TANG Man-yuan
An Introduction to Unpublished Manuscripts of Shi Bu Collections at the Fu Ssu-nien Library
LIU Cheng-yun