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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
An Introduction to Unpublished Manuscripts of Fang Zhi Collections at the Fu Ssu-nien Library
Collection of Folk Literature in the Fu Ssu-nien Library
Number of Medical Publications in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam, Their Contents and the Socio-Economic Backgrounds
A Preliminary Study on the Ideologies and Political Activities of Kang Youwei and the Fallacy of His Kaozheng Xue
Fine Arts and Merchandise: A Study of Xing Lin Cheng Lu Tu
Segments from C. C. Shen’s Recollections about Sven Hedin: Lending Archaeological Collections to Sweden
Modern Chinese Scholars Depicted in The Diary of Xia Nai: Chen Yinke, Fu Ssu-nien, Guo Moruo, Chen Mengjia and Chang Kwang-chih
Review of The Hsiao-T’un: Sui-Tang Dynasty Burials by Shih Chang-ju