Unpublished Manuscripts of Jing Bu Collections at the Fu Ssu-Nien Library
Edited by Sheng-Chih Lin
Unpublished Manuscripts of Zi Bu Collections at the Fu Ssu-Nien Library
Edited by Chung-lin Chiu
The Documents of the Han Dynasty on Wooden Slips from Edsen-Gol (Volume III)
Edited by the Working Group on Wooden Slips, IHP, Academia Sinica
Unpublished Manuscripts of Fang Zhi Collections at the Fu Ssu-Nien Library
Edited by Chung-lin Chiu
Historical Data in the Studies of Legal History
Edited by Nap-yin Lau
Institutes of the Yuan Dynasty
Punctuated and collated by Chin-fu Hung
Edited by Chao-jung Chen
The Documents of the Han Dynasty on Wooden Slips from Edsen-Gol (Volume II)
Edited by the Working Group on Wooden Slips, IHP, Academia Sinica