Ping-yi Chu, “The not so little fishing village of Ryukyu,” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 5 (2000): 104-111.
2000 〈「琉球」:一個不「小」的漁村〉,《古今論衡》5:104-111。
Chu, Ping-yi
2000 “The not so little fishing village of Ryukyu.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 5: 104-111.
祝平一. (2000). 「琉球」:一個不「小」的漁村. 古今論衡, 5, 104-111.
Chu, Ping-yi. (2000). The not so little fishing village of Ryukyu. Disquisitions on the Past & Present, 5, 104-111.
祝平一. “「琉球」:一個不「小」的漁村.” 古今論衡, no. 5 (2000): 104-111.
Chu, Ping-yi. “The not so little fishing village of Ryukyu.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present, no. 5 (2000): 104-111.
祝平一. “「琉球」:一個不「小」的漁村.” 古今論衡, no. 5, 2000, pp. 104-111.
Chu, Ping-yi. “The not so little fishing village of Ryukyu.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present, no. 5, 2000, pp. 104-111.