伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯),〈日本「皇后」的特質―以立后儀式為中心―〉,《古今論衡》33(2019):59-82。
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯), “Distinctive Characteristics of the Queen-consort in Japan: Focusing on the Ceremony for Inaugurating the Queen-consort,” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 33 (2019): 59-82.
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯)
2019 〈日本「皇后」的特質―以立后儀式為中心―〉,《古今論衡》33:59-82。
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯)
2019 “Distinctive Characteristics of the Queen-consort in Japan: Focusing on the Ceremony for Inaugurating the Queen-consort.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 33: 59-82.
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯). (2019). 日本「皇后」的特質―以立后儀式為中心―. 古今論衡, 33, 59-82.
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯). (2019). Distinctive Characteristics of the Queen-consort in Japan: Focusing on the Ceremony for Inaugurating the Queen-consort. Disquisitions on the Past & Present, 33, 59-82.
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯). “日本「皇后」的特質―以立后儀式為中心―.” 古今論衡, no. 33 (2019): 59-82.
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯). “Distinctive Characteristics of the Queen-consort in Japan: Focusing on the Ceremony for Inaugurating the Queen-consort.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present, no. 33 (2019): 59-82.
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯). “日本「皇后」的特質―以立后儀式為中心―.” 古今論衡, no. 33, 2019, pp. 59-82.
伴瀨明美,梁曉弈 (翻譯). “Distinctive Characteristics of the Queen-consort in Japan: Focusing on the Ceremony for Inaugurating the Queen-consort.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present, no. 33, 2019, pp. 59-82.