Scarlett Chiu and Christophe Sand主編
NT$ 800
From Southeast Asia to the Pacific : historical and theoretical background to Austronesian origins and to the Lapita dispersal in Western Oceania / Scarlett Chiu, and Christophe Sand 27
東南亞到太平洋 : 關於南島語族起源以及西太平洋中Lapita文化擴散的歷史與理論背景 / 邱斯嘉, and Christophe Sand 41
The earliest Austronesians and their movements inside Taiwan : settlement patterns and possible forcing factors / Yi-Ch'ang Liu 49
初期南島語族在臺灣內的遷徙活動 : 聚落模式以極可能的遷徙動力 / 劉益昌 65
Recent archaeological discoveries in Taiwan and Northern Luzon : implications for Austronesian expansion / Cheng-hwa Tsang 75
臺灣與呂宋島北岸最近的考古發現 : 南島語族擴散的意涵 / 臧振華 95
The neolitnic and Austronesian expansion : within island Southeast Asia and into the Pacific / Matthew Spriggs 104
新石器時代南島語族: 在島嶼東南亞以及進入大洋洲的擴展 / Matthew Spriggs 126
The rise and transformations of Lapita in the bismarck archipelago / Glenn Summerhayes 141
Lapita陶器在俾斯麥群島的起源和變革 / Glenn Summerhayes 170
Crucial first steps into remote Oceania : Lapita in the Vanuatu archipelago / Stuart Bedford 185
前進遠大洋洲重要的第一步 : 萬那度群島的Lapita文化 / Stuart Bedford 206
The eastern frontier : Lapita ceramics in the Fiji-West Polynesia region / Christophe Sand 214
東部邊陲 : 斐濟--西波里尼西亞地區的Lapita文化陶器 / Christophe Sand 235
Lapita : a genetic perspective / Elizabeth (Lisa) Matisoo-Smith 243
Lapita : 從生物學的觀點來看 / Elizabeth (Lisa) Matisoo-Smith 260
What next? pressing archaeological guestions in Austronesian studies in Island Southeast Asia / Christophe Sand, Yi-ch'ang Liu, and Scarlett Chiu 292
下一步該往何處去?針對島嶼東南亞的南島語族硏究提出相關考古議題 / Christophe Sand, 劉益昌, 邱斯嘉 283
Appendix: Location and culture names in English and Chinese 附錄: 地區及文化層之中英名稱對照表