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Books:Catalogue and Index

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Title Author Price(NTD) Date
Catalogue of the Stone Rubbings of the Yuan Dynasty in the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica Edited by Chin-fu Hung Hardback:1,000 2017/12
Taiwan Related Documents from the Grand Secretariat Archives Housed in IHP, Academia Sinica Edited by Cheng-yun Liu Hardback:3,000 2012/06
Catalogue of the Stone Rubbings of the Liao and Chin Dynasties in the Institute of History and Philo Edited by Chin-fu Hung Paperback:500(sold out)
Hardback:1,000(sold out)
Annotated Prefaces and Postscripts of the Rare Books in Fu Ssu-nien Library, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Volume 1-3 Edited by Man-yuan Tang Hardback:1,600(sold out) 2008/08
Art in Shanghai, 1872-1949 Chuan-ying Yen Paperback:550(sold out)
A Sino-Western Calendar for the Five Dynasties Liao-Sung-Hsia-Chin-Yuan A.D. 900-1400 Edited by Chin-fu Hung Hardback:500(sold out) 2004/12
中央研究院歷史語言研究所藏北魏紀年佛教石刻拓本目錄 佛教拓片研讀小組編 Paperback:380(sold out)
Hardback:550(sold out)
中央研究院歷史語言研究所藏漢代石刻畫象拓本目錄 文物圖象研究室漢代拓本整理小組 Paperback:380(sold out)
Hardback:500(sold out)
/ 2, Total of 16 records