Edited by Cheng-yun Liu
NT$ 74,000(sold out)
Historical Documents
Set of 30 volumes; Only the first volume can be purchased separately at NTD500, others are sold in bulk
Out of the collection of over 900,000 books at the Fu Ssu-Nien Library, many scholars have particularly eyed those ancient thread-bound books, totaling over 180,000 volumes. Throughout recent years, the Library and the IHP have undertaken several projects, hoping to better provide future researchers with useful academic resources. The library houses 1,400 titles of manuscripts and codices, and 225 of them were from Ji Bu. In 2014 with funding from Academia Sinica, the library published 34 ancient manuscripts and codices that were either previously unavailable or rare to the public.
This new set of Unpublished Manuscripts of Ji Bu Collections contains 30 volumes, with summaries in each volume describing the author, the background of this work, a brief summary and its academic worth. The books also come with indices, allowing easier search on the editors of the books, authors of the articles, authors of the forewords, and colophon writers.
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