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Research Fellows


Yi-fang Liao

Associate Research Fellow


Ph.D., Department of History, National Taiwan University

Areas of Research

History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties

  1. “The Relationship between Mother and Son in Tang China” (MA diss., Department of History, National Taiwan University, 2000).
  2. “The Historical Memories in Tang China” (PhD diss., Department of History, National Taiwan University, 2009).
  1. Illustrated History of Taiwan (Taipei: Easybooks Publications, 2004). (in Chinese)
  2. The Relationship between Mother and Son in Tang China (Taipei:Dawshiang Publishing Company, 2009). (in Chinese)
  3. The Historical Memories in Tang China (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2011). (in Chinese)
  4. The Great Chain of Kings: Emperor Worship in Imperial China (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2020). (in Chinese) Simplified Chinese character edition (Hangzhou: Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2022).
  5. 《在中華的周邊、外圍與對面》,稻鄉出版社,已審查通過。
Journal Articles
  1. “On the Grounds and Implications of the Worship of Past Emperors in Medieval China,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 87.3 (2016.9): 507-568. (in Chinese with English abstract)
  2. “The policies of the central government toward the shrines and tombs of historical figures in the first half of the Tang dynasty,” Chinese Studies 35.4 (2017): 135-172. (in Chinese)
  3. 〈在帝國的出口和夾縫,那些失去國家的人:中亞綠洲島鏈的破碎〉,《古今論衡》,已審查通過。
Book Chapters
  1. “The Local Poetry and Historical Memories in the First-half of Tang Dynasty,” in ZhongGuoZhongGuShiYanJiu: ZhongGuoZhongGuShiQingNianXueZheLianYiHuiHuiKan (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2011 ), vol 2, pp. 170-198. This articles has been included in The Historical Memories in Tang China. (in Chinese)
Conference Papers
  1. “Ritual of Emperor-worship in Medieval China” (paper presented at the Workshop of the Multiplicity of Historical Writings in Medieval China, Fudan Univestity, Shanghai, China, March 16-17, 2013).
  2. 〈中國中古維護前代君主陵墓之歷史〉,發表於南韓之韓國中國學會主辦,「第33屆中國學國際學術大會」,首爾:首爾大學,2013年8月22-23日。
  3. 〈兩漢至北宋祭祀前代君主之制度〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所102年度學術講論會,2013年12月9日。
  4. “The Political Meaning of the Worship of Past Emperors in Song dynasty” (paper presented in Harvard University, Conference on Middle Period China, 800-1400, Boston: Harvard University, June 5-7, 2014).(in Chinese)
  5. “On the Political Backgrounds of the Worship of Past Emperors in Imperial China”,發表於中央研究院和AAS(Association for Asian Studies)主辦之2015 AAS-in-Asia Conference ASIA IN MOTION,臺北:中央研究院,2015年6月22-24日。
  6. 〈試論唐代前期官方的人物祠祀〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所學術講論會,2016年9月19日。
  7. 〈趙匡胤的戰爭、祭典與王權〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所學術講論會,2018年9月17日。
  8. 〈《王權的祭典——傳統中國的帝王崇拜》:問題、寫作和評價〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所學術講論會,2020年12月7日。
  9. 〈在中華的周邊、外圍與對面:這些地方的人群與國家如何與之互動,實踐自己的命運——以穆罕默德阿敏(馬明心)為例〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所111年度第19次學術講論會,2022年12月12日。
  10. 〈在中華的周邊、外圍與對面〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所113年度第17次學術講論會,2024年11月11日。
Other Writings
  1. Selected Digital Resources in International Chinese Studies (Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies, 2004). (in Chinese)
  2. Selected Digital Resources in Taiwan Studies (Taipei: National Central Library, 2006). (in Chinese)
  3. “The Tang Empire and its World System,” in More Historical Knowledge (Taipei: Sanmin Book Company, 2013). (in Chinese)
  4. “Reader's Guide,” in Biography of Emperor Gaozu of Tang (Taipei: The Commercial Press, 2015), pp. 1-5. (in Chinese)
  5. “Reader's Guide,” in Biography of Emperor Taizong of Tang (Taipei: The Commercial Press, 2015), pp. 1-5. (in Chinese)
  6. “Reader's Guide,” in Biography of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (Taipei: The Commercial Press, 2015), pp. 1-5. (in Chinese)
  7. “Reader's Guide,” in Biography of Empress Wu Zetian of Tang (Taipei: The Commercial Press, 2015), pp. 7-11. (in Chinese)
  8. The bas relief of Tang Taizong's six horses,” online essay on “History kám-á-tiàm”, 2016.5.27. (in Chinese)
  9. “Introduction,” in Yasunori Kegasawa, Beautiful World Empire: The Sui and Tang Dynasties (Taipei: The Commercial Press, 2017), pp. 14-23. (in Chinese)
  10. 'Advisors to the State' and Their Peers,” online essay on “History kám-á-tiàm”, 2017.6.30. (in Chinese)
  11. Blood at Sea: The Lost Chapter of Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian,” online essay on “History kám-á-tiàm," 2021.3.22. (in Chinese)
  12. “When War Breaks Out over the Taiwan Strait: The Year 2046, War, Knowledge, and History of the Future,” online essay on “StoryStudio," 2022.2.15. (in Chinese)
Book Reviews
  1. “A Review of A Cultural History of Death in Medieval China, by Chien-lung Lu,” Historical Inquiry 43 (2009): 257-267. (THCI) (in Chinese)
  2. “A Review of Jo-shui Chen, Women's Culture and Family Life in Tang China,” Historical Inquiry 44 (2009): 195-204. (THCI) (in Chinese)
  1. “China, Imperial (3. Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties periods, c.581-960.),” in John M. MacKenzie, ed., The Encyclopedia of Empire  (Wiley Blackwell, 2015). (5000 words) 

2009, Ph.D., Department of History, National Taiwan University

Current and Previous Positions:
2010.7-2011.10, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2011.11-2020.4.12, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2020.4.13- , Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2009.9-2010.6, Postdoctoral Fellow, National Science Council, Taiwan
2014.1-2021.12, Deputy Director, Digital Humanity Research Center, Institute of History and Philology
2017.7-2021.12, Chief Coordinator, Research Center of Custom, Religion and Daily Life, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 
2021.3.15-2022.3.31, Visiting Scholar, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University


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