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Research Fellows


Shang-jen Li

Research Fellow and Director of MIHP


PhD, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College, University of London

Areas of Research

History of Medicine, History of Science

  1. “British Imperial Medicine in Late Nineteenth-Century China and the Early Career of Patrick Manson” (PhD diss., University of London, 1999).
  1. A Physician to Empire: Patrick Manson and the Founding of British Tropical Medicine, Taipei: Asian Culture Publishing, October 2012, 368 Pages.
Journal Articles
  1. 〈傅科的醫學考古學與醫學史〉,《臺灣社會研究季刊》28 (1997):209-234。
  2. 〈從病人的故事到個案病歷:西洋醫學在十八世紀中到十九世紀末的轉折〉,《古今論衡》5 (2000):139-146。
  3. “Natural History of Parasitic Disease: Patrick Manson's Philosophical Method,” Isis 93.2 (2002): 206-228.
  4. “British Medical Research on Leprosy in Late Nineteenth-Century China,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 74.3 (2003): 445-506. (in Chinese)
  5. “The Nurse of Parasites: Gender Concepts in Patrick Manson's Parasitological Research,” Journal of the History of Biology 37.1 (2004): 103-130.
  6. 〈健康的道德經濟:德貞論中國人的生活習慣和衛生〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》76.3 (2005):467-509。
  7. 〈如何書寫被排除者的歷史:金士伯格論傅科的瘋狂史研究〉,《科技、醫療與社會》3 (2005):175-227。
  8. 〈萬巴德、羅斯與十九世紀末英國熱帶醫學研究的物質文化〉,《新史學》17.4 (2006):145-194。
  9. 〈看見寄生蟲——萬巴德絲蟲研究中的科學實作〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》78.2 (2007):225-259。
  10. “Demonstration, Persuasion and Rumor: Medical Missions to Nineteenth-Century China,” Taiwanese Journal of Studies for Science, Technology, and Medicine 8 (2009): 9-75. (in Chinese)
  11. “Discovering ‘The Secrets of Long and Healthy Life’: John Dudgeon on Hygiene in China,” Social History of Medicine 23.1 (2010) : 21-37. [Society for the Social History of Medicine學刊,Oxford University Press發行]
  12. “British Military Medicine in the Second Anglo-Chinese War,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 82.3 (2011): 533-575. (in Chinese)
  13. 〈氣候、節制與健康:韓雅各論歐洲人在上海的衛生之道〉,《成大歷史學報》55 (2018.12):157-195。
  14. 〈科學、技術與醫療的歷史大圖像——論匹克史東的「致知之道」〉,《新史學》30.2 (2019.6):1-59。
  15. 〈疫情的個人書寫:事件、時間與歷史〉,《思想》44 (2022.1):161-175。
Book Chapters
  1. 〈腐物與骯髒感:十九世紀西方人對中國環境的體驗〉,收入余舜德主編,《體物入微——物與身體感的研究》(新竹:國立清華大學出版社,2008),頁45-82。
  2.  “Ghost, Vampire, and Scientific Naturalism: Observation and Evidence in the Supernatural Fiction of Grant Allen, Bram Stoker and Arthur Conan Doyle,” in Mu-chou Poo, ed., Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions (Leiden: Brill, 2009), pp.183-210.
  3. “John Nevius on Demon Possession in China,” in Fu-Shih Lin, ed., New History of China: Religion (Taipei: Academia Sinica & Linking Books, 2010), pp. 465-510. (in Chinese)
  4. “Eating Well in China: Diet and Hygiene in Nineteenth-Century Treaty Ports,” in Angela Ki Che Leung and Charlotte Furth, eds., Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. 109-131.
  5. 〈十九世紀中國通商港埠的衛生狀況:海關醫官的觀點〉,收入祝平一主編,《健康與社會:華人衛生新史》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2013),頁69-93。
  6. 〈晚清來華的西醫〉,收入中央研究院歷史語言研究所生命醫療史研究室主編,《中國史新論.醫療史分冊》(臺北:中央研究院、聯經出版公司,2015.6),頁527-571。
  7. 〈現代世界的物質史:《老科技的全球史》中譯本導言〉,收入李尚仁譯,《老科技的全球史》(The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900)(新北市:左岸文化,2016),頁9-34。
  8. 〈帝國、殖民與西方醫學〉,收入劉士永、王文基主編,《東亞醫療史:殖民、性別與現代性》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2017),頁101-123。
  9. “Visualisation in Parasitological Research: Patrick Manson and his Chinese Assistants,” in Vivienne Lo and Penelope Barrett, eds., Imagining Chinese Medicine (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018), pp. 457-466.
Book Editor
  1. 李尚仁主編,《臺灣社會研究季刊》54期「醫學、帝國主義與現代性」專號並撰寫專題導言 (2004.6)。
  2. 李尚仁主編,《帝國與現代醫學》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2008)。
  3. 李尚仁主編,「醫學史課程基本課程綱領」教學資源網站
Other Writings
  1. 〈醫學史與醫學教育〉,《醫望》19 (1997):67-70。
  2. 〈歐洲擴張與生態決定論:大衛.阿諾論環境史〉,《當代》170 (2001):18-29。
  3. 〈科技使用、軍火工業與英國沒落論的批評:大衛.艾傑頓 (David Edgerton) 的科技史史學關懷〉,《當代》176 (2002):12-21。
  4. 〈收藏的帝國:博物館作為科學研究機構的歷史〉,《博物館學季刊》17.2 (2003):37-44。
  5. 〈醫學、帝國主義與現代性:專題導言〉,《臺灣社會研究季刊》54 (2004):1-16。
  6. 〈若伊.波特:歷史學家與老師〉,若伊.波特 (Roy Porter) 著,王道還譯,《醫學簡史》(Blood & Guts: A Short History of Medicine)(臺北:商周出版社,2005),頁4-9。
  7. 醫學傳記辭典條目:“David Bruce (1855-1931)”, “Benjamin Hobson (1816-1873)”, “William Boog Leishman (1865-1926)”, “William Lockhart (1811-1896)”, “Patrick Manson (1844-1922)”, “Peter Parker (1804-1888),” in W. F. Bynum and Helen Bynum, eds., Dictionary of Medical Biography, 5 Volumes (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2007), pp. 271, 654-655, 780, 808, 844-846, 975-976.
  8. 〈吃在中國:十九世紀來華英國醫師的觀點〉,《中央研究院週報》1294 (2010.10.28):5-7。
  9. 〈推薦序:為性格特出的細菌獵人造像〉,Patrick Deville著,林韋君譯,《瘟疫與霍亂》(新北市:衛城出版,2014.8),頁5-12。
  10. 〈再版導讀:宏觀的疾病文明史〉,William H. McNeill著,楊玉齡譯,《瘟疫與人:傳染病對人類歷史的衝擊》(臺北:天下文化,2016.10),頁4-9。
  11. 李尚仁、陳順勝、陳恒安等著,《醫學博物館風景:臺灣踏查與國際交流》(新北:輔仁大學,2017.11)。
  12. 〈重讀《瘟疫與人》——疾病史研究的回顧〉,葉高樹主編,《歷史——經典導讀》(臺北:五南圖書出版公司,2019.6),頁143-162。
  13. 〈解答史上最著名的瘟疫之謎──黑死病〉,《故事》,2020.04.08。
  14. 〈宗教群聚與傳染病:19世紀的穆斯林朝聖爭議〉,《科學發展月刊》569 (2020.5):80-83。
  15. 〈防疫例外主義?脫歐、科技與英國疫情〉,《人文與科學簡訊》21.4 (2020.9):89-91。
  16. 〈排外與傳染恐懼:十九世紀在中國的兩場麻風調查〉,康豹、陳熙遠主編,《研下知疫:COVID-19的人文社會省思》(臺北:中央研究院出版中心,2021),頁57-70。
  17. 〈新版譯序:在疫情中面對醫學的張力〉,李尚仁譯,哈利.柯林斯 (Harry Collins) 、崔佛.平區 (Trevor Pinch) 著,《醫學的張力:醫學自帶的安慰劑效應、療效不確定和群我衝突》 (Dr. Golem: How to Think about Medicine, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008) (臺北:左岸文化出版社,2021.9),頁343-356。
  18. 〈疫病與政治:COVID-19與美國大選〉,林文源與「記疫」團隊編,《記疫:臺灣人文社會的疫情視野與行動備忘錄》(臺北:大塊出版,2022),頁376-383。
Book Reviews
  1. 〈評介Christopher Hamlin, Public Health and Social Justice in the Age of Chadwick: Britain, 1800-1854〉,《新史學》9.4 (1998):203-208。
  2. “Review: Carol Benedict, Bubonic Plague in Nineteenth-Century China,” Medical History 43 (1999): 143-144.
  3. 〈評介David Arnold, Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epedemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India〉,《新史學》10.4 (1999):159-167。
  4. 〈評介Jan Golinski, Making Natural Knowledge: Constructivism and the History of Science〉,《新史學》12.3 (2001):191-197。
  5. “Review of Douglas M. Haynes, Imperial Medicine: Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease,” Isis 93.3 (2002): 510-511.
  6. 〈評Warwick Anderson, The Cultivation of Whiteness: Science, Health, and Racial Destiny in Australia〉,《臺灣社會研究季刊》54 (2004):213-218。
  7. 〈評Nayan Shah, Contagious Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco's Chinatown〉,《新史學》16.2 (2005):197-204。
  8. 〈評介 Fa-ti Fan, British Naturalists in Qing China: Science, Empire and Cultural Encounter〉,《文化研究 Router》創刊號 (2005):245-249。
  9. “Review: Danian Hu, China and Albert Einstein: The Reception of the Physicist and his Theory in China, 1917-1979,” Annals of Science 64.1 (2007): 115-118.
  10. “Book Review: Guihan Luo. Jin dai xi fang shi Huan Sheng wu shi [History of Western Botanical and Zoological Studies in China],” Isis 99.2 (June, 2008): 380-381.
  11. “Book Review: Yang Nianqun. Zaizao Bingren: Zhong Xi Yi Chongtu Xia De Kongjian Zhengzhi, 1832-1985 [Remaking “Patients”: Politics of Space in the Conflicts between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, 1832-1985],” East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal 3.1 (2009): 133-136.
  12. “Book Review: Michael Shiyung Liu, Prescribing Colonization: The Role of Medical Practices and Policies in Japan-Ruled Taiwan, 1895-1945,” Medical History 55.4 (2011): 565-566.
  13. “Review: Sigrid Schmalzer, People's Peking Man: Popular Science and Human Identity in Twentieth-Century in China,” Annals of Science 69.3 (2012): 443-446.
  14. “Review: Jia-Chen Fu, The Other Milk: Reinventing Soy in Republican China,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 94.1 (2020): 148-150.
  15. 評:劉紹華著,《疫病與社會的十個關鍵詞》(春山出版社,2020)〉,《思想坦克》,2020.11.15。
  16. 斷裂與連續:評《現代醫學在台灣》〉,《思想坦克》,2020.12.13。
  17. “Review: Zhou Xun, The People's Health: Health Intervention and Delivery in Mao's China, 1949-1983,” Medical History 65.4 (2021): 425-436.
  18. 疫情的裂痕、記憶的政治:林文源與「記疫」團隊〉,《思想坦克》,2023.2.10。
  19. 出沒在德意志大地的歷史幽靈──評《歐洲鬼地方》(莫妮卡.布萊克著,衛城出版社,2023)〉,《思想坦克》,2023.4.4。
  1. 李尚仁、方俊育合譯,大衛.艾傑頓 (David Edgerton) 著,〈從創新到使用:十道兼容並蓄的科技史史學提綱〉(From Innovation to Use: Ten Eclectic Theses on the Historiography of Technology),收入吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟主編,《STS讀本II:科技渴望性別》(臺北:群學出版社,2004),頁131-170。
  2. 李尚仁譯,克爾.瓦丁頓 (Keir Waddington) 著,《歐洲醫療五百年》 (An Introduction to the Social History of Medicine: Europe since 1500, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) (臺北:左岸文化出版社,2014)。
  3. 李尚仁譯,哈利.柯林斯 (Harry Collins)、崔佛.平區 (Trevor Pinch) 著,《科倫醫生吐真言:醫學爭議教我們的二三事》 (Dr. Golem: How to Think about Medicine, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008) (臺北:左岸文化出版社,2016)。再版:《醫學的張力:醫學自帶的安慰劑效應、療效不確定和群我衝突》(臺北:左岸文化出版社,2021.9)。
  4. 李尚仁譯,大衛.艾傑頓 (David Edgerton) 著,《老科技的全球史》(The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900),科技部經典翻譯計畫成果(新北市:左岸文化,2016)。
  5. 李尚仁譯,普拉提克.查克拉巴提(Pratik Chakrabarti)著,《醫療與帝國:從全球史看現代醫學的誕生》(Medicine and Empire, 1600-1960, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)(臺北:左岸文化出版社,2019)。

1995, MSc, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College, University of London
1999, PhD, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College, University of London

Current and Previous Positions:
2016-  , Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2008-2016, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2001-2008, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2012.10-2015.10, Chairperson of Anthropology Department, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2023.4- , Director, Museum of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
1999-2000, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL.
2008-2012, 2016- , Editorial Board Member, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal
2008-2021, Secretary to the Asian Society for the History of Medicine
2011-2012, Editorial Board Member, Xin Shi Xue (New History)
2011.11- , Editorial Board Member, Medical History
2012.10-2015.10, Editorial Board Member, 2016.10.13-2017.3.9, Secretary, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica
2013.1.1-2015.12.31, Associate Editor,  East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal
2021.1- , Editorial Board Member, Social History of Medicine (Society for the Social History of Medicine, Oxford University Press)

  1. 2005, Junior Research Investigator Award, Academia Sinica
  2. 2006.8-2007.8, Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholarship
  3. 2013, The 2nd Scholarly Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica (A Doctor to Empire: Patrick Manson and the Founding of British Tropical Medicine)
  4. 2020-2024, Academia Sinica Investigator Award
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