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林毓生 Yu-sheng Lin






  1. The Crisis of Chinese Consciousness: Radical Antitraditionalism in the May Fourth Era (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1979); Chinese edition: tr. Mu Shanpei (Guiyang: People’s Press of Guizhou, 1986; 2nd rev. ed., 1988); Japanese edition: tr. Matsuyuki  Maruyama and Cheng-ti Chen (Tokyo: Kenbun Shuppan, 1989); Korean edition: tr. Byung Joo Lee (Seoul: Taegwang Munhwasa, 1990).
  2. 《殷海光‧林毓生書信錄》(The Correspondence between Yin Hai-kuang and Lin Yu-sheng), co-author (Taipei: Shih-ku Press, 1981, 2nd ed., 1984); With a new “Foreword” by Lin Yu-sheng (Shanghai: Shanghai Far Eastern Press, 1994, 2nd printing, 1996); An expanded and newly edited edition (Changchun: Jilin Publishing Group, 2008).
  3. 《思想與人物》(Thoughts and Personalities) (Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, 1982; 10th printing, 2001).
  4. 《中国传统的创造性转化》(The Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition) (Beijing: Joint Publishing Company, 1988; 2nd printing, 1992).
  5. 《政治秩序與多元社會:社會思想論叢》(Political Order and Pluralistic Society: Essays in Social Thought) (Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, 1989; 3rd printing, 2001).
  6. 《热烈与冷静》(The Fusion of Passion and Reason: Selected Essays of Lin Yu-sheng), ed. Zhu Xueqin in a series entitled Harvests of Distinguished Scholars ( Shanghai: Shanghai Literary Publishing Co., 1998)
  7. 《 中國激進思潮的起源與後果》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2019)。
  8. 《現代知識的貴族精神》(香港:香港中文大學,2020)。
  1. “Radical Iconoclasm in the May Fourth Period and the future of Chinese Liberalism,” in Benjamin I. Schwartz, ed., Reflections on the May Fourth Movement (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1972), 23-58. Chinese translation by Liu Cheng-yun, Hsu Ch’eng-ch’i and Huang Chin-hsing, edited and with a new Introduction by the author, in Chou Yang-shan, ed., The May Fourth [Movement] and China (in Chinese) (Taipei: China Times Press, 1979), 323-374.
  2. “The Suicide of Liang Chi: An Ambiguous Case of Moral Conservatism,” in Charlotte Furth ed., The Limits of Change: Essays on Conservative Alternatives in Republican China (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976), 151-168. Chinese translation by Ch’en Chung-hsin and Ch’en Jo-shui, edited and with a new introduction by the author, in Chou Yang-shan and Yang Su-hsien, eds., Modern Chinese Thought and Personalities: Volume V, Conservatism (in Chinese) (Taipei: China Times Press, 1980), 155-182; Xu Jilin, ed., Essays on Twentieth-Century Chinese Intellectual History, Vol. II (Shanghai: Asian Center for Publications, 2000), 235-254.
  3. “The Iconoclastic Thought of the May Fourth Period and the Crisis of Chinese Consciousness,” (in Chinese) in Chou Yu-shang ed., Essays on the May Fourth Movement (in Chinese) (Taipei: Chengwen Publishing Company,1980), 479-489.
  4. “On the Relationship between Freedom and Authority,” (in Chinese) in Shao Yu-ming ed., Essays on Our Times (in Chinese) (Taipei: I-cheng publishing Company, 1983), 437-446.
  5. “The Origins and Implications of Modern Chinese Scientism in Early Republican China: A Case Study--the Debate on ‘Science vs. Metaphysics’ in 1923,” Proceedings of the Conference on the Early History of the Republic of China, 1912-1927 (Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 1984), 1181-1201.
  6. “The Morality of Mind and Immorality of Politics: Reflections on Lu Xun, the Intellectual,” in Leo O. Lee, ed., Lu Xun and His Legacy (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985), 107-128; Chinese translation by the author based on the draft prepared by Chen Chung-hsin in Reading Monthly (Beijing), 2 (February 1987), 38-57.
  7. “Reluctance to Modernize: the Influence of Confucianism on China’ Search for Political Modernity,” in Joseph P. L. Jiang, ed., Confucianism and Modernizatioin (Taipei: Freedom Council, 1987), 21-33.
  8. “The ‘Unity of Heaven and Man’ in Chinese Thought: Some Historical Implications,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sinology (Taipei: Academia Sinica, 1989), Section of History and Archaeology, 251-264.
  9. “A Reconsideration of the May Fourth Enlightenment: the Ideologization of May Fourth Ideas” (in Chinese) in the Bureau of Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ed., The May Fourth Movement and the Construction of Chinese Culture: Selected Papers From the Conference Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement (in Chinese) (Beijing: the Social Sciences Press, 1989), 139-146; Chou Yang-shan ed., From the May Fourth Movement to the New May Fourth Movement (in Chinese) (Taipei: China Times Press, 1989), 122-131.
  10. “Transcending [the Limitations of] May Fourth for the Realization of [the Goals of] May Fourth: A Reply to Mr. Wang Yuan-hua,” (in Chinese) in Lin Yu-sheng et al. May Fourth: Pluralistic Reflections (in Chinese) (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 1989), 28-45.
  11. “The Crisis of Chinese Consciousness and the Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition,” (in Chinese) in The Editorial Department of the Joint Publishing Company (Hong Kong) ed., The Sorrows of the Year of Dragon (in Chinese) (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 1989), 45-51.
  12. “On the Beijing Student Movement of 1989 and the Future of Chinese Democracy: the Pessimistic Views of a Chinese Liberal” (in Chinese), in Wang Kungwu et al. Whither China? (in Chinese) (NJ: Global Publishing Company, 1990), 63-70.
  13. “The Historical Significance of Yin Hai-kuang’s Views of Democracy and the Future of Democratic Theory in China,” (in Chinese) in Wei Cheng-tung et al.  Liberal Democratic Thought and Culture: Essays in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Death of Yin Hai-kuang (in Chinese) (Taipei: Independent Daily News Press, 1990), 214-225.
  14. “A Brief Discussion of the Critique of Marxism by Western Liberalism,” (in Chinese) in Su Xiaokang ed., From the May Fourth [Movement] to the “River Elegy” (in Chinese) (Taipei: Fengyun Publishing Company, 1992), 291-304.
  15. “The Historical Significance of the Debate on ‘Problems vs. Isms’,” (in Chinese) in Yu Ying-shih et al. Intellectuals during Transformations in Chinese History (in Chinese) (Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, 1992), 63-71; Liu Qingfeng ed., Hu Shih and the Emergence of Modern Chinese Culture (in Chinese) (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1994), 3-10; Xu Jilin, ed., Essays on Twentieth-Century Chinese Intellectual History, Vol. I (Shanghai: Asian Center for Publications, 2000), 296-303. Japanese translation: Chugoku: Shakai to Bunka, 8 (June, 1993), 252-258.
  16. “The Significance of Benjamin I. Schwartz’s Intellectual Historiography,” (In Chinese) in Charles W. H. Fu and Yang-shan chou eds., Western Sinologists on China (in Chinese) Taipei: Chengchung Publishing Co., 1993), 79-93.
  17. “The Chinese Intelligentsia and Politics” (in Chinese), in Yu Ying-shih et al. New Views of the May Fourth [Movement] (in Chinese) (Taipei, Linking Publishing Co., 1999), 87-102.
  18. “Reflections on the ‘Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition’,” translated from the Chinese by Michael S. Duke and Josephine Chiu-Duke with further revision by the author in Karl-Heinz Pohl ed., Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue between Chinese and Western Philosophical Approaches (Leiden: Brill, 1999), 73-114.
  19. “Two Concepts of Political Order—Including a Discussion on Freedom and Toleration,” (in Chinese) in Han Shuifa, ed., How is Social Justice Possible—Political Philosophy in China (Guangzhou: Guangzhou Publishing Company, 2000), 281-322.
  20. “Radical Antitraditionalism in Twentieth-Century China, Chinese Marxism-Leninism, and the Maoist Utopianism,” (in Chinese) in Xu Jilin, ed., Essays on Twentieth-Century Chinese Intellectual History, Vol. I (Shanghai: Asian Center for Publications, 2000), 441-488.  (This paper was first published in The New History (Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica), Vol. 6, No. 3 (September 1995), 95-154.
  21. “An Impartial View of Hu Shih,” (in Chinese) in Hao Bin and Ouyang Zhesheng eds, The May Fourth Movement and Twentieth-Century China (Beijing: Social Sciences Press, 2001), II, 834-842.
  22. “On the Form, Substance, and Prospects of Democratic Development in Taiwan,” (in Chinese) in Qu Haiyuan, Qian Yongxiang, and Gu Zhonghua eds. The Development and Problems of Liberalism (Taipei: The Laureate Press, 2002), 1-24.
  23. “On the Formation of New ‘World Images’ as ‘Switchmen’ of Historical Tracks,” (in Chinese) in The Cultural Foundation of China Times ed. The Construction of an Impartial and Just Society and the Space of Rationality (Taipei: China Times Press, 2003), 24-32.
  24. “The Formations of Genuine Questions and Max Weber’s Ideal-Typical analyses,” (in Chinese) Sifenxi Symposium, Vol. I, ed., Liu Ts’ui-jung (Taipei: Yunchen Publishing Co., 2006), 397-421.
  25. “The Bewilderment of China’s Modernity,” (in Chinese) in Song Xiaoxia ed., “Self-Awareness” and China’s Modernity (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2006), 3-25.
  1. “The Evolution of the Pre-Confucian Meaning of Jen 仁 and the Confucian Concept of Moral Autonomy,” Monumenta Serica, 31 (1974-75), 172-204.
  2. With Benjamin I. Schwartz, “Some Reflections on Modern and Contemporary Chinese Ideas, Culture, and Politics: A Dialogue,” (A bilingual article in English and Chinese) Ming Pao Monthly, 9:6 (June 1976), 3-20.
  3. “The Radical Iconoclasm of Lu Hsun,” Chine Moderne, Actes du XXIX Congres Internatioinal des Orientalistes, 1977
  4. “Notes on the Themes in The Crisis of Chinese Consciousness; Radical Antitraditionalism in the May Fourth Era,” Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter, 5:1 (October 1978)
  5. “Cultural Revolution in Modern China,” Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia (Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press, 1979)
  6. “Reflections on the Ideas of Freedom and Toleration of Hu Shih, Mao Tzu-shui, and Yin Hai-kuang--Including a Discussion of the ‘Ideal-typical’ Analysis in Intellectual History,” (in Chinese) The China Tribune, 256 (May 1986), 52-57; 257 (June 1986), 52-62.
  7. “Some Reflections on the Historical Implications of Cultural Contacts between China and the West: An Essay in Commemoration of the Centennial of the Birth of Dr. Carsun Chang,” (in Chinese) The Contemporary, 4 (August 1, 1986), 44-51.
  8. “The Distinctive Characteristics of Lu Xun’s Thought--Including a Discussion of Its Relationship to the Chinese Cosmology,” (in Chinese) The Lu Xun Studies Monthly, 55 (November 1986), 5-11.
  9. “Some Observations on Hu Shih’s Thought--Including a Discussion of the Ambiguities of His ‘Ibsenism’,” (in Chinese) The Literary Supplement of the United Daily News, special issue, May 4, 1986.
  10. “The Problematique of Lu Xun’s Views of Politics,” (in Chinese) Literary Stars Tribune, 112 (October 1, 1987), 24-32.
  11. “The Debate between Hu Shih and Liang Sou-ming Concerning Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies and its Historical Significance,” (in Chinese) Chinese Culture and Chinese Philosophy, 1988 (Beijing: Joint Publishing Company, 1990), 138-154.
  12. “Concerning The Crisis of Chinese Consciousness: A Reply to Sun Lung-kee,” (in Chinese) The 21st Century, 3 (February 1991), 136-150.
  13. “Why Is It So Difficult to Develop Civil Society in China?” (in Chinese) The China Times Weekly (Taipei and New York), 14 (April 5-11, 1992), 58-64; 15 (April 12-18, 1992) 38-42.
  14. “Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992): the Passing of an Intellectual Aristocrat,” (in Chinese) Hong Kong Economic Journal, 16:2 (May 1992), 28-30, reprinted in The Literary Supplement, United Daily News (Taipei), May 1, 1992, and Reading Monthly (Beijing), 9 (September 1992), 57-60.
  15. “Liberty Is Not Emancipation: Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992)’s Philosophy of Freedom” (in Chinese), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 16:4 (July 1992), 91-94, reprinted in The Literary Supplement, United Daily News (Taipei), July 2-3, 1992.
  16. “The Nature and Implications of Lu Xun’s Individualism--Including a Discussion of His Concept of National Character,” (in Chinese) The 21st Century, 12 (August 1992), 83-91, reprinted in The Lu Xun Studies Monthly 140 (December 1993), 32-38. Japanese translation: “Rojun no Kojinshugi no seihitsu to imi—“kokuminsei” mondai o kenronsee” tr., Ryosuke Ebina, Chugoku: Shakai to Bunka, 7(June 1992), 235-245.
  17. “The Chinese Enlightenment in the May Fourth Era from the Perspectives of the Scottish Enlightenment,” (in Chinese) Reading Monthly (in Chinese), 1 (January 1993), 89-99.
  18. “Anti-traditionalism in Modern and Contemporary China and Mao Zedong’s Utopianism,” (in Japanese) Iwanami Lectures on Modern Thought (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1994), vol. 15, 225-260.   
  19. “The Creative Transformation of Chinese Traditioin--Further Reflections,” (in Chinese) The Intellectual (New York), vol. 10, no. 1 (Autumn, 1994), 22-30; Res publica (Beijing), I (November 1995), 230-257; Xue shu ji lin (Shanghai), VI (1995), 191-222; Proceedings of the Conference on Art and Culture in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of National Museum of History (Taipei: National Museum of History, 1996), 171-206 (a revised and extended version, including extensive replies to comments by discussants and questions from the floor).
  20. “Taiwan’s Political Situation in the 1950s and Yin Hai-kuang’s Influence on the Formation of My Thought,” (in Chinese) The Academic Monthly (Shanghai: Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences Societies) 305 (October, 1994), 86-94.
  21. “Liberty, Democracy, and the Weberian Concept of the Ethics of Responsibility,” (in Chinese) Cultural China (Vancouver, B.C.), vol. 2, no. 3 (September 1995), 65-72.
  22. “On China’s Road to Modernization and Internal Cultural Predicament: A Dialogue with Liang Yen-ch’eng,” (in Chinese) Cultural China, vol. 3, no. 1 (March 1996), 6-15.
  23. “Two Dimensions of Intellectual Crisis in Contemporary China,” (in Chinese) Reading Monthly (Beijing), 213 (December 1996), 40-48.
  24. “A Critique of the New Confucianist Theory of ‘Extracting Democracy from Chinese Tradition’ and of Li Zehou’s Idea of ‘Adopting Western Material Substance for China’s Practice of Modernization’,” (in Chinese) Ming Pao, Section D, December 30, 1996.
  25. “A Critique of Max Weber’s Views of Confucianism,” (in Chinese) Journal of the Graduate School, Peking University, 57 (1999), 11-17.
  26. “A Dialogue between Confucius [and Mencius] and Kant concerning Human Rights,” (in Chinese) Ming Pao Monthly, vol. 35, no. 1 (January 2000), 59-63.
  27. “Conditions of Statesmanship,” (in Chinese) China Times Literary Supplement, May 15-19, 2000.
  28. “Remarks at Harvard University Memorial Service for Benjamin I. Schwartz (1916-1999),” Philosophy East and West, Vol. 51, No. 2 (April 2001), 187-188.
  29. “Introduction to Benjamin I. Schwartz’ ‘China and Contemporary Millenarianism—Something New Under the Sun’,” Philosophy East and West, Vol. 51, No. 2 (April 2001), 189-192.
  30. “Tentative Suggestions for the Proper and Viable Developments of the Humanities and Social Sciences,” (in Chinese) Newsletter of the Humanities and Social Sciences (National Science Council, Taiwan) June, 2001, 1-6.

美國芝加哥大學博士 (1970)

中央研究院歷史語言研究所通信研究員 (2012.8-2022.11.22)
中央研究院歷史語言研究所兼任研究員 (1983.8-2012.7)
美國威斯康辛大學名譽教授 (2004-2022)
美國威斯康辛大學教授、副教授、助理教授 (1970-2004)
Counselor, Academy of Chinese Culture, Beijing (1988- )
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of East Asian Philosophies, Singapore (1988-1990)
Member, Academic Advisory Committee, Institute of European and American Studies (1997- )
Scholar-in-Residence (April-May, 2000), Rockefeller Foundation's Study and Conference Center
      (Villa Serbelloni), Bellagio, Italy
Distinguished Research Professor, Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy,
      Academia Sincia (2001-2003)
Member, Academic Advisory Committee, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (2006-2010)
Visiting Professor of East Asian Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Spring Semester 2008)
Specially Appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor of History, National Taiwan University (2009-2010)
Visiting Professor in the Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (Fall Semester
Correspondence Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (2012—)
Visiting Professor at the Chinese Civilization Centre, City University of Hong Kong (Spring Semester 2014)
Fudan-Distinguished Lecturer in Political Economy (2014)

中央研究院院士 (1994)
Honorary Professor, The Chinese Academy of Arts (2002-2022)
