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Between Wars in Beijing: Taking Stock of the Taiping Northern Invasion in Mid-1850s Zhili

講    者:Emily Mokros (肯塔基大學歷史系副教授)

題    目:Between Wars in Beijing: Taking Stock of the Taiping Northern Invasion in Mid-1850s Zhili (戰間北京:重思1850年代中葉太平天國戰爭下的直隸省)


主持人:李仁淵 (本所副研究員)

時    間:2024年6月19日(三)下午3:00

地    點:本所研究大樓七樓702會議室

主    辦:中研院史語所制度與社會研究室


摘要:This talk will survey local gazetteers, militia-raising chronicles, commemorative records, and privately authored war histories authored during and in the immediate aftermath of the Taiping rebellion’s invasion of North China. Composed between 1853 and 1860, these texts were produced as the capital region remained unsettled, due to the heavy costs of the empire’s military campaigns, the destruction of the Yellow River floods, and a chaotic assemblage of new monetary policies. I argue that the “unfinished” nature of the Taiping War is crucial to understanding the motives and objectives of these narratives, martyrologies, and compilations, which were composed without knowledge of the eventual outcome of the war.
