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Research Fellows


Ling-Wei Kung

Assistant Research Fellow


Ph.D., History & East Asian Studies, Columbia University

Areas of Research

Late Imperial China and Eurasia, History of Technology and Science, Global History, Inner Asian Philology

Ling-Wei Kung is a historian of early modern/modern China and Inner Asia, with a focus on information, technology, and knowledge in international and comparative contexts. He received a B.A., summa cum laude in History from National Taiwan University (2012), and his M.A. (2015), M.Phil. (2018), and Ph.D. (2021) in History and East Asian Studies from Columbia University. His current book project, tentatively entitled “The Great Convergence: Information Circulation, International Trade, and Knowledge Transmission Between Early Modern China, Inner Asia, and Eurasia,” investigates the Eurasian integration of knowledge systems from Inner Asia, the middle ground between China, India, and Russia. Supplementing modern and classical Chinese sources with multilingual materials in Tibetan, Mongolian, Manchu, Japanese, Russian, and a range of European languages, his research goes beyond the limits of the metropole-periphery discourse by shedding light on the mobility, indigeneity, and transnationalism of Tibetan, Mongolian, and Uyghur societies in the making of the modern world. He is embarking on his second project entitled “Human Bodies and the Universe: Medicine, Environment, and Knowledge in Early Modern China and Eurasia.” Engaging in the scholarship of world history and comparative imperialism, this future project will explore how ideas of body, materiality, and religion from the Buddhist, Islamic, and Christian cultures interacted in the Mongol and Qing empires. He has published more than ten articles in academic journals, including Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, New History, and Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines.
He has held visiting fellowships at Kyoto University and Kyushu University. His research has been supported by the American Council of Learned Societies, the Social Science Research Council, the Library of Congress, the Japan Foundation, the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology, the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, the Donald Keene Center for Japanese Studies, the Henry Luce Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the Tang Prize Foundation, and the China Times Cultural Foundation. 

  1. “The Great Convergence: Information Circulation, International Trade, and Knowledge Transmission Between China, Inner Asia, and Eurasia, 1621–1911” (PhD diss., Columbia University, 2021.6).
  2. “Falling from the Throne: The Decline of the Tibetan Monasteries in Gansu and the Rise of Their Mongolian Successors in Kokonor, 1644-1795” (MA thesis, Columbia University, 2015.5).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
  1. 孔令偉、陳曉筠,〈《平定海寇方略》滿漢文本對勘・卷一(2)〉,《古今論衡》42 (2024.6,待刊)。
  2. 〈清朝初期與西藏之間的資訊流通與政教關係〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》(待刊)。
  3. 〈從滿文媒介看清朝資訊在江戶日本之流通〉,《成大歷史學報》66 (2024.6,待刊)。
  4. 林宏哲、孔令偉,〈《通典》〈邊防典〉譯注(一)〈序〉〉,《古今論衡》42 (2024.6):209-228。
  5. 〈集會之門:十五至十七世紀張家口堡基礎建設以及漢蒙滿資訊流通〉,《故宮學術季刊》41.4 (2024.6):89-138。
  6. “Textual Comparison of Manchu and Han ‘Pingding haikou fanglüe’, Introduction,” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 41 (2023.12): 140-144. (In Chinese)
  7. Ling-Wei Kung & Xin-ping Li, “Textual Comparison of Manchu and Han ‘Pingding haikou fanglüe’ Volume One (1),” Disquisitions on the Past & Present  41 (2023.12):173-201.  (In Chinese)
  8. “Suningga’s Wanli huijiang tu and the Qing Geographic Knowledge of Xinjiang in the Late Eighteenth Century,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica 94.3 (2023.9):573-651. (In Chinese)
  9. “Qianlong’s Imperial Manuscript Rehe Examination Kesi and the Prosperous Qing Geographical Knowledge,” Monthly Journal of the Palace Museum 476 (2022.11): 34-43. (In Chinese)
  10. “The Imperial Lama Tsultrim Zangpo Rapjampa, the Qing Mapping of Tibet and Global Circulation of Geographic Knowledge,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica 92.3 (2021.9): 603-648. (In Chinese)
  11. “An Annotated Translation of Chahar Géshé’s Oyirads Royal Genealogy (Oi rod kyi rgyal rabs),” Oyirad Studies 6 (2020.12): 25-34. (In Chinese)
  12. “Tibetan Buddhist Material Culture in the Qing Court and the Religious Mentalities of the Qianlong Emperors,” Journal of Tibetology 22 (2020.6): 328-341. (In Chinese)
  13. “Chen Yinke and Oriental Philology: A Reflection on the Future of Inner Asian History and Philology,” New History 31.1 (2020.3): 53-102. (In Chinese)
  14. “Communication and Translation of Intelligence Documents Between Ladakh and the Qing Court,” China Tibetology 2019.3: 114-124. (In Chinese)
  15. “Historical Effects of Tibetan Buddhism on Torghuts’ Eastward Movement: A Study of Newfound Tibetan Manuscripts,” China Tibetology 2019.1: 125-136. (In Chinese)
  16. “A Review of the Debates on the Well-field System in the Western Zhou Dynasty since the 20th Century,” Shi-yuan 30 (2018.9): 63-81.
  17. “Eurasian Intelligence Networks Between Ladakh, Tibet, and the Qing Dynasty, 1724-1768: A Study on Qing China’s First Recognition of Mughal India,” The Qing History Journal 2018.2: 27-48. (In Chinese)
  18. “Transformation of Qing’s Geopolitics: Power Transitions Between Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in Amdo, 1644-1795,” Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 45 (2018.4): 110-144. (In English)
  19. “Between Statutes and Dharma: The Regulation and the Punishment of the Mongolian Monks in the Early Qing Period,” Journal of History and Anthropology 15.2 (2017.10): 187-220. (In Chinese)
  20. “The Networks Between the Oyirad-un Yeke Küriy-e, Tibet, and the Qing Dynasty: A Study on Tibetan Documents Found in Xinjiang Recently,” trans. by Nobuaki Murakami, Quaestiones Mongolorum Disputatae 13 (2017.7): 11-24. (In Japanese)
  21. (Co-authored with Oyunbilig), “The Origin and the Meanings of ‘Five Colors and Four Vassals’ in Mongolian Historiography,” Ethno-National Studies 2016.2: 85-97. (In Chinese)
  22. “The Development of Tibetan Monasteries in Amdo and the Mongolian Factors during Ming-Qing Dynasties: A Study on Tibetan Monks in the Manchu-Mongolian Routine Memorials of the Lifanyuan,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica 86.4 (2015.12): 855-910. (In Chinese)
Book Chapters
  1. “King’s  New Clothes: Fake Tribute and False Information between the Tibetan Ganden Phodrang and the Early Qing Dynasty,” Manipulating the Media: Communications and Representation of Information in China since Early Modern Times (Forthcoming).
  2. 〈史語所的語文學傳承與發展〉,收入李貞德主編,《挑戰與新生——中央研究院歷史語言研究所九十五周年所慶論文集》(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2024.6),頁313-336。
  3. 〈依違於清俄帝國之間:歐亞史視野下的阿睦爾撒納與準噶爾汗國〉,收入陳正國主編,《1723,世界史的11扇窗:接觸、匯聚與開創,從全球史中的人物,看見現代世界的格局與變化》(臺北:聯經出版社,2023.12),頁64-87。
  4. “The History of Buddhism Among the Zünghars,” Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume Four: History (Leiden: Brill, 2023), pp. 69-74.
  5. Outline History and Foreign Thoughts,” Returning to the Outline History (Taipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd., 2023), pp. 176-213. (In Chinese)
  6. “Beyond Dispersal and Colonization: Foreign Immigration in the Inner Asian Region during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,” in Shi-Xu Wu ed., Yi Wu Lv Jiang Zuo Shi Lu, Volume 1 (Shenyang: Liaohai Publishing House, 2021), pp. 257-286. (In Chinese)
  7. “The Convergence of Śūraṅgama Mantra and Sitātapatrā Dhāraṇī in Da-Zang-Quan-Zhou: A Study on the Manchu Transliteration of Tibetan Mantra and its Influence on Philology in the Qing Dynasty,” in Shen Weirong ed., Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies: Texts, People, Images, and History (Beijing: Chinese Tibetology Press, 2013), pp. 640-650. (In Chinese)
  8. “Comparative Research on the Manchu Translations of Diamond Sūtra: Manchu Identity and Official Translation of Buddhist Texts in the Qing Dynasty,” in Shen Weirong ed., History through Textual Criticism: Tibetan Buddhism in Central Eurasia and China Proper (Beijing: Chinese Tibetology Press, 2012), pp. 455-496. (In Chinese)
Book Editor
  1. Ling-Wei Kung & Riga Shakya eds., Waxing Moon: Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies (New York: Columbia University Libraries, 2021.2), vol. 1, ISSN: 2694-6149. 
  2. Ling-Wei Kung & Riga Shakya eds., Waxing Moon: Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies (New York: Columbia University Libraries,2022.9), vol. 2, ISSN: 2694-6149.
Conference Papers
  1. “Revisiting Qing Campaign History of Conquering Taiwan,” presented at “Workshop on Taiwan Studies in Transition: Sources, Theories, and Approaches,”International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, May 2, 2024.
  2. 〈從清宮藏傳佛教物質文化看乾隆帝的政教觀念〉,發表於國立臺北藝術大學音樂學系研究所主辦,「藏族性建構的多元面向」線上研討會,臺北:臺北藝術大學音樂學系研究所,2024年4月2日。
  3. “Translating Sovereignty: The Tibet Conventions between Britain and China, 1904-1906”,發表於中央研究院關鍵突破種子計畫:「清帝國對明鄭臺灣歷史記憶與族群認同的重構——中研院史語所藏《平定海寇方略》滿、漢文本研究」主辦,「二十世紀中國與東亞國際史研究新趨」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2024年3月7日。
  4. “The Source of the Yellow River: Territorial Expansions, Power Discourse, and Knowledge Construction in Late Imperial China”,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所文化思想史研究室、世界史研究室、中央研究院關鍵突破種子計畫「清帝國對明鄭臺灣歷史記憶與族群認同的重構——中研院史語所藏《平定海寇方略》滿、漢文本研究」主辦,「知識的跨境與感染:知識史工作坊」工作坊,專題:「帝國邊緣的經濟體:財產、環境與族群」, 臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年12月19日。
  5. “Borders, Bribes, and Bridge: Qing–Tibetan Debates over Dartsédo”,發表於中央研究院明清研究推動委員會主辦,「2023中央研究院明清研究」國際學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年12月14日。
  6. 〈察哈爾格西《厄魯特王統世系》所見準噶爾歷史記憶〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所與捷克科學院亞非研究所合作主辦,「Ethnicity and National Identity-Building in Modern China in International Context」國際學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年11月29-30日。 
  7. 〈白傘與楞嚴:多語種佛教文本所見中古至近世中國與內亞的政教關係〉,發表於中央研究院「東亞文化交流視域下的城市書寫」主題計畫、聖嚴教育基金會「漢傳佛教四百年」計畫、中央研究院與國立臺灣大學創新性合作計畫「古代至近世中國與歐亞世界間的政治與宗教關係」主辦,「法界安立:東亞文化交流視域下的佛教文化與政教關係」工作坊,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2023年11月24-25日。
  8. 〈打箭爐視閾下清朝前期與西藏政府之政教關係〉,發表於東京大學大學院人文社會研究科中國思想文化學研究室「東亞文化交流視域中的城市書寫」計畫主辦,「東亞文化交流視域下的思想、文化與宗教」國際學術研討會,東京:東京大學東洋文化研究所,2023年11月17-18日。
  9. “Postal Routes, Geographic Knowledge, and Historical Memory: Central Asia in Qing Cartography,” presented at “Conference on Postal Routes from China to Central Asia from the Yuan to the Qing Dynasties,” University of Bonn, November 10-13, 2023.
  10. 〈五世達賴喇嘛之死:內亞政教同溫層與清朝的西藏資訊危機〉,發表於輔仁大學歷史學系主辦,「第19屆文化交流史:文化的碰撞與誤解」國際學術研討會,新北:天主教輔仁大學,2023年11月3日。
  11. 〈近百年來清朝與內亞史之發展回顧〉,發表於中國人民大學清史研究所主辦,「中國新史學的過去、現在與未來——紀念梁啟超先生誕辰150周年」學術研討會,北京:中國人民大學清史研究所,2023年10月21-22日。
  12. 〈史語所的語文學傳承及發展〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,「挑戰與新生——歷史語言研究所慶祝九十五周年」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年10月17-18日。
  13. “Beyond the Tianxia: Political and Religious Relations between the Qing Empire and Tibet,” presented at “Tianxia’: dialogue between contemporary Chinese philosophy, history and IR studies,” East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo, September 28, 2023.
  14. “Information Circulation of Eurasian Knowledge between Kalmykia, Tibet, and the Qing Empire”,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所112年度第十三次學術講論會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年9月18日。
  15. 〈從十七世紀張家口的信息網絡看明朝與蒙滿關係〉,發表於內蒙古師範大學主辦,「多語種文獻與中國北疆民族史研究」國際學術研討會,內蒙古:內蒙古師範大學,2023年9月1-5日。
  16. “Assembling Gate: Information Circulation between Manchus, Mongols, and the Ming Dynasty in Kalgan,” presented at “Conference on Border-Crossing in the Ming,” Columbia University, August 18-20, 2023.
  17. “Amursanaa and Central Euraisa in the Eighteenth Century,” presented at International Congress of Eighteenth Century Studies, “The World in 1723 and thereafter: Conversations of Microhistory and the World History,” Sapienza University of Rome, July 3-7, 2023.
  18. “In Search of the Yellow River: Imperial Expeditions, Knowledge Production, and Political Discourse in the Qing Empire,” presented at “2023 AAS in Asia / The 8th AAS in Asia Conference,” panel: Land and Water: Knowledge and People in Motion on Two Frontiers of Qing China, Kyungpook National University (KNU), Daegu, Korea, June 24, 2023.
  19. 〈滿洲語文在清朝與日本資訊流通之作用〉,發表於中央研究院關鍵突破種子計畫:「清帝國對明鄭臺灣歷史記憶與族群認同的重構——中研院史語所藏《平定海寇方略》滿、漢文本研究」主辦,「由內亞與海洋重訪明清中國」工作坊,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年6月7日。
  20. 〈集會之門:十五至十七世紀張家口基礎建設以及漢蒙滿資訊流通〉,發表於The James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation「A Conference on Border-Crossing in the Ming」計畫、中國明代研究學會、中央研究院歷史語言研究所合辦,「2023明代跨界史研究」國際會議,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年6月1日。
  21. 〈近世中國與內陸亞洲佛教研究之新趨〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所與法國遠東學院臺北中心主辦,「亞洲歷史與文化研究的新方向——法國遠東學院台北中心與中研院合作三十週年慶祝」會議,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年5月18日。
  22. 〈三十年來清朝與內亞史之發展(1993-2023)〉,發表於中央大學歷史研究所主辦,財團法人中國醫藥研究發展基金會協辦,「三十而歷:中央大學歷史所創所暨臺灣近世史學研究三十週年紀念」學術研討會,桃園:中央大學歷史研究所,2023年5月11日。
  23. 〈明清中國與中央歐亞間的移民議題及其歷史意義〉,發表於中央研究院關鍵突破種子研究計畫「清帝國對明鄭臺灣歷史記憶與族群認同的重構——中研院史語所藏《平定海寇方略》滿、漢文本研究」主辦,「內亞、海洋與全球史」座談會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年4月24日。
  24. 〈乾隆帝〈喇嘛說〉漢、滿、蒙、藏 四體文本再研究——以史語所藏拓片為核心〉,發表於「論乾隆皇帝與金瓶掣簽」國際學術研討會,四川大學中國藏學研究所,2023年2月26日。
  25. 〈清朝初期與西藏之間的政教關係與資訊蒐集〉,發表於中央研究院明清研究推動委員會、中央研究院歷史語言研究所、日本九州大學、國立臺灣歷史博物館與成功大學歷史系主辦,「內亞與海洋:明清中央檔案、地方文書及域外史料」國際學術會議,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2022年12月3日。
  26. 〈教法、國法與方法:滿文「法」詞彙與清帝國規範性知識〉,發表於中國人民大學中華文史跨學科交叉平台、中國人民大學清史研究所、《清史研究》編輯部舉辦,「清代法律的多樣性與統一性」學術研討會(線上會議),2022年9月24日。
  27. 〈教法、國法與方法:滿文『法』辭彙與清帝國秩序規範〉,發表於中央研究院近代史研究所主辦,「滿文關鍵詞與關鍵概念:清帝國中的語詞形塑與文化再造」工作坊,2022年3月25日。
  28. “Mapping the Ganges: Buddhist Monks, Imperial Cartography, and Global Knowledge,” presented at “2022 AHA virtual workshop of Knowledge Formation, State Building, and Transregional Integration: Modern China’s Understandings of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa,” American Historical Association (AHA), February 25, 2022.
  29. 〈蘇寧阿《萬里回疆圖》與十八世紀後期清朝的新疆地理知識〉,發表於中央研究院明清研究推動委員會及臺灣史研究所主辦,歷史語言研究所、近代史研究所及中國文哲研究所協辦,「2021中央研究院明清研究國際學術研討會」,臺北:中央研究院,2021年12月15-17日。
  30. “The Fifth Dalai Lama’s Death and the Sino-Tibetan Economy in the Late Seventeenth Century”,發表於文化部、國史館及國立政治大學民族學系合辦,「歐陽無畏教授逝世三十周年紀念研討會」(CISCO WebEx 線上研討會),2021年10月9日。
  31. “Between Imperiality and Locality: Imperial Envoy Lama Tsultrim Zangpo Rapjampa and Geographical Knowledge of the Himalayas in Qing China and the World,” presented at “the Workshop of Locality and Geographical Knowledge,” Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Department III, July 1, 2020.
  32. “Lama, Spy, and Cartographer: Formation of Qing Intelligence System in Tibet and Globalization of Himalayan Geographic Knowledge,” presented at “the Harvard-Yenching Workshop of Frontier and the (Un)Making of China,” Chiang Mai University, January 24, 2020.
  33. “Manchu Studies and Internal Exchanges of Knowledge in Japan and Germany during the 18th Century,” presented at “the Fourth International Conference of Japanese Studies in East Asia,” National Taiwan University, November 2, 2019.
  34. “Cross-Lingual Networks between Ladakh, Tibet, and Qing China in the 18th Century,” presented at “the ACLS-Chicago Workshop of Literary Culture across Eurasia: East Asian International Literary History,” University of Chicago, October 19, 2019.
  35. “Eurasian Intelligence Networks between Ladakh, Tibet, and the Qing Court, 1724-1768: A Study on Qing China’s First Recognition of Mughal India,” presented at “the 15th IATS Seminar,” Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, July 11, 2019.
  36. “Iuming Suez and Modern Sino-Tibetan Relationships,” presented at “Symposium in Memory of Iuming Suez: Modernizing China through Diplomatic and Missionary Pursuits and Overseas Education,” Columbia University, November 30, 2018.
  37. “Intelligence Competitions and Religious Propaganda between Imperial Japan and Republican China in Inner Mongolia, 1931-1945,” presented at “the Third International Conference of Japanese Studies in East Asia,” Kyoto University, October 28, 2018.
  38. 〈陳寅恪與內亞史研究——兼論語文學的未來展望〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,「民族、族群與社群的研究反思」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2018年9月7日。
  39. Manchu Tripitakas and Cross-Cultural Interactions between Tibetan, Mongolian, and Manchu Buddhism,” Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies (Haneda Memorial Hall), Kyoto University, July 30, 2018.
  40. “Translating Sovereignty: The Tibet Conventions between Britain and China, 1904-1906,” presented at “China’s Quest for Sovereignty: International Law in China in a Historical Perspective,” Princeton University, May 29, 2018.
  41. “The Secret History of Tibet: The Mindstream Transference from the Fifth to the Sixth Dalai Lamas and its Manchu-Mongolian Translations in the Qing Archives,” presented at “Beyond Empire and Borders: The Third International Conference on the Qing Dynasty and Inner Asia,” Columbia University, October 6, 2017.
  42. “Translingual Networking between Ladakh the Qing Dynasty,” presented at “Manchu in Global,” University of Göttingen, September 21, 2017.
  43. “Networks between the Oyirad Küriye, Tibet, and the Qing Dynasty in the 18th Century,” presented at “the 54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Altaic Studies Society,” Nakano, July 16, 2017.
  44. “Mapping Tibetan Monasteries: Geographic Information Science and Quantitative Methods in Tibetan Studies,” presented at “Data Science Day,” Columbia University, April 6, 2016.
Book Reviews
  1. 從潮汕看世界 評《遙遠的海岸:中國海疆上的殖民擴張》〉,《旺報》,2023.10.30。
  2. “[Book Reviews] Manuel Perez-Garcia. Global History with Chinese Characteristics: Autocratic States along with Silk Road in the Decline of the Spanish and Qing Empire,” China and Asia 4 (Jan 2023): 325-328.
  3. 重訪地球村的起點——評Valerie Hansen《西元一千年》〉,《時報文藝》(臺北:時報出版社,2022)。
  4. 全球化浪潮下的海權角逐——評Geoffrey F. Gresh《歐亞海上之主》〉,《時報文藝》(臺北:時報出版社,2022)。
  5. 〈評寺田浩明《中國法制史》——從內亞視角談法律多元主義與跨文明比較法制史的展望〉,《中國古代法律文獻研究》12 (2018.12),頁668-681。
Other Writings
  1. 〈導讀 疾病、氣候與文明——微觀與宏觀的世界史〉,收入長谷部史彥等著,陳嫻若譯,《歷史的轉換期5:1348年‧氣候不順與生存危機》,(新北:臺灣商務印書館,2024.4),頁7-10。
  2. 〈導讀 從政治思想重訪「中國」的多元面貌〉,收入金英敏著,陳牧謙譯,《政治學家寫給所有人的中國史》(新北:臺灣商務印書館,2023.12),頁12-15。
  3. 〈推薦序 你的新疆、我的故鄉〉,收入Eric Schluessel著,苑默文譯,《異鄉人之地:清帝國在新疆的教化工程》(新北市:黑體文化,2023.12),頁9-12。
  4. 清朝基層官員如何掌握新疆地理知識?——從蘇寧阿《萬里回疆圖》談起〉,《歷史學柑仔店》,2023.9.29。
  5. 〈推薦序 超越「苦力」迷思的華人移民史〉,收入Mae Ngai著,黃中憲譯,《從苦力貿易到排華:淘金熱潮華人移工的奮鬥與全球政治》(臺北:時報出版社,2023.3.14),頁12-17。
  6. 〈推薦序 帝國的辯證〉,收入Krishan Kumar著,胡訢諄譯,《帝國,統治世界的邏輯:從大國起源羅馬到民族國家法蘭西,塑造現代世界的六個帝國》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2023.3.2),頁9-12。
  7. 清大文物館會客室:非典型史學家之路,內藤湖南是誰? feat.孔令偉〉podcast,《清大有文物?PODCAST》,2023.3.2。
  8. 乾隆御筆〈熱河考〉緙絲與盛清地理知識〉,《故宮文物月刊》網站,2023.1.18。
  9. 欽差喇嘛楚兒沁藏布蘭木占巴、清代西藏地圖測繪與世界地理知識之傳播〉,《2021中央研究院研究成果選輯》(臺北:中央研究院,2022.12.6),頁66。
  10. 史悠明與清末民初之際的中印關係〉,《讀書》(北京:三聯書店)2022年12期 (2022.12,總525期):134-141。
  11. 〈國家、資本與經濟制度:歐洲崛起與世界分流的關鍵時刻〉,收入Patrick Wyman著,吳煒聲譯,《巨變時代》(臺北:平安文化,2022.10),頁3-5。
  12. 〈導讀 從印太海洋視野挑戰西方帝國〉,收入Sujit Sivasundaram著,葉品岑譯,《南方浪潮》(臺北:時報出版社,2022.7),頁4-9。
  13. 〈推薦序 翻轉「核心」與「邊緣」——《絲路上的帝國》推薦序〉,收入Christopher Beckwith著,苑默文譯,《絲路上的帝國》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2022.5),頁5-8。
  14. 〈西藏為何重要?——從清朝對西藏、喜馬拉雅與印度的情報蒐集談起〉,《中研院訊》漫步科研專欄,2022.2.24。
  15. 何謂中國?從濮德培《中國西征》反思「中國」一詞的多元可能〉,收入濮德培(Peter Perdue)著,葉品岑、蔡偉傑、林文凱譯,《中國西征:大清帝國如何擊敗歷史上最後的遊牧帝國,掌控新疆、蒙古與西藏?》(臺北:衛城出版社,2021.1),頁11-14。
  16. 評《從馬可波羅到馬戛爾尼》——蒙元史與清史的三個跨越〉,「澎湃新聞‧上海書評」網站,2020.9.16。
  17. 如何看待美國學者筆下的中國邊疆史〉,「觀察者」網站,2019.11.28。
  18. 日本、日耳曼的滿語文研究與近世歐亞〉,《讀書》(北京:三聯書店)2019年5期 (2019.5.1,總482期):160-170。
  19. 跳脫西歐與華夏中心史觀,中央歐亞史如何成為台灣的借鑒——《草原王權的誕生》〉,「故事」網站,2019.4.18。
  20. 清朝最初如何認識印度?從喜馬拉雅山南麓小國帶來的情報一探究知〉,「故事」網站,2019.3.25。
  21. 中原、內亞與域外:2017年明清史研究新趨之管見〉,「史原論壇」網站,2018.6.12。
  22. 拉達克與清朝歐亞情報網的建立〉,《讀書》(北京:三聯書店)2017年7期 (2017.7.15):132-139。
  23. 通過內亞和海洋看清史研究〉,「澎湃新聞‧上海書評」網站,2017.2.6。
  24. 「路」:始終活躍的海上人和草原人〉,「澎湃新聞‧上海書評」網站,2016.12.25。
  25. 海外史學博士談清帝國——閉關的幻覺與流動的現實〉,「澎湃新聞‧上海書評」網站,2016.12.25。
  26. 「蒙古大夫」的形象為何會一落千丈〉,「澎湃新聞‧上海書評」網站,2016.9.10。
  27. 清朝的AB面:草原帝國還是中原王朝〉,「澎湃新聞‧上海書評」網站,2016.7.25。
  28. 王岐山說的岡田英弘是誰?〉,「澎湃新聞‧上海書評」網站,2015.5.18。
  1. 吳芳思(Frances Wood)著,〈馬可‧波羅與他的讀者:寫本複雜性的問題〉,收入榮新江、黨寶海主編,《馬可‧波羅研究論文選粹(外文編)》(上海:中西出版社,2023),頁69-78。

Ph.D., History & East Asian Studies, Columbia University (2021)
M.Phil., History & East Asian Studies, Columbia University (2018)
M.A., History & East Asian Studies, Columbia University (2015)
B.A., History, National Taiwan University (2012)

Current Position:
2021.8- , Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

Previous Positions:
Junior Visiting Scholar, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 2019
Visiting Researcher, Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, 2019
Guest Research Associate, Oriental History, Kyoto University, 2018-2019

  1. 2022, Li Foundation Heritage Prize, 2022
  2. 2021, New History Outstanding Article Award
  3. 2020, Yu Chi-Chung Award for Chinese Studies, China Times Cultural Foundation
  4. 2020, Taiwanese Overseas Pioneers Grants, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology
  5. 2020, Florence Tan Moeson Fellowship, Library of Congress
  6. 2020, Mellon Humanities International Travel Fellowship, GSAS, Columbia University
  7. 2019, Yu Ying-Shih Prize for Humanities Research (Ph.D. candidates writing doctoral theses), Tang Prize Foundation
  8. 2019, International Dissertation Research Fellowship, Social Science Research Council
  9. 2018-2019, Japanese Studies Fellowship, Japan Foundation
  10. 2018, Fellowship of Humanities & Social Science, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association
  11. 2016, Predissertation-Summer Travel Grants, Henry Luce Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Program in China Studies
  12. 2015-2019, The First Taiwan-Columbia Ph.D. Scholarship, Taiwan Ministry of Education
  13. 2015, M.A. Thesis Award, Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs Commission, Taiwan
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