1. Applicant Requirements
- Applicants must be graduate students who have completed their coursework in a humanities or social sciences department in Taiwan or abroad and have already been awarded the position of doctoral candidate. Applicants’ topics for research must be within the realm of research carried out at IHP (i.e. history, archaeology, anthropology, and philology), and applicants must also plan to write their dissertations while at IHP. (According to law, citizens of mainland China cannot apply for this fellowship) [Applicants must be enrolled in a post-secondary institution at the time of application and for the duration of the fellowship]
- The fellowship is restricted to full-time graduate students (i.e. students who are not employed).
2. Term of Fellowship
The fellowship will last for a one year period (July 1st, 2023 to June 30th, 2024), and if applicants would like to extend their term at IHP or gain a new fellowship, they must resubmit to the application process.
3. Application Materials
- Application form (Please download the form from below, and do not use the Academia Sinica form), applicants must have the head of their graduate institute stamp or sign the bottom of this form (1 copy)
- Master’s Degree Program diploma (1 photocopy)
- A proof of doctoral candidate status as issued by the applicant’s university or department (1 original copy)
- A transcript from the applicant’s doctoral program (1 original copy)
- Resume (1 copies)
- A list of written works (1 copies)
- A research plan (5 pages including references, and may be written either in Chinese or English)[assessment will be based upon the academic importance of this research, the soundness of reference works provided and the feasibility of the proposed research method]
- Reprints of publication or related works (3 works at most, 3 copies of each)
- Recommendation letters from 2 professors at the applicant’s university (the letters should be sent to IHP by the recommending professors)
- Applicants can only submit ONE application to ONE graduate program. Submission of a single application to multiple graduate programs is not allowed.
Applicants should send the above materials to:
Ms. Chen Yi-chin, Secretariat
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
130 Academia Sinica Road, Section 2
Taipei City, Nankang District 11529
4. End of Application Period: February 20th, 2023
5. Fellowship Funding
Every successful applicant will be given 40,000 NTD in scholarship monies every month (18% tax will be charged on scholarship monies given to foreigners). During the fellowship period, fellows can not accept outside funding (including work compensation).
6. Rights and Obligations
- Applicants who have been chosen to receive the fellowship must be at IHP engaging in research work for at least half of the fellowship funding period (i.e. two to three days out of every week), and must also sign in at the secretariat office on the days they come to IHP for research. IHP will provide research offices (in principle, these offices are shared, but IHP will make arrangements and adjustments according to the actual state of affairs) and ask research fellows at the institute to act as advisors to successful applicants. Successful applicants will be able to use the library and public computers as well. Any other matters should be arranged according to the rules and regulations of the institute.
- Successful applicants should provide a research progress report to their IHP advisor every six months. 10 days before the fellowship ends, successful applicants should provide a research report for IHP’s reference and perusal.
7. Contact Person at IHP: Ms. Chen Yi-chin, Tel : 886-2-27829555#209 Fax: 886-2-27831815, E-mail: ycchen@asihp.net