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Visiting Scholars

Prof. Kenneth Pomeranz, The University of Chicago, Invited to Give 2022 “Fu Ssu-nien Lectures”

Having obtained his PhD from the Department of History at Yale University where he studied under renowned scholar Jonathan Spence in 1988, Professor Kenneth Pomeranz is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the British Academy, has served as president of the American Historical Association (AHA), and is currently a university professor in the Department of History at The University of Chicago. Prof. Pomeranz’s primary areas of research are social and economic history of China and Southeast Asia, and he is also concerned with issues of state formation, imperialism, religion, and gender, among others. Regarding his remarkable CV, Prof. Pomeranz’s most important works include The Making of a Hinterland: State, Society, and Economy in Inland North China, 1853–1937 (1993) and The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy (2000), which both won the John K. Fairbank Prize from the AHA in 1994 and 2000, respectively—the only scholar to have won the award twice. For the 2022 “Fu Ssu-nien Lectures” series, Prof. Pomeranz will be gracing us with three lectures. (see IHP “Events” and other announcements for more details)

Published on 2022-11-16
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