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Guest Lectures

Parasitic Worms and Scattered Knowledge Production: Research Assemblages in Late 19th and Early 20th Century China

Topic: Parasitic Worms and Scattered Knowledge Production: Research Assemblages in Late 19th and Early 20th Century China

Speakers: Dr. Dr. Dominik Merdes (Visiting Scholars, IHP ; Postdoctoral Fellow, Department for the History of Pharmacy and Science, Technical University of Braunschweig)

Discussant: Dr. Kuang-Chi Hung (Associate Professor, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University)

Moderator: Dr. Ruth Yun-ju Chen (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP)

Date: July 18th (Tue.), 2023, 15:00-17:00

Venue: Room 701, Research Building, IHP

Organizer: History of Health and Healing Research Center, IHP; MOST Project “Taiwan-Germany (DE) International Collaborate Project—Materialities of Medical Cultures in/between Europe and East Asia”❈

Contact: Mr. Yang,

Published on 2023-06-21