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Guest Lectures

A New China in Mexico: “Preserving the race” in the early 20th century political imagination

Speaker: Prof. Pablo BLITSTEIN (EHESS)

Topic: A New China in Mexico: “Preserving the race” in the early 20th century political imagination

Host: Dr. CHEN Hsi-yuan (IHP)

Date: November 22 (Tuesday), 2022, 14:30~17:30p.m.

Venue: Room 703, Research Building, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

Organizers: Cultural and Intellectual History Research Center, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica & EFEO Taipei Center

※ The talk will be given in Chinese. Registration is not required.
※ In line with the pandemic prevention policy. Attendees are required to wear a face mask during the event.


Published on 2022-11-01