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Retired ⁄ Resigned Research Fellows


Yung-ti Li

Associate Research Fellow


Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, Harvard University

Areas of Research

Mainland China Archaeology

  1. "Early State Formation in China: A Critical Review" (M. A. Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1994).
  2. "The Anyang Bronze Foundries: Archaeological Remains, Casting Technology, and Production Organization" (Ph.D. dissertation for Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, 6/2003).
  1. 〈談山彪鎮一號墓出土的一件銅鑑及其相關問題〉,《古今論衡》,8(2002):144-167。
  2. “On the Function of Cowries in Shang and Zhou China,” Journal of East Asian Archaeology (Brill, Leiden), 5.1/4 (2004): 1-26.
  3. 〈追念石老:抵台後的安陽殷墟研究〉,《古今論衡》2005.12(2005):107-114。
  4. 李永迪、岳占偉、劉煜,〈從孝民屯東南地鑄銅遺址出土陶範談對殷墟青銅器的幾點新認識〉,《考古》3(2007):52-63。
  5. “Co-craft and Multi-craft: Section-mold Casting and the Organization of Craft Production at the Shang Capital of Anyang,” Craft Production in Complex Societies Multicraft and Producer Perspectives, edited by Izumi Shimada (Utah: Utah University Press. 2007.9). 
  6. “Specialization, Context of Production, and Alienation in the Production Process: Comments and Afterthoughts,” in Rethinking Craft Specialization in Complex Societies: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Production, Edited by Z. X. Hruby and R.Flad, Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No.17 p.169-180. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007).
  7. 〈「山東日照兩城鎮附近史前遺址」整理後記〉,《古今論衡》16(2007): 25-29。
  8. 〈一九三六年史語所大司空村第二次發掘的殷代遺存與東周時期墓葬〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》79.4(2008):749-788。
  9. 〈石璋如《考古年表》所見歷史語言研究所1930年代在安陽及鄰近地區所做的調查及其他發掘工作〉,蔡玫芬、朱乃誠、陳光祖主編,《商王武丁與后婦好:殷商盛世文化藝術特展》,(臺北,國立故宮博物院,2012.10),頁272-291。
  10.  Yung-ti Li and Ming-chorng Hwang, “Archaeology of the Shanxi Plateau”, in A Companion to Chinese Archaeology, edited by Anne Underhill. Malden (MA): Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013, pp. 367-386.
  11. 〈史語所安陽大連坑發掘所見的王室手工業生產活動及其相關問題〉,《紀念殷墟發掘八十週年學術研討會論文集》,(台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2015.12),頁51-80。
  12. 〈解構「周邊」與「中心」: 從世界體系及區域互動考古試論殷墟的對外關係〉,《周邊與中心:殷墟時期安陽及安陽以外地區的考古發現與研究》,(台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2015.12),頁301-320。
  13. “The Politics of Maps, Pottery, and Archaeology: Hidden Assumptions in Chinese Bronze Age Archaeology”, in Art and Archaeology of the Erligang Civilization, Edited by Kyle Steinke with Dora C. Y. Ching, published by Princeton University Press 2014, pp. 137-150.
Conference Papers
  1. "Cowries in Bronze Age China: Monetary or Ritual Exchange," paper presented at the annual meeting of Association of Asian Studies (AAS). March, 1999.
  2. "State Control and Craft Production in Late Bronze Age China: Manufacture of Weaponry in the Warring States Period,” paper presented at the 65th annual meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Session 169 Locating the Archaic State in China through Archaeology and Text: A Tribute to K.C. Chang, 4/3-11, 2000, Philadelphia, USA.
  3. "Craft Production and Mass Production from a Chinese Perspective: Archaeological Implications of Pottery Manufacturing at Jingdezhen and Yixing," 「文化差異與社會通則:紀念張光直先生學術研討會」,臺北: 歷史語言研究所、民族學研究所、臺灣史研究所籌備處、語言研究所籌備處主辦,2002年3月1-2日。
  4. “Xiaotun Revisited: Re-examination of Foundry Remains from the 1930s IHP Excavations,” and “A New Bronze Foundry Site at Anyang,” 17th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) (Taipei, Taiwan, September 9-15, 2002)
  5. “Anyang Bronze Casting Technology: A Study of Section-mold Technology,” Session 6-C: “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Chinese Neolithic and Bronze Age Archaeology”, Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (Daejeon, Korea, June 16-19, 2004).
  6.  “Why Cast Bronzes Differently: Changes in Late Shang Section-mold Casting Technology and Their Socio-political Context”. Paper presented in Symposium 107: “Making Connections: New Perspectives on Technology and Social Changes”, at the 69th annual meeting of the Society of American 2004 (Montreal, March 31- Aril 4).
  7. “Social and Political Implications of Multiple Craft-Production Areas at Yinxu,” Paper presented at the “Workshop on Early Chinese Civilization: Social, Cultural, and Historical Dynamics of Early Chinese Civilization in Archaeological, Palaeographical, Philological, and Historical Perspectives”, University of British Columbia, BC, Canada. March 10-12, 2005.
  8. “The Post Shih Chang-ju Era: Recent Shang Archaeological Projects in IHP, Academia Sinica”. East Asian Archaeology Seminar, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, 2002.
  9. 〈史語所1930年代山東地區所進行的考古工作〉,「日照龍山時代與早期國家國際學術研討會」。山東大學、日照市人民政府,2006.10.24-28。
  10. “Section-mold Technology of Bronze Age China: A Study of Casting Molds from Anyang”. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on the Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China. September 15-20, 2006.
  11. “Bronze Age Interactions between the Yangzi River Valley and the Central Plains: Perspectives from Anyang,”  paper presented at the “Ancient Text in their Local Context: International Workship on the Early Chinese Manuscript Discoveries From Cili, Hunan,” 美國康乃爾大學亞洲研究學系主辦,2007.6.6-17。
  12. “The Essence of Swiss Cheese: the Nature of Interaction between Anyang and its Neighboring Regions”. Paper presented at “Inter-regional Interaction in Bronze Age China and Eurasia: A Multidisciplinary Approach”, Symposium for the 72nd annual meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Austin, Texas, April 25 - 29, 2007.
  13. “New Vintage from the Old Winery: Recent Studies of the Shang and Eastern Zhou Metallurgical Remains at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica,” paper presented at the “Science and Civilization in China: Non-Ferrous Metallurgy,” Needham Research Institute cambridge,2007.11.7-18.
  14. “Urban Centers or City States: Defining Walled Settlements in Neolithic and Bronze Age China,” paper presented at the “State Power and Social Control in Ancient China and Rome”,2008.3.17-19
  15. “The Missing Link? Long-Distance Trade and Exchange in Early Bronze Age China”. Paper presented at “Symposium 1: New Insights into the archaeology of the Chinese Bronze Age”, Fourth Worldwide Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology, Society for East Asian Archaeology, Beijing, China, June 2-5, 2008.
  16. “The Missing Link? Long-Distance Trade and Exchange in Early Bronze Age China(Symposium 1: New Insights into the archaeology of the Chinese Bronze Age; organized by Lothar von Falkenhausen and Xu Hong), ” paper presented at the “Fourth Worldwide Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology,” Society for East Asian Archaeology,中國社會科學院考古研究所主辦,2008.6.2-5。
  17. “The Making of Bronzes, Marble Carvings, and Bone Objects: Craft Production and Political Economy in the Shang Dynasty Capital at Anyang”. Institute for Advanced Studies, 2010.4.6.
  18. “What Happened to ‘New Archaeology’: Processual Archaeology and Its (Non-) Impact in China”. (Session: The Location of Chinese Archaeological Theory), paper presented at the “The Location of Theory, Theoretical Archaeology Group 2010”, Brown University, 2010.4.30-5.2.
  19. 〈史語所安陽發掘所見殷墟時期大理石器的製作與生產〉,「東亞考古學的再思――張光直先生逝世十週年紀念學術研討會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,2010.12.1-2.
  20. 〈模範之間――從史語所藏安陽出土銅器、陶範、白陶及宜興紫砂製陶談殷商青銅器紋飾的製作〉,「東亞考古的新發現--青銅時代考古:權力與儀式」,第四屆國際漢學會議,中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,2012.6.20-22。
  21. 〈商代青銅器紋飾製作問題初探:堆塑法復原實驗二例〉,東亞古代青銅鑄造國際研討會,中國社會科學院考古研究所、亞洲鑄造史學會、安陽師範大學主辦,2012.8.31-9.2。
Editorial Experience
  1. 《中國考古報告集之四:大司空村‧第二次發掘報告‧河南安陽殷代、東周墓地及遺址》,高去尋先生遺稿,杜正勝、李永迪整理(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所出版,2008)。
  2. 〈山東日照兩城鎮附近史前遺址〉,《古今論衡》16(2007): 3-24。(劉燿遺稿,李永迪整理)
  3. 《殷墟出土器物選粹》,李永迪主編,2009(內容撰寫:陳昭容、陳光祖、黃銘崇、李永迪、內田純子),台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2009.9。
  4. 《殷墟發掘照片選輯:1928-1937》,李永迪、馮忠美編,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2012。
  5. 《紀念殷墟發掘八十週年學術研討會論文集》,李永迪主編,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2015。
  6. 《“周邊”與“中心”:殷墟時期安陽及安陽以外地區的考古發現與研究》,李永迪主編,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2015。
  1. 〈齊家與二里頭:遠距離文化互動的討論〉“Qiajia and Erlitou: The Question of Contacts with Distant Cultures,” by Louisa G.Fitzgerald-Huber, Early China 20 (1995): 17-67.
Other Writings
  1. 〈與張光直先生談夏文化考古〉,《古今論衡》6(2001):131-138。原載張立東、任飛編著,《手鏟釋天書:與夏文化探索者的對話》(河南:大象出版社,2001),頁115-125。
  2. 〈憶光直師〉,《古今論衡》6(2001):125-126。

Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, Harvard University
M.A., Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona

Previous Positions:
2000.2-2004.9, Research Assistant, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2004.9-2013.5, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2013.5-2016.8, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

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