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Retired ⁄ Resigned Research Fellows


Wejen Chang

Research Fellow (Resigned)


Ph.D., Harvard University

Areas of Research

History of the Chinese Legal System, Jurisprudence

  1. 《清代法制研究》(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,1983),3冊。
  2.  In Search of the Way: Legal Philosophy of the Classic Chinese Thinkers. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016.
  1. 〈政策科學:一種社會科學的研究方法〉,《東亞季刊》1.1 (1969):137-143。
  2. 〈清代地方司法:陳天錫先生訪問記〉,《食貨月刊》1.6 (1971):33-53;1.7 (1971):46-55。
  3. 〈清代內閣大庫原藏法制檔案的研究〉,《食貨月刊》7.7 (1977):12-51;7.8 (1977):40-77。
  4. 〈傳統觀念與現行法制〉,《臺灣大學法學論叢》17.1 (1987):1-64。
  5. 〈清代的法學教育〉,《臺灣大學法學論叢》18.1 (1988):1-35;18.2 (1989):1-55。
  6. 〈良幕循吏汪輝祖〉,《臺灣大學法學論叢》19.1 (1989):1-49;19.2 (1990):19-32。
  7. "Traditional Chinese Legal Thought: A Foreword,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》20.2 (1991):1-21。
  8. "Legal Thought in the Analects,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》20.2 (1991):22-43。
  9. "Legal Thought in Lao Tzu,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》21.1 (1991):15-41。
  10. "Legal Thought in Mo Tzu,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》21.2 (1992):1-28。
  11. "Legal Thought in Chuang Tzu,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》22.1 (1992):1-28。
  12. "Legal Thought in Mencius,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》22.2 (1993):1-37。
  13. "Legal Thought in Hsun Tzu,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》23.2 (1994):1-31。
  14. "Legal Education in Ch'ing China," in Education and Society in Late Imperial China, ed. Benjamin Elman and Alexander Woodside (Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1994), pp. 292-339.
  15. "Legal Thought in Shang-chun Shu,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》24.2 (1995):1-30。
  16. "Legal Thought in Han Fei-tzu (I),"《臺灣大學法學論叢》25.2 (1996.1):61-98。
  17. "Legal Thought in Han Fei-tzu (II),"《臺灣大學法學論叢》25.3 (1996.4):1-25。
  18. "Tradition Chinese Legal Thought (10) - Postscript,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》25.4 (1996.7):1-2。
  19. "The Individual and the Authorities in Traditional Chinese Legal Thought,"《臺灣大學法學論叢》26.2 (1997.1):1-39。
  20. "The Confucian Theory of Norms and Human Rights," in Confucianism and Human Rights, ed. Wm. Theodore de Bary and Tu Weiming (Columbia University Press, 1998), pp.117-141.
  21. 〈中國傳統的司法和法學〉,《法制史研究》9 (2006.6):201-222。
  22. 〈學習法律的一些問題〉,《法制史研究》10 (2006.12):185-222。
Book Editor
  1. 張偉仁編撰,《中國法制史書目》(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,1976),3冊。
  2. 張偉仁編輯,《明清檔案》(臺北:聯經出版事業公司,1995),325冊。
  3. 張偉仁輯,《先秦政法理論 (Early Chinese political and legal thought)》(北京:人民出版社,2006)。

Ph.D., Harvard University

Previous Positions:
Associate Research Fellow (1968.10-1980.7), Research Fellow (1980.8-2000.7), Adjunct Research Fellow (2000.11-2016.7), Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Correspondin Professor (1981-1993), College of Law, National Taiwan University

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