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Research Fellows


Ping-yi Chu

Research Fellow


Ph.D., History, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

Areas of Research

History of Sino-Western Communications and Encounters, History of Science and Technology

  1. “Technical Knowledge, Cultural Practices and Social Boundaries: Wan-nan Scholars and the Recasting of Jesuit Astronomy, 1600-1800” (UMI, PhD diss., UCLA, 1994).
  1. On the Earth (Taipei: Sanming Bookstore, 2003).
  2. Physiognomy in the Han Dynasty (Taipei: Xuesheng Bookstore, 1990).
Journal Articles
  1. “The Tug-of-War of Faith: Chinese Commentaries on the Nestorian Stele” (forthcoming).
  2. 〈游於藝:奕繪與天學〉,《成大歷史學報》65 (2023):75-103。
  3. 〈善牧與迷羔:訪Carlo Ginzburg兼記義大利波隆納大學默作凡德收藏的中文天主教文獻〉,《古今論衡》39 (2022.12):77-109。
  4. 〈作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》看醫書的抄輯與作者身分〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》92.3 (2021.9):561-602。
  5. 〈正教與異端:明、清時期「大秦景教流行中國碑」的注疏研究〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》91.2 (2020.6):187-226。
  6. Needham in Taiwan: Translating Science and Civilisation in China as Politics of Modernity and Identity,” EASTS 14.1 (2020.3): 379-392.
  7. “Family Instructions and the Moral Economy of Medicine in Late Imperial China,” The Chinese Historical Review 24.1 (2017): 77-92.
  8. 〈方寸之間:天主教與清代的心、腦之爭〉,《漢學研究》34.3 (2016):119-16。
  9. “Numerology and Calendrical Learning: The Stories of Yang Guangxian and Liu Xiangkui,” The Korean Journal for the History of Science 37.2 (2015): 479-497.
  10. 〈Solid as a Rock? The Story of the Nantang Imperial Commissioned Stele〉,《明清史研究》(韓國)40 (2013):91-105。(舊稿英譯)
  11. 〈闢妄醒迷:明清之際的天主教與「迷信」的建構〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》84.4 (2013.12):695-752。
  12. 〈清代的痧:一個疾病範疇的誕生〉,《漢學研究》31.3 (2013):193-228。
  13. “Liu Ning and Liu Xun: On the Relationship between Learning from Heaven and Evidential Studies,” New History 23.1 (March 2012): 57-104.
  14. “Medicine Cures Only Nonleathal Disease, Buddha Helps Only Those Who Comes with Good Karma: On the Patient-physician Relation in the Ming and Qing Eras,” Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 68 (June 2010): 1-50.
  15. “Narrating a History for China’s Medical Past: Christianity, Natural Philosophy and History in Wang Honghan’s Gujin yishi 古今醫史 (History of Medicine in Past and Present),” East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine (EASTM) 28 (2008): 14-35.
  16. “A Study of the Calendrical Compendium of the Chongzhen Reign and other Related Materials Housed in Kyujanggak,” Kyujanggak (奎章閣) 34 (2009): 250-262.
  17. “An Investigation of the Calendrical Compendium of the Chongzhen Reign,” Ming Studies 11 (December 2008): 133-161.
  18. “Jingzhuan Zhongshuo: Joseph de Prémare’s History of the Chinese Classics,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 78.3 (September 2007): 435-472.
  19. “Archiving Knowledge: A Life History of the Chongzhen lishu (Calendrical Treatises of the Chongzhen Reign),” Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident Spring (2007): 159-184.
  20. “Christianity and the Rewriting of China's Medical Past: Wang Honghan’s Medical History: Past and Present,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 77.4 (December 2006): 591-626.
  21. “Narrations of Histories of Medicine from the Song to the Ming and the Rise of the Confucian Physician,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 77.3 (September 2006): 401-449.
  22. “Reading the Words of His Majesty: On the Dialogue between Mei Wending’s Supplements to the Questions about Calendrical Learning and Kangxi’s On Trigonometry,” New History 16.1 March 2005): 51-84.
  23. “The Nantang Imperial Commissioned Stele and Christianity in the Early Qing,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 75.2 (June 2004): 389-421.
  24. “Remembering Our Grand Tradition: Chourenzhuan and the Scientific Exchanges between China and Europe, 1600-1800,” History of Science 41.2 (2003): 193-215.
  25. “Introduction of Knowledge from the West and First Reactions: Astronomy,” French Sinology 6 (2002): 336-344.
  26. “Science and Medicine in Confucian China, 1600-1800,” Cambridge Chinese History, Ch’ng Dynasty Ⅱ 9.2 (2001).
  27. “Review of the Studies of the History of Fishery in Taiwan,” New History 12.2 (June 2001): 195-231.
  28. “Trigonometric Tables and the Late Ming Calendrical Reform: A Case Study of Material Culture in Science,” Ta-lu ts’a-chih (大陸雜誌) 99.5 (1999): 41-48; 99.6 (1999): 9-18.
  29. “Trust, Instruments, and Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges: Chinese Debate over the Shape of the Earth, 1600-1800,” Science in Context 12.3 (1999): 385-411.
  30. 〈展望臺灣的科技與醫療史研究:一個臺灣當代知識社群的分析〉,《中央研究院臺灣史研究所集刊》4.2 (1999):157-174。
  31. “Medicine East and West: Wang Honghan’s Synthesis of Medicine, Christianity and Confucianism” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 70.1 (March 1999): 165-201.
  32. “The Formation of Factual Knowledge in Trans-cultural Scientific Transactions: The Debate over the Sphericity of the Earth in China, 1600-1800,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 69.3 (September 1998): 589-670.
  33. “Scientific Dispute in the Imperial Court: The 1664 Calendar Case,” Chinese Science 14 (1997): 7-34.
  34. “Ch’eng-Chu Orthodoxy, Evidential Studies and Correlative Cosmology: Chiang Yung and Western Astronomy,” Philosophy and the History of Science - A Taiwanese Journal 4.2 (1997): 71-108.
  35. “The Flesh, the Soul and the Lord: Jesuit Discourse of the Body in Seventeenth-century China,” New History 7.2 (June 1996): 47-98.
Book Chapters
  1. Answering a False Accusation: Zhu Fangdan, Christianity, and the Brain in the Early Qing” (forthcoming).
  2. “Practicing Heavenly Learning as a Form of Life: The Case of Liu Ning” (forthcoming).
  3. “Struggles over the Historical Memory of a Heterodoxy: Chinese Commentaries on the Nestorian Stele,” in Ori Sela, Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, and Joshua A. Fogel, eds., Time and Language: New Sinology and Chinese History (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2023.3), pp. 32-50.
  4. 〈言說天主:明、清之際傳教史脈絡中的邏輯與類比〉,收入馬愷之、王華主編,《譬類以明:華人傳統類思維新探》(臺北:政大出版中心,2022.12),頁145-170。
  5. “Philological Arguments as Religious Suasion: Liu Ning and His Study of Chinese Characters,” in Martin Hofmann, Joachim Kurtz and Ari Daniel Levine, eds., Powerful Arguments: Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2020.3), pp. 503-527.
  6. 祝平一著,高津孝訳,〈テキストの鏡影——抜粋本と清初の暦算学〉,收入陳捷編著,《医学‧科学‧博物 東アジア古典籍の世界》(東京:勉誠出版,2020.2),頁175-196。
  7. “Western Learning, Examinations, and Neo-Confucianism: A Study of Astronomy in Ying Huiqian’s Xingli dazhong (性理大中),” in Takeda Tokimasa and Bill M. Mak, eds., East-West Encounter in the Science of Heaven and Earth (天と地の科学-東と西の出会い) (Kyoto: Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 2019), pp. 98-112.
  8. “Sage: An Unreadable Sign,” in Iwo Amelung and Joachim Kurtz, eds., Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication. Festschrift for Michael Lackner (Munich: Iudicium, 2018), pp. 127-151.
  9. “A Mirror to the Calendar: Cut, Paste and Spread the European Calendrical Learning,” in Luis Saraiva and Catherine Jami, eds., History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia V: Visual and Textual Representations in Exchanges Between Europe and East Asia 16th – 18th Centuries (Singapore: World Scientific, 2018), pp. 351-366.
  10. “Against Prognostication: Ferdinand Verbiest’s (1623-1688) Criticisms of Chinese Mantic Arts” in Michael Lackner, ed., Coping with the Future: Theories and Practices of Divination in East Asia (Leiden: Brill, 2017), pp. 433-450.
  11. 〈疫病、文本與社會:清代痧症的建構〉,收入中研院史語所生命醫療史研究室主編,《中國史新論‧醫療史分冊》(臺北:中央研究院‧聯經出版事業公司,2015.6),頁387-430。
  12. 〈Appropriation and Mystification: Constructing Medical Authority of Sha Physicians in the Qing Period〉,收入祝平一主編,《第四屆國際漢學會議論文集‧衛生與醫療》(臺北:中央研究院,2013.11),頁193-212。
  13. 〈瘟疫與社會:以清代的痧症為例〉,收入祝平一、劉士永編,《健康與社會:華人衛生新史》(臺北:聯經出版事業公司,2013),頁95-118。
  14. “Adoption and Resistance: Zhang Yongjing [張雍敬] and Ancient Chinese Calendrical Methods,” in Feza Günergun & Dhruv Raina, eds., Science between Europe and Asia: Historical Studies on the Transmission, Adoption and Adaptation of Knowledge (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 275) (Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 151-161.
  15. “Scientific Texts in Contest, 1600-1800,” in Florence Bretelle-Establet, ed., Looking at it from Asia: the Processes that Shaped the Sources of History of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 265; Dordrecht, New York: Springer, 2010), pp. 141-166.
  16. 〈反西法:《定曆玉衡》初探〉,收入卓新平主編,《相遇與對話:明末清初中西文化交流國際學術研討會文集》(北京:宗教文化出版社,2003),頁348-365。
  17. “Body Shaping, Advertisement and the Body Cultures in Taiwan in 1990s” in Lu Chien-jong, ed., Culture and Power: Taiwan’s New Cultural Hisotry (Taipei: Mai-tien Press, 2001), pp. 259-296.
  18. “Le Prime Reazioni All’astronomia Occidentale,” in Storia della Scienza (Rome: Institvto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001), pp. 490-493.
  19. “Western Astronomy and Evidential Study: Tai Chen on Astronomy,” in Yung Sik Kim and Francesca Bray, eds., Current Perspectives in the History of Science in East Asia (Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 1999), pp. 131-144.
  20. “Introduction of Knowledge from the West and First Reactions: Astronomy,” in Storia della Scienza (Rome: Institvto della Enciclopedia Italiana, forthcoming).
  21. “Astronomy and Politics,” in Storia della Scienza (Rome: Institvto della Enciclopedia Italiana, forthcoming).
  22. “Mei Wending,” in Storia della Scienza (Rome: Institvto della Enciclopedia Italiana, forthcoming).
Book Editor
  1. 主編,《中國科技史導論》(三民版高中教科書,2014)。
  2. 主編,《第四屆國際漢學會議論文集‧衛生與醫療》(臺北:中央研究院,2013.11)。
  3. 主編,《健康與社會:華人衛生新史》(臺北:聯經出版事業公司,2013)。
  4. 主編,《中國史新論‧科技與中國社會分冊》(王汎森總策劃;臺北:中央研究院、聯經出版事業公司,2010.3)。
  5. 祝平一等編,《臺灣漁業史資料選編:統計篇(一)‧明治-大正》(臺北:臺灣省漁業局,1998,2冊)。
  6. 鐘鳴旦、杜鼎克、黃一農、祝平一等編,《徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻》(臺北:方濟出版社,1996)。
  7. 祝平一等編,《臺灣漁業史資料選編:統計篇(二)‧昭和》(出版中)。
  8. 祝平一等編,《臺灣漁業史資料選編:清代篇》(出版中)。
  9. 祝平一等編,《臺灣漁業史資料選編:日本篇》(出版中)。
  10. 祝平一等編,《臺灣漁業史資料選編:國府篇》(出版中)。
  11. 祝平一等編,《臺灣漁業史資料選編:大事記及漁業報刊書目索引》(出版中)。
Conference Papers
  1. 〈越界相逢:病魅與除魅〉,發表於國科會計畫「傳統中國的「魅病」論述與醫療策略」、中央研究院歷史語言研究所生命醫療史研究室主辦,「病魅:東亞視域下的醫療與鬼邪」國際研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023年10月27日。
  2. “Modes of Thinking and the History of Chinese Science: The Case of Jesuit Logic in Seventeenth-Century China” (paper presented at Planery talk, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ICHSEA, Frankfurt, Goethe-University, July 21, 2023).
  3. “Caring the Enchanted” (中研院史語所生命醫療史研究室、國科會「臺德國合計畫-醫藥文化的物質性:介於歐洲與東亞之間」主辦, presented at Materiality of Medical Cultures in/between Europe and East Asia -- International Workshop in the Realm of the Taiwan-German International Research Cooperation Project, IBZ, Internationales Begegnungszentrum, Kiel, June 10, 2023).
  4. 〈游於藝:奕繪與天學〉,發表於中央研究院明清研究推動委員會、中央研究院歷史語言研究所、日本九州大學、國立臺灣歷史博物館及成功大學歷史系主辦,「2022內亞與海洋:明清中央檔案、地方文書及域外史料」國際研討會,臺南:成功大學文學院演講廳,2022年12月4日。
  5. 〈言說天主:明清之際天主教脈絡中的邏輯與類比思維〉,發表於政治大學華人文化主體性研究中心主辦,「華人傳統類思維」工作坊,臺北:政治大學,2021年9月25日。
  6. 〈作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》論依托與文本權威〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所109年度第三次學術講論會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2020年8月31日。
  7. “Rational Spirit vs. Spiritual Efficacy: The Confrontation between the concept of Christian Soul (靈魂) and Chinese Ling (靈)” (organized by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung and the Center for Research Strategy of the Freie Universität Berlin, presented at A Powerful Term: Ling 靈– Between ‘Efficacy’ and ‘Spirituality’, Hotel Seminaris, Berlin-Dahlem, October 3-6, 2019).
  8. “Knowing the Universe and Reforming the Calendar: An Shifeng’s Cosmos” (organized by International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, presented at 15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (ICHSEA 2019), Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea, August 19-23,2019).
  9. “Western Learning, Examinations, and Neo-Confucianism: A Study of Astronomical Sections in Ying Huiqian’s Xingli dazhong (性理大中)” (paper presented at The International Conference on Traditional Sciences in Asia 2017  (ICTSA): East-West Encounter in the Science of Heaven and Earth, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Oct 25-28, 2017).
  10. “The Tugged War of Faith: Chinese Commentaries on the Nestorian Stele” (paper presented at International Conference on Rethinking Time in Modern China: A Sinological Intervention, Tel Aviv University, May 14-16, 2017)
  11. 〈文本的鏡影:文抄與清初的曆算學〉,發表於中央研究院近代史研究所與歷史語言研究所合辦,「明末清初學術思想史再探」國際學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院,2016年6月23-25日。
  12. 〈文本的射影:文抄與西方曆算學的傳佈〉,發表於国文学研究資料館及京都大学人文科学研究所主辦,「東アジアの技術的伝統への再照射」国際ワークショップ,日本:京都大學,2016年3月6日。
  13. “Trigonometric Tables and the Late Ming Calendric Reform: A Case Study of Material Culture in Science” (paper presented at Conference in Material Cultures of Knowledge: Netze wissenschafts-politischer Beziehungen: zwischen Taiwan und Deutschland in Früher Neuzeit und Moderne, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, January 27, 2016).
  14. 〈方寸之間:清代的心、腦之爭〉,發表於國立陽明大學-中央研究院「新世代跨領域科學人才培育計畫-建立紮根性的研究合作-主題計畫C:醫療史研究群的建構與發展、中央研究院臺灣史研究所、中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太-衛生與東亞社會研究計畫主辦,「近世以降醫藥與衛生知識的生產與傳播」國際學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院,2015年12月24日。
  15. “Needham in Taiwan: An Unexpected Turn to STS” (paper presented at Workshop: Dr. Joseph Needham’s Intellectual Heritage, The Needham Research Institute, UK, July 3-4, 2015).
  16. “Jiang Yong Reconsidered: On the Relation between Evidential Study and the Tao Learning” (paper presented at Conference in Honor of Benjamin Elman New Directions in the Cultural and Intellectual History of China, NYU, May 1-3, 2015).
  17. “Family Instructions of Chinese Physicians: A Preliminary Investigation” (paper presented at the 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Lisbon, September 4-6, 2014).
  18. “A Philological Argument for Chinese Christianity: Liu Ning, Figurism, and Chinese Characters” (paper presented at the Conference of “Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China,” Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, October 4-6, 2013).
  19. 〈君官異位:傳教士、朱方旦與明清之際的心腦之爭〉,發表於中國醫藥大學主辦,「『醫家』與『史家』的對話——傳統中醫學術知識的歷代傳承與變革」,臺中:中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓,2013年3月9-11日。
  20. 〈「迷信」:十七世紀入華天主教的在地宗教地景〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所102年度第三次學術講論會,2013年2月4日。
  21. 〈Reconceptualizing the Mental Organ in China before the Nineteenth Century〉,發表於日本慶應義塾大學主辦,「第六屆亞洲醫學史學會年會」,日本:橫濱日吉校區,2012年14-15日。
  22. 〈Text and Skill: The Case of “Scratching Sha” in the Qing Period〉,發表於中央研究院主辦,「第四屆國際漢學會議」,場次:「醫療、身體與環境衛生VI」,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2012年6月 20-22日。
  23. “Practicing Learning from Heaven as a Form of Life: The Case of Liu Ning” (paper presented at the Conference “Science and Christianity in the Encounter of Confucian East Asia with West: 1600-1800,” Seoul National University, Korea, December 15-17, 2011).
  24. “Fortuna at the Crossroad: When Christianity Met Chinese Mantic Practices” (paper presented at the Annual Conference of “Fate and Prediction in Chinese and European Traditions. Key Concepts and Organization of Knowledge,” International Consortium for Research in the Humanities University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, June 28-30, 2011).
  25. 〈圖像與分類〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,「醫療與視覺文化」國際學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2010年11月24-26日。
  26. 〈君官異位:傳教士、朱方旦與十七、八世紀的心腦之爭〉,發表於中央研究院明清研究推動委員會與史語所禮俗宗教研究室合辦,「明、清時期的天主教:論述與實踐」工作坊,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2010年6月3日。
  27. 〈中國科技史研究的省思〉,發表於政治大學歷史系、新史學雜誌社、暨南大學歷史系合辦,「《新史學》與臺灣史學二十年國際學術研討會」,臺北:政治大學歷史學系、南投:暨南國際大學歷史學系,2009年12月12-14日。
  28. “Textualizing Skill: “Scratching” and Blood-letting in the Treatment of Sha in the Qing Period” (paper presented at Workshop: on Status and Skills - The Portrayal of Individuals in Chinese Historiography, 10th-18th Century, MPIWG, Berlin, September 4-5, 2009).
  29. 〈Constructing Disease and Narrating the Pain〉,發表於香港中文大學主辦,「Medical Culture on 19-20th Century East Asia: Comparative Colonial Medicine and Beyond」工作坊,香港:中文大學,2009年6月13-14日。
  30. 〈痧與其相關問題〉,發表於中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心衛生史研究計畫主辦,「近代華人社會公衛史」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院人社中心,2008年12月26-27日。
  31. 〈Brain Anatomic Knowledge in Eighteenth Century China〉,發表於「亞洲醫學史學會第四屆年會暨跨越階級與族群的醫療史」研討會,雲南:麗江,2008年11月4-5日。
  32. 〈有誣必辯:傳教士與朱方旦〉,發表於舊金山大學利瑪竇中西文化歷史研究所與中國人民大學舉辦,「互動與交流:西方人與清代宮廷」國際學術研討會,北京:中國人民大學,2008年10月17-19日。
  33. 〈Scientific Texts in Contest, 1600-1800〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所禮俗宗教研究室主辦,「耶穌會與十七、八世紀的東亞:圖像、思想與科學」小型工作坊,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2008年6月3日。
  34. 〈馬若瑟的中文文獻與符象論 (Fiqurism)〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所禮俗宗教研究室主辦,「天主教與經學」小型工作坊,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2008年3月24日。
  35. 〈《崇禎曆書》的生命史與中西曆算之爭〉,發表於中國明代史研究會、東吳大學歷史學系、國立暨南國際大學歷史學系、國立臺灣師範大學文學院暨歷史學系聯合主辦,「全球化下明史研究之新視野」國際學術研討會,臺北:東吳大學、南投:暨南國際大學,2007年10月27-31日。
  36. “Problems with the Brain: European Anatomical Knowledge in Seventeenth-century China” (paper presented at the Kyujanggak International Workshop: Comparative Perspectives on the Introduction of Western Science into East Asian Countries during the Late Chosŏn Period, October 16-28, 2007).
  37. “Taming the Western Sciences: Compiling Books and Writing Histories, 1600-1800” (paper presented at the CNRS, Paris, September 24-28, 2006).
  38. “Christianity, Natural Philosophy and History of Chinese Medicine: Wang Honghan and His Gujinyishi (Medical History Past and Present)” (paper presented at The International Workshop on the History of Science and Technology “Adoption and adaptation: the travel of methods, techniques and technologies between Asia and Europe and the transformations of know-how,” May 10-14, 2006).
  39. 〈明、清之際江南地區的醫病關係〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,「從醫療看中國史」國際研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2005年12月13-15日。
  40. “Struggle from the Periphery: Nozoe Tetsuo and Japanese Colonial Science in Taiwan” (paper presented at the 5th East Asian STS Conference: Science and Technology in Public Dispute, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, December 8-11, 2004).
  41. “Medicine, Christianity and Confucianism: The Strange History of an Unlikely ‘Trinity’” (paper presented at the International Conference: Perceptions of Antiquity in China’s Civilization, University Wurzburg, Germany, May 26-29, 2004).
  42. 〈臺灣戰後初期的漁業與國家,1945-1965〉,發表於中央研究院科學史委員會、清華大學科技與社會中心主辦,「第六屆科學史」研討會,2002年3月30-31日。
  43. “Reminiscence: Chourenzhuan and the Scientific Exchanges between China and Europe, 1600-1800” (paper presented at the Critical issues in the History of Science in Asia, MIT, November, 2001).
  44. “The Last Crusade of the Chinese Astronomical Methods: A Preliminary Study of Dinliyuheng” (paper presented at the Encounter and Dialogue, Ricci Institute, Beijing, October, 2001).
  45. “Boundaries Crossing: West Astronomy in Confucian China, 1600-1800” (paper presented at the Colloquium of Culture and Science in Late Imperial China , Institute for Advanced Studies, March 17-18, 2000).
  46. “History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Taiwan: A Brief Sketch” (paper presented at the Workshop on Renegotiating the Scope of Chinese Studies, UCSB, March 13-15, 2000).
  47. “Shape My Body: The Representations of Femininity and Science in the Advertisements for Body Sculpturing Beauty Salons” (paper presented at the 9th International Conference of Science, Technology and Medicine in East Asia, August, 1999).
  48. 〈女體與廣告:臺灣塑身美容廣告史中的科學主義與女性美〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,「健與美」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,1999年6月。
  49. “Why Were All the Sages Freaks: Bizarre Physical Characteristics as a Discourse of Power” (paper presented at the 51st AAS, Boston, U.S.A., March, 1999).
  50. 〈學術界域與專業認同:展望臺灣的科技與醫療史研究〉,發表於臺灣歷史文化研究學會、國立清華大學外語系、美國哥倫比亞大學東亞語言與文學系、及哥倫比亞大學東亞研究所主辦、中華民國教育部協辦,「第三屆臺灣歷史文化」研討會,美國:紐約市,1998年8月19-23日。
  51. 〈邊緣的聲音:從漁業看臺灣史〉,發表於中央研究院臺史所籌備處主辦,「設所五週年慶學術座談會——臺灣史研究的探索與對話」,臺北:中央研究院臺史所,1998年6月26日。
  52. “Debate over the Sphericity of the Earth in China, 1600-1800” (paper presented at the XXth Congress of the History of Science, July, 1997).
  53. 〈通貫天學、醫學與儒學:王宏翰與明清之際中西醫學的交會〉,發表於中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,「醫療與中國社會」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,1997年6月26-28日。
  54. “Western Astronomy and Evidential Study: Tai Chen on Astronomy” (paper presented at the 8th International Conference of Science, Technology and Medicine in East Asia, August, 1996).
  55. 〈身體與天主:《泰西人身說概》中的醫學與信仰〉,發表於「第四屆科學史」研討會,1996年。
Other Writings
  1. 初入世界舞台的臺灣漁業〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2024.3.8。
  2. 十九世紀的多語神人:默作凡德〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2022.10.28。
  3. 記魚:臺灣知識史上的小插曲〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2022.3.11。
  4. 台灣演疫:政治、科學與運氣〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2021.6.9。
  5. 戰後台灣漁業資源之接收(1945-1950)〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2020.9.11。
  6. 「表面工夫」:三教先天仙拼仙〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2020.1.5。
  7. 在前PC時代和邢義田老師學秦漢史〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2019.1.11。
  8. 汪紱和他爹:孝是戀父情結下的斯德哥爾摩症候群?〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2018.1.12。
  9. 從認命到造命:袁黃家族的醫學與命理學〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2017.7.14。
  10. 〈明末清初傳入中國的西方解剖學〉(教育部醫學人文改進計劃)(2015)。
  11. 浮生掠影:胡春田醫師的《杏林承露圖》〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2016.3.25。
  12. 為什麼101與104的高中中國史課綱是一場教育災難?〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2015.8.21。
  13. 農曆:文化混種〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2015.4.24。
  14. 〈到底誰學誰呀?閒聊清初的「西學中源說」〉,《中央研究院週報》475 (2014.8.14)。
  15. 318:以創意替代暴力的革命〉,「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2014.4.25。
  16. 祝平一(主筆)、呂妙芬、潘鳳娟,〈以中文材料研究清代天主教史的利基何在〉,《新史學》23.1 (2012.3):1-7。
  17. 〈中法殿軍張雍敬〉,《自然科學史研究》30.4 (2011):409-416。
  18. 〈徘徊在《新史學》邊緣:臺灣的科技史研究〉,《漢學研究通訊》29.3 (2010.8):1-7。
  19. 〈「琉球」:一個不「小」的漁村〉,《古今論衡》5 (2000):104-111。
  20. 〈展示科學〉,《科技、醫療與社會》7 (2008.10):19-22。
  21. 〈日常生活的崩解:毒奶、風險與信任〉,《科技、醫療與社會》7 (2008.10):9-12。
  22. 〈說「猛男」〉,《婦女與兩性研究通訊》53 (1999):7-8。
  23. 〈實驗室中的隱形人:十七世紀英國的實驗助理〉,《歷史月刊》105 (1996):116-119。
  24. 〈雕給我一個身體:塑身美容廣告中的女性/主體〉,《婦女與兩性研究通訊》38 (1996):9-17
  25. 〈美國女性史研究動向簡介〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》2 (1994):291-295。
  26. 〈漢代相法略說〉,《歷史月刊》15 (1989):30-31。
  27. 〈從《肇論》、《壇經》論大乘空宗/禪宗的神祕主義——兼評道默林對大乘/禪宗的構想〉,《鵝湖月刊》166 (1989):31-36。
Book Reviews
  1. “Review of Francesca Bray and Jongtae Lim, Science and Confucian Statecraft in East Asia (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019),” East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (EASTM) 54 (2022): 147-160.
  2. “Review of History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia III: The Jesuits, the Padroado and East Asian Science (1552-1773), edited by Luís Saraiva and Catherine Jami, Singapore; Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2008,”  East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (EASTM) 36 (2012): 212-216.
  3. “Review of Dagmar Schäfer, The Crafting of the 10,000 Things: Knowledge and Technology in Seventeenth-Century China (344 pp., illus., bibli., index. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2011),” Isis 103.2 (2012): 407-408.
  4. “Review of Florence C. Hsia, Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009, xv+273 pp. $45. ISBN: 9780226355597),” Annual of Science 68.3 (2011): (
  5. “Larissa N. Heinrich, The Afterlife of Images: Translating the Pathological Body between China and the West (Duham and London: Duke University Press, 2008, 222 p.) (Paperback),” EASTS 4.2 (2010): 354-357.
  6. “Review of Liam Matthew Brockey, Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007),” Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 62 (December 2008):191-196。
  7. “Review of Anjing Qu, Science and Technology Awards in Modern China (Zhongguo jin xian dai ke ji jiang li zhi du) (Zhongguo jin xian dai ke xue ji shu shi yan jiu cong shu, 329 pp., tables, bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong Education Press [Shandong jiao yu chu ban she], 2005),” Isis 99.2 (2008): 444-445.
  8. “Review of Huang Yi-nung, The Two-headed Snakes (Hsinchu: Tsing Hua University, 2005),” New History 170.2 (June 2006):251-255。
  9. “Review of Fa-ti Fan, British Naturalists in Qing China: Science, Empire and Cultural Encounter (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004),” New History 16.3 (September 2005):181-186。
  10. “Review of Albert Chan, S. J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome: A Descriptive Catalogue (New York & London: M. E. Sharpe, 2002)〉,” Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 21 (2002):455-457。
  11. “Review of Science in Ancient China: Researches and Reflections (Aldershot, Great Britain: Variorum, 1995) and Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in Ancient China: Researches and Reflections (Aldershot, Great Britain: Variorum, 1996), by Nathan Sivin,” The Journal of Asian Studies 60.2 (2001): 538-540.
  12. “Review of Han Qi, The Westward Transmission of Chinese Science and Technology and Its Inflence (Shijiazhaung: Hebei Renmin Publish, 1999,” The Studies of Sinology 18.2 (2000):427-431。
  13. “Review of The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine by Shigehisa Kuriyama (栗山茂久) (New York: Zone Books, 1999),” New History 10.4 (December 1999): 145-158。
  14. “Review of Thomas Laqueur, Making Sex (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990),” New History 7.4 (December 1996): 223-231。
  15. “Review of Morris J. Vogel, The Invention of the Modern Hospital, Boston 1870-1903,” New History 6.2 (June 1995): 223-230。
  1. 中譯潤稿:柯嘉豪,《佛教對中國物質文化的影響》(上海:復旦大學,出版中)。
  2. 中譯潤稿:金永植,《科學與東亞儒家傳統[精裝]》(臺北:國立臺灣大學出版中心,2014)。
  3. “The Evolution and Decline of the Ancient Chinese Practice of Watching for the Ethers,” Chinese Science 13 (1996): 82-105.
  1. 「明、清的醫療市場、醫學知識與醫病關係」,日本:學習院大學,2017年11日24日。
  2. 「明末清初的天主教與數術」,臺北:國家圖書館,2017年9月30日。
  3. “From ‘the Middle Kingdom and the Rest’ to ‘China in the Global History’: With an Emphasis on the Catholic Missionaries in Ming-Qing China,” Perugia University, November 24, 2016.
  4. “The Coming of the European Concepts of the Body and Soul to China, 1600-1850,” Perugia University, November 10, 2016.
  5. “From Novelty to a Matter of Fact: Debates over the Shape of the Earth in Late Imperial China,” Perugia University, October 19, 2016.
  6. “An Unruly Market: Medicine in Late Imperial China”,南韓:首爾大學科學文化研究中心,2016年1月19日。
  7. “From Novelty to a Matter of Fact: The Spherical Earth in Late Imperial China”,日本:京都大學人文研究所,2015年11月29日。
  8. 「《崇禎曆書》的生命史與中西曆算之爭」,日本:學習院大學,2015年10月30日。
  9. 「明清之際的西學與中國文化的變遷:以大地的形狀為例」, 國立中正紀念堂管理處、何創時書法藝術基金會主辦,臺北:國立中正紀念堂,2015年10月10日。
  10. 「藥醫不死病,佛度有緣人:明、清的醫療市場、醫學知識與醫病關係」,臺北:國家圖書館,2015年9月12日。
  11.  「傳教士、朱方旦與明、清之際的心腦之爭」,臺北:陽明大學心哲所,2015年3月20日。
  12. “Ferdinand Verbiest’s (1623-1688) Criticisms of Chinese Mantic Arts”,法國遠東學院,2014年9月15日。
  13. 「王宏翰與古今醫史」,日本:東京大學,2012年12月13日。
  14. “On the Questions of Medical Images in Late Imperial China,” KIAS, Korea, October 17, 2012.
  15. “Christianity, Mixin, and Prognostication in Seventeenth-Century China,” SNU, Korea, October 4, 2012.
  16. 「楊光先大戰湯若望:淺談現代農曆的由來」(2012.7.16)、「都是學我們的:清初的西學中源說」(2012.7.17)、「藥醫不死病,佛度有緣人:明、清的醫生與病人」(2012.7.18),香港:城市大學中國文化中心。
  17. 「藥醫不死病、佛渡有緣人」,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2009年6月9日。
  18. “Scientific Texts in Contest, 1600-1800”,韓國:首爾大學,2008年11月12日。
  19. “The Nantang Imperial Commissioned Stele and Christianity in the Early Qing”,法國遠東學院,2005年9月26日。
  20. 「身分、文本與歷史:一個十七世紀天主教徒的中醫史」,新竹:清華大學人類所,2004年4月7日。
  21. 「新瓶與舊酒」,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2004年1月9日。
  22. 「誤讀?」,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2003年5月5日。
  23. 「天學與漢洲皇帝」,新竹:清華大學STS中心,2003年4月25日。
  24. 「P. Bourdieu社會學中的場域與競爭」,新竹:清華大學中文系,2003年3月26日。
  25. 「知識與社群:明清之際曆算與醫學之比較」,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2001年10月8日。
  26. “Trouble with the Past: The History of Traditional Science in Modern China,” Harvard-Yenching Institution, USA, March 23, 2001.
  27. 「脩容vs.塑身:美容史中的性別與身體」,1999年2月24日。
  28. 「臺灣漁業史研究芻議」,臺北:臺灣師範大學人文中心,1998年。
  29. 「跨文化的知識傳播:以明清之際的西學為例」,明清討論會,1998年9月16日。
  30. 「西洋曆算與考證學:戴震的天文學」,臺北:中央研究院、天文所,1996年。

1994, Ph.D., History, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
1988, M.A., Tsing Hua University, Institute of History
1982, B.A., Taiwan University, Department of Business Administration

Current and Previous Positions:
2019.3-2023.6, Chairperson of History Department, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2012- , Convener, Program for Health in East Asian Societies, Research Center for Humanity and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica (joined appointment)
2008-2011, Convener, Program for the History of Health, Research Center for Humanity and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica (joined appointment)
2007- , Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2000-2007, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
1995-2000, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
1994-1995, Post-doc, Tsing Hua University

Public Service:
2010-2112, Associate Editor, EASTS
2008-2010, Secretary and Editor, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2006-2012, Editor, Taiwanese Journal for the Study of Science Technology and Medicine
2006-2009, Editor, EASTS
2004, Referee of Zhu Kezhen Award (East Asian Association of History of Science Technology and Medicine)
2002-2007, Editor, Disquisitions on Past and Present

2020,  Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
2019-2024, Academia Sinica Investigator Award
2016.9.1-11.30, 義大利佩魯賈大學 (Perugia University) 語言、社會科學及教育系訪問交換學者
2014.10.1-31, 2015.4.15-6.30, 德國Heidelberg University, Visiting Scholar of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: The Dynamics of Transculturality”
2013.5.1-7.30, 9.26-12.25, 首爾大學Templeton Foundation獎助學者
2012.9.1-10.31, 韓國高等研究院 (KIAS) 「Images, Artistic and Scientific」計畫獎助學者
2011.4.1-2012.3.31, 獲得德國Erlangen-Nuremberg大學研究計畫獎助
2001, Award of Young Scholars of the Year (Taiwan)
1998, Daxiang Essay Award (China) (Awarded Essay “The Formation of Factual Knowledge in Trans-cultural Scientific Transactions: The Debate over the Sphericity of the Earth in China, 1600-1800.”)

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