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Research Fellows


Peiyu Chen

Assistant Research Fellow


Ph. D., Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh

Areas of Research

Taiwanese Archaeology, South American Archaeology, Subsistence in Small-scale Societies

Peiyu Chen is an anthropological archaeologist trained in both Taiwanese and Andean archaeology. She received her Ph.D. (2019) from Pittsburgh University, and her long-term research interest is to reveal ancient lifestyles in small-scale societies as well as the dynamic processes of the emergence of complex societies. By investigating the daily life of early people, Peiyu Chen’s dissertation “Big Transitions in a Small Fishing Village: Late Preceramic Life in Huaca Negra, Virú Valley, Peru” depicts a unique developmental trajectory of a fishing community that was driven by shifting coping strategies and calls for the reconsideration of the emergence of complex society in the coastal Andes from a bottom-up perspective. Inspired by her work on the Andes, she is eager to explore subsistence systems in prehistoric Taiwan, as well as aiming to study the correlation between these systems and sociopolitical organization in early communities. Her broader ambition is then to accumulate case studies at both ends of the Pacific Ocean (Taiwan and Peru), thereby building a comparative perspective which would further contribute to debates and discourses on archaeological topics of interest on a global stage.

  1. “Big Transitions in a Small Fishing Village: the Late Preceramic Life in Huaca Negra, Virú Valley, Peru,” PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 2019.
  2.  〈陶容器作為研究分析單位之效益評估-以台中清水鎮社口遺址的陶器及其標準化研究為例〉,國立台灣大學人類學系,碩士論文,2007。
Journal Articles
  1. 陳珮瑜,2023,〈陶器「始」用的脈絡與詮釋:以祕魯Virú河谷的Huaca Negra遺址為例〉,《考古人類學刊》98:45-88。(TSSCI)
  2. 陳珮瑜,2020,〈生業資源的利用與小規模社會的發展:比較觀點下的海洋假說與宴飲消費〉,《考古人類學刊》93:49-86。(TSSCI)
  3. 陳維鈞、陳珮瑜,2017,〈籬仔尾遺址出土動物遺留及其空間分布初探〉,《考古人類學刊》87:89-122。(TSSCI)
  4. 陳瑪玲、陳珮瑜、林宜羚,2016,〈技術選擇取徑再探陶器製作體系:以臺北盆地幾個史前文化為例〉,《考古人類學刊》84:1-38。(TSSCI)
Conference Papers
  1. 〈Setting the Stage: Life Experiences before Cultural Encounters from a Prehistoric Perspective〉,「十七世紀前後的內亞與海洋世界國際學術研討會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所、國立故宮博物館主辦,2024.11.14-16。
  2. 〈遺址、地主與考古學家的大地遊戲──從近兩年的苗栗沿海踏查談起〉,「2024 臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦,清華大學水下考古學暨水下文化資產研究中心、國立清華大學人類學研究所協辦,2024.8.30-31。
  3. 陳珮瑜、臧振華、劉益昌、陳光祖,〈十三行遺址的貝類採集行為初探──量化與比較的取徑〉,「2024 臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦,清華大學水下考古學暨水下文化資產研究中心、國立清華大學人類學研究所協辦,2024.8.30-31。
  4. “Shared Experiences in a Small Community: Examples of Exotic Goods and the Earliest Ceramics at Huaca Negra, Peru”. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所講論會文稿,2024.6.17。
  5. Peiyu Chen “The Emergence of Pottery Use and Its Interpretation: A Case Study from Huaca Negra, Virú Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the SAA 89th Annual Meeting, 2024.4.17-4.21.
  6. 〈海洋資源與文明起源?祕魯北海岸的史前案例反思〉,「水域/濱海社會的跨域、時、空」工作坊,中研院臺史所海洋史研究群、國立陽明交通大學人文社會學系主辦,2023.6.21。
  7. 〈苗栗竹南與通霄沿海平原考古調查與研究可行性評估〉,「2022年度考古研究計畫成果發表會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,2023.5.31。
  8. 陳珮瑜、lsabelle Druc Tochon,〈從無到有:從切片與脈絡分析看祕魯北海岸Huaca Negra遺址的陶器「始」用〉,「2022臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會、國立臺灣史前文化博物館南科考古館主辦,2022.9.24-9.25。
  9. “Huaca Negra, Valle de Virú: Los fechados absolutos y las estratigrafías relativas del período Precerámico Tardío al Período Inicial,” paper presented at the VII Coloquio Internacional de Arqueología, Fundación Wiese, 2022.8.10-8.12.
  10. 〈祕魯 Huaca Negra 遺址發掘簡報及其與台灣考古學對話的可能〉,「第三屆臺灣考古學會年會」,台北:2020年9月11-12日。
  11. “Fishing, Hunting, Gathering, Planting, and Village Life from Late Preceramic to Initial Period: A Case Study of Huaca Negra, Virú.” Paper presented in Society for American Archaeology 83th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 11-15, 2018.
  12. “Marine-based Subsistence and Its Social Implications in the Late Preceramic and Initial Period: A Different Pattern from Huaca Negra, North Coast of Peru.” Paper presented in Institute of Andean Studies 58th Annual Meeting, Berkeley, January 5-6, 2018.
  13. “Producción y Distribución de Artefactos Líticos durante el Periodo Formativo en la Costa Norte de Perú.” Paper presented in Congreso Nacional de Arqueologia (National Congress of Archaeology), Lima, August 8-11, 2017.
  14. “Revision de Huaca Negra de Guañape, Virú. Excavaciones de la temporada 2015.” Paper presented with in Congreso Nacional de Arqueologia (National Congress of Archaeology), Lima, September 12-16, 2016. (Co-authours: Jhon Cruz and Peiyu Chen)
  15. “The Revision of Huaca Negra and Envisioning the Transition from Late Preceramic to Initial Period in Virú Valley, North Coast of Peru.” Paper presented in Society for American Archaeology 81th Annual Meeting, Orlando, April 6-10, 2016.
  16. 〈籬仔尾遺址出土動物遺留及其空間分布初探〉,「2014年度台灣考古工作會報」,台北:2015年5月1-2日。
  17. “Dwellings and Corporate Groups in Montegrande, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru: A Household Study of Social Differentiation.” Paper presented in Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 15-19, 2015.
  18. “The Technical Choices of Pottery Making Traditions in the Prehistoric Taipei Basin.” Paper presented in Society for East Asian Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association/ Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology, Taipei, July 2-5, 2009.
  19. 〈2008-2009 年度成都平原新石器時代考古調查計畫初步成果〉,「2008 年臺灣考古工作會報」,2009年3月28-29日。(陳伯楨、林宜羚、謝艾倫、陳珮瑜合著)
  20. “Evaluation of a Ceramic Analysis Unit, Vessel Lot versus Sherd-A Case study on the Standardization of Pottery from the She-kow Site.” Paper presented in Fourth Worldwide Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology, Beijing, June 2-5, 2008.
Research/Project Reports
  1. 〈山佳苑裡遺址內涵探究與苗栗新石器時代晚期以降的史前文化再定位〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2023年度考古研究計畫成果報告》,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2024。
  2. 〈苗栗竹南與通霄沿海平原考古調查與研究可行性評估〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2022年度考古研究計畫成果報告》 ,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2023。
  3. 〈十三行遺址的貝類採集初探-貝塚組成的比較研究〉,《國定十三行考古遺址出土資料整理研究出版暨先民歷史再現計畫IV成果報告》,中央研究院歷史語言研究所執行,2023。(與徐翊倩合著)
  4. 陳瑪玲、陳珮瑜、林宜羚,2009,《十三行陶片紋飾研究與行銷策略運用:臺北盆地十三行文化相關遺址陶片分析研究報告》,十三行博物館委託,國立臺灣大學人類學系執行。
  5. 陳珮瑜,2008,《臺19甲線拓寬改善計畫知母義文化遺址施工前試掘探坑研究計畫考古調查報告》,交通部公路總局第五養護工程處委託,中央研究院歷史語言研究所執行。
  6. 陳維鈞、陳珮瑜,2007,《臺19甲線拓寬改善計畫頂山腳遺物發現地點與籬仔尾遺址施工前試掘探坑研究計畫考古調查報告》,交通部公路總局第五區養護工程處委託,中央研究院歷史語言研究所執行。
Other Writings
  1. 陳珮瑜,〈考古解謎:祕魯史前漁村的陶器溯源與啟發〉,《中研院訊.漫步科研》科普專欄,2023.6.15。
  2. 陳珮瑜,2020,〈草泥馬的二三事── 一個南美考古學家的雜談〉,「芭樂人類學」。
  3. 陳珮瑜,2020,〈平凡社群中,不平凡的Chinchorro木乃伊〉,「芭樂人類學」。

Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 2019
M.A., Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, 2007
B.A., Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, 2003

Current Position:
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (2022.1.1- )

Previous Position:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (2020.1-2021.12)

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