王明珂在學士與碩士階段接受史學訓練,在哈佛大學攻讀博士時建立其考古與社會人類學基礎。1994 年開始長期從事結合史學與人類學的青藏高原東緣村寨人群之研究。其研究對象主要為羌族,以及鄰近的藏族與彝族,以此奠定其「華夏邊緣」之理論與方法論基礎。他的研究重點為,由羌族村寨人群之田野研究中了解歷史記憶、族群認同與人類生態之間的關係(化陌生為熟悉),然後藉此重新思考古今中國之歷史記憶、族群認同與人類生態長期變化(視熟悉為陌生),並以此說明華夏與其邊緣共生、互動且經過近代變遷而形成當代中國國族的過程。他的主要著作以可稱作「華夏邊緣系列」的幾本專著為代表,包括《華夏邊緣》、《羌在漢藏之間》、《英雄祖先與弟兄民族》、《游牧者的抉擇》、《反思史學與史學反思》等書。王明珂在學士與碩士階段接受史學訓練,在哈佛大學攻讀博士時建立其考古與社會人類學基礎。1994 年開始長期從事結合史學與人類學的青藏高原東緣村寨人群之研究。其研究對象主要為羌族,以及鄰近的藏族與彝族,以此奠定其「華夏邊緣」之理論與方法論基礎。他的研究重點為,由羌族村寨人群之田野研究中了解歷史記憶、族群認同與人類生態之間的關係(化陌生為熟悉),然後藉此重新思考古今中國之歷史記憶、族群認同與人類生態長期變化(視熟悉為陌生),並以此說明華夏與其邊緣共生、互動且經過近代變遷而形成當代中國國族的過程。他的主要著作以可稱作「華夏邊緣系列」的幾本專著為代表,包括《華夏邊緣》、《羌在漢藏之間》、《英雄祖先與弟兄民族》、《游牧者的抉擇》、《反思史學與史學反思》等書。
1987-1992, Ph.D. in History and Anthropology, Harvard University
Current Position:
2022.11.1- , Correspoding Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Current and Previous Positions:
1984.8-1993.8, Assistant Researcher, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
1993.8-1999.6, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
1999.6-2014.9, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2014.9-2022.10, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
1999.7-2000.11, Head of Anthropology Division, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2000.10-2002.12, 2003.11-2004.10, Vice-Director, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2017.3-2020.2, Director, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2001.4-2002.12, Head of Philology Division, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
1992-1993, Associate Professor of History (adjunct appointment), National Taiwan Normal University
1994-1996, Associate Professor of Ethnology (adjunct appointment), National Cheng-chi University
1997-1998, Associate Professor of Anthropology (adjunct appointment), National Taiwan University
1998.9-1999.4, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Department of Art History, UCLA
2000-2002, Guest Professor of History (adjunct appointment), Soochow University
2002-2004, Professor of Anthropology (adjunct appointment), National Taiwan University
2004-2005, Professor of History (joint appointment), National Tsing Hua University
2005.8-2005.11, Visiting Scholar, EALC, Harvard University
2005.12-2006.7, Research Associate, Harvard-Yenching Institute
2008-2009, Professor of History (joint appointment), National Taipei University
2009.1-2010.1, Visiting Scholar, UC Davis
2010.8-2013.7, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, National Chung Hsing University
2010.8-2013.7, Lin Wan-nian Chair Professor of History, National Chung Hsing University
2010.8-2013.7, Professor, Department of History, National Chung Hsing University
2011.8-2012.12, Director, Research Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chung Hsing University
2013.9-2014.5, Visiting Scholar, Stanford University
2014.7-2015.3, Visiting Scholar, International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Kyoto, Japan)
2015.9-2020.2, Editorial Board Member, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2015.10- , Chair Professor, National Taiwan Normal University
2018.9-2020.7 , Director of Association of Inner Asia Studies Taiwan