1. "Rejoining Anyang oracle bones by using computer science methods" (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan,2006).
2. “Pottery Production and Social Complexity of the Bronze Age Cultures on the Chengdu Plain, Sichuan, China” (PhD dissertation, UCLA, 2013).
Journal Articles
- “The Application and Development of Simulation in Archaeology,” Field Archaeology of Taiwan 11.1/2(2007): 61-74.
- “On craft production and the settlement pattern of the Jinsha site cluster on the Chengdu Plain.”Asian Perspectives 58.2(2019):366-400 (https://doi.org/10.1353/asi.2019.0020) (AHCI)
- Lee, Cheng-Yi, Kuei-Chen Lin, Zhiqing Zhou, Jian Chen, Xiangyu Liu, Haibing Yuan, Pei-Ling Wang.“Reconstructing subsistence at the Yingpanshan and Gaoshan sites in Sichuan province, China: Insights from isotope analysis on bone samples and charred crop remains.”Archaeometry 62.1(2020):172-186.(https://doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12509) (SCI, AHCI)
- Cheng-Yi Lee, Kuei-Chen Lin*, Jian Chen, Andrea Czermak. “Dietary history of two human individuals at the Yingpanshan site, Sichuan Province, revealed by carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of serial samples of dentinal collagen.” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 30.4(2020):565–574. (https://doi.org/10.1002/oa.2871) (SSCI, AHCI)
- 〈不存在的邊地婦女〉,《婦研縱橫》112(2020.4): 54 - 63。
- 〈雪山的回望:青銅時代成都平原的「先人」之地〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》93.3 (2022.9):459-529。(A&HCI)
- Lin, Kuei-chen, Cheng-Yi Lee, Pei-Ling Wang. 2022. “A multi-isotope analysis on human and pig tooth enamel from prehistoric Sichuan, China, and its archaeological implications.” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14(8): Article 145 (online published first). (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-022-01576-5). (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
- Lin, Kuei-chen, Cheng-Yi Lee, Yu Itahashi, Zhiqing Zhou, Jian Chen, Xiangyu Liu, Minoru Yoneda. 2023. “Reconstruction of Diets Based on the Δ15N Values of Individual Amino Acids at Three Sites in Sichuan, China.”Archaeometry 65(4): 908-923 (https://doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12848) (SCI, AHCI)
- Wang, Li-Ying, Kuei-chen Lin, and Zhiqing Zhou. 2024. “Preliminary Insights into the Use of Pottery and Culinary Practices at Guijiabao Site in Southwest China.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 57 (2024): 104598. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104598)
Book Chapters
- 李政益、林圭偵、陳劍、Andrea Czermak、原海兵,〈茂縣營盤山遺址兩個人類個體之食譜結構: 牙本質膠原序列樣本及骨膠原之碳、氮同位素分析〉,收入成都文物考古研究所、阿壩藏族羌族自治州文物管理所、茂縣羌族博物館編,《茂縣營盤山新石器時代遺址(中)》(北京:文物出版社,2018),頁525-539。
- Lin, Kuei-chen. 2023.“Archaeology of Community: Changing Settlement Patterns from the Yingpanshan to the Shi'erqiao Period in Ancient Sichuan, China.” In Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Archaeological Perspectives Festschrift in Honor of Lothar Von Falkenhausen's 60th Birthday - Ideas, Debates, and Perspectives, pp.261-281, edited by Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, and Bryan K. Miller. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.
- Hein, Anke, Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, Kuei-chen Lin, Wa Ye, Mingyu Teng. 2023“Female Scholars and their Contributions to Chinese Archaeology.” In Women in Archaeology: Intersectionalities in Practice Worldwide, pp.559-590, edited by Sandra L. López Varela. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Book Editor
- Flad, Rowan, Joshua Wright, Kuei-chen Lin, Zhiqing Zhou, and Zhanghua Jiang, eds. Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey (CPAS): Results from 2005-2010. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. (Forthcoming
Conference Papers
- “Preliminary Analysis of the Settlement Patterns and Economic Networks in Bronze Age Sichuan: An Application of Social-Network Methods.” 76th SAA Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California, March 31-April 3, 2011.
- “Ceramic Analysis and Its Implications for Craft Production of the Ancient Chengdu Plain.” New Perspectives on Chinese Archaeology: An International Symposium, UCLA, California, January 6-7, 2012.
- “Ceramic Production of the Chengdu Plain in the Bronze Age.” 78th SAA Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 3-7, 2013.
- “On the Excavation of the Shi’erqiao-Xinyicun Site and Its Comparison with the Surrounding Sites 成都十二橋--新一村遺址發掘紀要與周邊遺址的比較.” 2013 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Archaeology 臺灣考古工作會報, National Taiwan University, Taipei, March 21-23, 2014.
- Kuei-chen Lin and Christian Fischer. 2014. “Prehistoric Ceramics from the Chengdu Plain: Scientific Analysis and Cultural Significance.” Poster presented at International Symposium on Archaeometry 2014, UCLA, California, May 19-23, 2014.
- “Settlements on the Chengdu Plain in the Second and First Millennia BC.” Sixth Worldwide Conference of the SEAA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 6-10, 2014.
- “Craft production and domestic economies of the prehistoric Chengdu Plain, southwest China.” 80th SAA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 15-19, 2015.
- Lin, Kuei-chen and Pochan Chen. “The development of typology in Chinese archaeology.” 81st SAA Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April 6-10, 2016.
- “Environmental decay and changes in production on the ancient Chengdu Plain.” 7th Worldwide Conference of the SEAA, Cambridge/Boston, MA, June 8-12. 2016.
- “Archaeological survey on prehistoric Chengdu Plain environments: exemplified by pottery petrographic analyses.”International Symposium on Sanxingdui and World Ancient Civilizations and Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Discoveries of the Sanxingdui Sacrifice Pits, Guanghan, Sichuan, July 17-19, 2016.
- “Standardization in pottery production of the Jinsha site, Chengdu Plain, China.” 82nd SAA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC Canada, March 29-April 2, 2017.
- “On craft production and the settlement pattern of the Jinsha site cluster on the Chengdu Plain”, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所講論會,2017.10.01。
- 〈成都平原高山遺址初步工作成果〉,「2018台灣考古學年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦、成功大學考古學研究所協辦,2018.7.6-7-7。
- 鄭介甫、林圭偵、陳玉茹,〈布農族佳心舊聚落的地景考古學調查〉,「2018台灣考古學年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦、成功大學考古學研究所協辦,2018.7.6-7-7。
- 〈川西山區營盤山遺址群及其對外關係:陶器製作及生業飲食〉,「慶祝歷史語言研究所成立九十週年學術活動系列-台灣考古新銳發表會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,2018.9.14。
- Lin, Kuei-chen and Cheng-yi Lee.“The external connections of the Yingpanshan site cluster in western Sichuan, China.” 84th SAA Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 10-14, 2019. (poster)
- “Archaeology of Community: The changing settlement patterns from Baodun to Shi’erqiao 真實與想像的共同體” , 中央研究院歷史語言研究所108年度第11次講論會,2019.06.03。
- “Archaeology of Community: The changing settlement patterns from Yingpanshan to Shi’erqiao.” The Art and Archaeology of Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Workshop and Symposium in Honor of Lothar von Falkenhausen, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. June 5-6, 2019.
- 鄭玠甫、林圭偵、陳郁茹,〈手持式移動 3D 測繪技術在山區原住民舊 聚落研究的應用—以佳心舊部落為例〉,「七十年在地深耕與發展—國立臺灣大學人類學系七十周年慶、黃士強教授九秩壽慶、第二屆臺灣考古學會年會」,臺灣考古學會主辦、國立臺灣大學人類學系暨研究所合辦,2019.6.28-6.30。
- 〈成都平原十二橋文化時期金沙聚落之發展與「先人」之地〉,「2020年科技部人類學及族群研究學門成果發表會議──面向世界的變動與流動:人類學與跨學科的連結、整合、對話」,科技部人文司人類學及族群研究學門與國立交通大學人文社會學系主辦,2020.10.31-11.1。
- 〈金沙遺址群的陶器製作與標準化〉,「紀念金沙遺址發現20週年國際學術會議」,四川成都,2021.9.27。
- 〈雪山的回望:青銅時代成都平原的「先人」之地〉,中央研究院歷史語言研究所111年度第6次講論會,2019.06.03。
- 〈鹽源地區同位素研究的初步成果〉,「探秘定笮古文明•鑄牢中華民族共同體意識——首屆鹽源青銅文化與各民族交往交流交融學術研討會」,四川鹽源,2022.6.18-20。
- “Paleodiets and origins of the inhabitants on the Chengdu Plain before the middle Bronze Age.” Ninth Worldwide Conference of the SEAA, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea. June 29-July 3, 2022.
- Li-Ying Wang, Kuei-chen Lin, Zhiqing Zhou. “Investigating Neolithic pottery use in the Yanyuan Basin in Southwest China using organic residue analysis.” Ninth Worldwide Conference of the SEAA, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea. June 29-July 3, 2022.
- “The collapse of Sanxingdui society and its resilience.” World Archaeological Congress 9, Prague, Czech Republic, July 3-8, 2022.
- Lin, Kuei-chen. “The impact of science on Chinese archaeology.” Conference on the History and Practice of Archaeology in the Chinese Cultural Sphere, University of Oxford, UK, August 22-24, 2022.
- Lin, Kuei-chen. “The multiculturalism of prehistoric settlements in the Hengduan Mountains.” East Asian Anthropological Association Annual Meeting / Taiwan-NSTC Seminar on Anthropology and Ethnic Studies on Asia Re-connecting? Crisis, Intimacy and Critique, National Chengchi University. October 15-16, 2022.
- Lin, Kuei-chen and Zhiqing Zhou. “Field work prior to the CPAS and the influence of CPAS on recent fieldwork.” 88th SAA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 29-April 2, 2023 (poster symposium organizer with Rowan Flad: “The Chengdu Plain Archaeology Survey (2004–2011): Highlights from the Final Report”)
- Li, Shuicheng, Joshua Wright, Rowan Flad, Kuei-chen Lin, Zhanghua Jiang. “Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey Culture Distributions: Integration and Interpretation of the CPAS Data.” 88th SAA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 29-April 2, 2023 (poster symposium organizer with Rowan Flad: “The Chengdu Plain Archaeology Survey (2004–2011): Highlights from the Final Report”)
- Flad, Rowan, Joshua Wright, Zhanghua Jiang, Kuei-chen Lin, Zhiqing Zhou, Tao Xie. “Changes in Land Use and Landscape in 20th Century Chengdu Plain Survey Area.” 88th SAA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 29-April 2, 2023 (poster symposium organizer with Rowan Flad: “The Chengdu Plain Archaeology Survey (2004–2011): Highlights from the Final Report”)
- Lin, Kuei-chen. “Subsistence, paleodiets, and regional interaction in western Sichuan during 5000-2800 BP: Isotopic Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains.” Anyang and Beyond: Ancient DNA Studies, Digital Humanities, and Recent Discoveries in the Study of Ancient Civilization Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, April 10, 2023.
- 王儷螢、林圭偵、周志清,〈從脂質分析探討中國西南皈家堡遺址出土的新石器陶器使用〉,「2023臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦,臺北:國立臺灣大學協辦,2023.6.17-6.18。
- 林圭偵、李政益、板橋悠、周志清、陳劍、劉祥宇、米田穣,〈由氨基酸所反映的史前成都平原飲食〉,「2023臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦,臺北:國立臺灣大學協辦,2023.6.17-6.18。
- 林圭偵. A comparative analysis of elephant teeth unearthed from the Yinxu and Jinsha sites, with implications for human-animal relationships and habitats 森羅與萬象: 殷墟遺址與金沙遺址出土象牙比較. 2024.4.8. (講論會文稿)
- Lin, Kuei-chen, Cheng-Yi Lee, Yu Itahashi, Zhiqing Zhou, Minoru Yoneda. “The dietary practices of the ancient inhabitants of the Chengdu Plain.” 89th SAA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 17-21, 2024.
- Wang, Li-Ying, Kuei-chen Lin, and Zhiqing Zhou. “Investigating the pottery use of Neolithic ceramics from Guijiabao in southewest Chain using organic residue analysis.” 89th SAA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 17-21, 2024.
- Lin, Kuei-chen. “The Relationship between Shang People and Animals as Seen from Yinxu Elephant teeth.” Into the Future with a Comparative Perspective: Recent Discoveries and New Directions in Anyang Archaeology, Hong Kong, June 12-13, 2024.
- Lin, Kuei-chen, Cheng-Yi Lee, Yunhong Chen, Haibin Yuan, Pei-Ling Wang. “Dietary pattern in the initial colonial period of the Chengdu Plain, exemplified by the Baojialiangzi Cemetery.”「飲食文化考古國際學術研討會」,國科會贊助,中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2024.12.5-12.6。
Project Reports
- 〈成都平原十二橋文化時期環境考古調查〉《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2015年度考古研究計畫成果報告》:206-223頁,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2016。
- 〈成都平原十二橋文化時期環境考古調查(第二期)〉《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2016年度考古研究計畫成果報告》:11-27頁,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2017。
- 〈成都平原十二橋文化時期環境考古調查(第三期)〉《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2017年度考古研究計畫成果報告》:130-144頁,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2018。
- 林圭偵、鄭玠甫、廖泫銘、陳郁茹,《「拉庫拉庫溪流域布農族佳心舊社調查研究暨GIS故事地圖建置計畫」成果報告書》,285頁,花蓮縣文化局委託,2018.9。
- 〈川西地區史前環境變遷之四:鹽源考古調查計畫〉《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2018年度考古研究計畫成果報告》:130-146頁,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助 ,2019。
- 〈川西地區史前環境變遷:先秦時期飲食、生業資源分析〉《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2019年度考古研究計畫成果報告》:1-18頁,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2020。
- 林圭偵、鄭玠甫、廖泫銘、陳郁茹,《「拉庫拉庫溪流域布農族佳心部落與喀西帕南調查研究暨GIS故事地圖建置計畫」成果報告書》,278頁,花蓮縣文化局委託,2020.1。
- 林圭偵、鄭玠甫、廖泫銘、陳郁茹,《「拉庫拉庫溪流域布農族阿桑來戛部落與馬西桑部落調查研究計畫」成果報告書》,261頁,花蓮縣文化局委託,2021.2。
- 〈殷墟遺址與金沙遺址象牙的比較、溯源〉《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2020年度考古研究計畫成果報告》:45-66頁,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2021.11.19。
- 《成都平原十二橋文化時期金沙聚落之發展(第3年) 》,科技部補助專題研究計畫報告,共14頁,2021。
- 《科學人》考古新聞「草食恐龍哪有這麼弱!」(Hadrosaur Gave T. rex a Run for Its Money/ by David Godkin)(2015.3)。
- 《科學人》考古新聞「死人的牙醫」(2015.11)。
- 《國家地理雜誌》考古新聞「誰是尼安德塔人的牙醫?」(2017.3.21) 。
Other Writings
- 〈Got Milk? 〉,(芭樂人類學 2016.2.29;關鍵評論網2016.3.21)。
- 〈黑暗時代的光芒、失而復得的寶藏〉,「歷史學柑仔店(kám-á-tiàm )」,2018.10.26。
- 〈遠方唐物多珍重,螺鈿胡音細飄香〉,「歷史學柑仔店(kám-á-tiàm )」,2019.11.22。
- 〈勸君莫惜陽關道,南入蜀中多白金〉,「歷史學柑仔店(kám-á-tiàm)」,2020.12.11。
- 〈文明。病──疫情下的原住民〉,「歷史學柑仔店(kám-á-tiàm)」,2021.06.04。
- 〈考古作為一種職業〉,《女科技人電子報》第170,2022.2.14。
2013, Ph.D. in Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles
Current and Previous Positions:
2023.6- , Secretary, Editorial and Publishing Office, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
2023.3- , Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2015.2-2023.3, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2014.7-2015.1, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2023 Academia Sinica Early Career Investigator Research Achievement Award
2020-2021 Senior Research Fulbright Grant, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange