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Research Fellows


Kuan-Wen Wang

Assistant Research Fellow


Ph.D., Dept. of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, U.K.

Areas of Research

Archaeological Science, Ancient Pyrotechnology, Bead Studies, Regional Interaction around the South China Sea

Bridging Sciences and Humanities

Archaeological science has become an essential subject of archaeological research. Since 2007, I started to do archaeology with my material science background. My interest lies in the cultural, social and economic interaction reflected by artefacts in past societies, using scientific methods as research approach. My major research field is in Taiwan, but I also explore the overseas interaction between Taiwan, Southeast Asia and East Asia.

My recent research focuses on the glass artefacts in prehistoric Taiwan and the South China Sea region. By using scientific techniques such as electron microscope and LA-ICP-MS, I integrate the analytical data with archaeological context and establish a preliminary temporal and spatial distribution of glass beads in Iron Age Taiwan. I also discuss the production, consumption and exchange of glass beads in Taiwan and the South China Sea region, together with the related interaction between communities. My future research will be based on this study and focuses on three major aspects. Firstly, I would like to do a more comprehensive and detailed study of glass artefacts from different regions in Taiwan, in order to understand the interaction between Taiwan, Southeast Asia and China. Secondly, I would like to study the cultural relationship and practice between prehistoric glass beads and the heirloom beads in aboriginal societies. Thirdly, I would like to continue my research on reconstructing the glass production around the South China Sea region, to investigate its development and the possible cross-regional exchange of knowledge between Southeast Asia and South Asia. In addition, I will use different analytical methods (e.g. isotope analysis) to obtain information from different perspectives, and also apply the scientific analysis on other inorganic materials such as metal and jade.

  1. Wang, K.-W. 2016. Cultural and Socio-economic Interaction Reflected by Glass Beads in Early Iron Age Taiwan. 345 pages. PhD thesis, Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffiels. 
  2. Wang, K.-W. 2009. The Study of Early Islamic Alkali Glaze in Medieval Central Asia. 152 pages. MSc dissertation, Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
Journal Articles
  1. Wang, K.-W., L. Dussubieux, Y. Iizuka, K.-t. Li., and C.-h. Tsang. 2023.“Glass ornaments from southwestern Taiwan: new light on maritime glass exchange across Southeast, South and West Asia in the early-mid 1st millennium CE,”Heritage Science 11: 255. (SCIE/SSCI)
  2. Wang, K.-W.*, Y. Iizuka, and C. Jackson. 2022.“The production technology of mineral soda alumina glasses: a perspective from microstructural analysis of glass beads in Iron Age Taiwan,”PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263986. (SCIE/SSCI) 
  3. Wang, K.-W.*, K.-T. Li, Y. Iizuka, Y.-K. Hsieh and C. Jackson. 2021.“Glass beads from Guishan in Iron Age Taiwan: inter-regional bead exchange between Taiwan, Southeast Asia and beyond,”Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35:102737. (AHCI)
  4. Wang, K.-W.*, Y. Iizuka, Y.-K. Hsieh, K.-H. Lee, K.-T. Chen, C.-F. Wang and C. Jackson*.2019“The anomaly of glass beads and glass beadmaking waste at Jiuxianglan, Taiwan,”in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11:1391-1405. (SSCI/SCIE/AHCI)
  5. 王冠文*、李坤修、陳光祖、飯塚義之、C. Jackson,2018,〈由舊香蘭遺址玻璃質遺留的原料及工藝談玻璃珠的交換〉,《考古人類學刊》, 89:57-92。(TSSCI)
  6. Wang, K.-W*. 2018.“Glass beads in Iron Age and early modern Taiwan: an introduction,”BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers 30: 16-30.
  7. Wang, K.-W.* and C. Jackson. 2014.“A review of glass compositions around the South China Sea region (the late 1st millennium BC to the 1st millennium AD): placing Iron Age glass beads from Taiwan in context,”in Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology 34: 51-60.
  8. 王冠文、王宇祥、邱斯嘉*,2012,〈鈣質砂摻和料和鹽的使用對陶器性質之影響〉,《考古人類學刊》,77:1-22。(TSSCI) 
Book Chapters
  1. 王冠文、王儷螢,2024,〈聚焦臺灣考古學界:由中、英文期刊所見近二十年臺灣與東南亞考古之研究趨勢與反思〉,收入李貞德編,《挑戰與新生:中央研究院歷史語言研究所九十五周年所慶論文集》(台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所),頁199-231。
  2. Wang, K.-W. 2023. “Glass Beads and Maritime Trade,”In H.-H. M. Hsiao (ed), Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies Online.
Conference Papers
  1. 王冠文、楊筑雅,2024,〈海上貿易與台灣玻璃飾品交易網絡之演變:從西元九世紀至十七世紀〉,「十七世紀前後的內亞與海洋世界國際學術研討會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所、國立故宮博物館主辦,2024.11.14-16。
  2. 王冠文,2024,〈台灣東岸金屬器時代玻璃珠的交換網絡〉, ,「聚合.開放:2024南島文化學術論壇」,台東縣政府文化處主辦、國立台東大學南島文化中心承辦、國立史前文化博物館協辦,2024.11.8-9。
  3. 王冠文、Melissa Cadet、Thilo Rehren、Laure Dussubieux、 飯塚義之、臧振華、劉益昌、陳光祖,〈玻璃與灰皿:由玻璃珠探究跨工藝交流〉,「2024 臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦,清華大學水下考古學暨水下文化資產研究中心、國立清華大學人類學研究所協辦,2024.8.30-31。
  4. Mélissa Cadet、Kuan-Wen Wang, Kwang-tzuu Chen, Chenghwa Tsang, Yi-chang Liu, Kuo-Fang Huang, Yoshiyuki Iizuka,〈十三行遺址的銅質遺留〉,「2024 臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦,清華大學水下考古學暨水下文化資產研究中心、國立清華大學人類學研究所協辦,2024.8.30-31。
  5. 王冠文、劉思然、內田純子、Th. Rehren、李永迪、飯塚義之、M. Cadet、黃國芳、李修平,2024〈商代小屯鑄銅作坊的微觀分析:一個研究提案〉,「Into the Future with a Comparative Perspective: New Discoveries and New Directions in Anyang Archaeology」,芝加哥大學東亞語言與文明學系主辦,香港:芝加哥大學香港校區,6月12-13日。
  6. Wang, K.-W., L. Dussubieux, Y. Iizuka, K.-t. Li, and C.-h. Tsang. 2024. From Mesopotamia to Taiwan: Early plant ash glass in the South China Sea, paper to be presented in the 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 17-21 Apr.
  7. Wang, K.-W. 王冠文. 2023 From Mesopotamia to Taiwan: maritime glass ornament exchange in southwestern Taiwan in Metal Age (從美索不達米亞到台灣:台灣西南部金屬器時代玻璃飾品海上貿易), paper presented in Dancing with the Land: A Popular Science Forum on the Past and Present of the Southern Science Park Area (「與土地共舞:南科地區的前世今生」科普論壇). Museum of Archaeology, Tainan Branch of National Museum of Prehistory, Tainan, Taiwan, 11 Nov. (in Chinese)
  8. Wang, K.-W., Laure Dussubieux, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, Kuang-Ti Li, and Cheng-Hwa Tsang. Maritime glass exchange: Mesopotamian glass in early Metal Age Taiwan, paper presented in PNC 2023 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Okinawa, Japan, 3-5 November.
  9. 王冠文、王儷螢,2023,〈聚焦臺灣考古學界:由中、英文期刊所見近二十年臺灣與東南亞考古之研究趨勢與反思〉,「挑戰與新生-歷史語言研究所慶祝九十五周年學術研討會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,10月17-18日。
  10. 王冠文,2023,〈當考古學遇上 AI:AI 的應用以及考古學家該如何面對〉, 「公共化AI工作坊:人類學及族群研究學門推廣工作坊」,人文社會AI應用與發展研究中心、人類學及族群研究學門主辦,臺北:中央研究院民族學研究所,7月11日。
  11. 王冠文、Laure Dussubieux、飯塚義之、李匡悌、臧振華,2023,〈西元一千紀中期道爺、道爺南及五間厝遺址植物灰玻璃之產地〉,「2023臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,臺灣考古學會主辦,臺北:國立臺灣大學協辦,6月17-18日。
  12. 王冠文,2023〈Elemental analysis on glass artefacts from southwestern Taiwan: New lights on glass exchange across Southeast South and West Asia in early-mid 1st millennium AD〉,發表於本所「112年度第7次講論會」,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023.4.24。
  13. 王冠文,2023〈台灣金屬器時代玻璃器研究回顧與展望:從淡水河到立霧溪〉,「2023年新北市國際考古論壇-古代東亞海路交流探究」,新北:新北市立十三行博物館,4月14日。
  14. 王冠文,2021,〈玻璃與銅:礦物鈉鋁玻璃銅著色劑之原料以及其所見之跨工藝互動的可能性〉,發表於「2021臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會」,新北:新北市立十三行博物館,10月29-30日。
  15. 王冠文,2021,〈由台灣鐵器時代玻璃珠的微結構分析看礦物鈉鋁玻璃的生產工藝技術〉,發表於本所「110年度第9次學術講論會」,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,5月10日。
  16. 李匡悌、王冠文,2020,〈The source and exchange of glass artefacts in Tainan region in Iron Age: Stage II〉,發表於「2019年度本所考古研究計畫成果報告」,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,10月14日。
  17. 陳維鈞、王冠文,2020,〈籬仔尾遺址出土玻璃珠之研究〉,發表於「2019年度本所考古研究計畫成果報告」,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,10月14日。
  18. Wang, K.-W. 2019. Iron Age glass beads as indicator for regional interaction in northern and northeastern Taiwan, paper presented in the 4th Shanghai Archaeology Forum (SAF), Shanghai, China, 14-17 Dec.
  19. Wang, K.-W., Laure Dussubieux and Kuang-Ti Li. 2019. LA-ICP-MS analysis on Iron Age glass artefacts from Tainan Science Park, paper presented in the International Austronesian Conference: Technology and Social Practice, Taitung, Taiwan, 31 Oct-1 Nov.
  20. Wang, K.-W., C. Jackson, Y. Iizuka, Y.-K. Hsieh. 2019. The circulation of plant ash glass around the South China Sea: a perspective of plant ash glass from Taiwan, paper presented in the 3rd SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology (SPAFACON2019), Bangkok, Thailand, 17-21 June.
  21. Wang, K.-W. 2018. Regional interaction reflected by glass beads in early Iron Age Taiwan, paper presented in Maritime Exchanges and Localizations across the South China Sea, 500 BC-500 AD, Tainan, Taiwan, 9-11 November.
  22. Wang, K.-W., Y. Iizuka and C. Jackson. 2018. The copper-colouring m-Na-Al glass around the South China Sea region: a new perspective, paper presented in the 21st Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Conference, Hue, Vietnam, 23-28 September.
  23. 王冠文、飯塚義之、謝易恭、Caroline Jackson,2018,〈由台灣鐵器時代的玻璃珠探討環南海一帶的植物灰玻璃〉,發表於「台灣考古新銳發表會」,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,9月14日。
  24. 王冠文、飯塚義之、謝易恭、C. Jackson,2018,〈台灣鐵器時代早期玻璃珠的區域與年代分佈〉,發表於「考古與歷史所見之玻璃:文化、經濟與藝術交流」,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所、國立故宮博物院,3月27-28日。
  25. 王冠文、李坤修,2017,〈由舊香蘭出土的玻璃質文物初探環南海一帶的玻璃製作與交易〉,發表於「2017南島文化國際研討會-文化資產與社群培力:台灣南向連結的人類學觀點」,台東:國立台灣史前文化博物館,11月14-17日。
  26. Wang, K.-W., C. Jackson, Y. Iizuka and Y.-K. Hsieh. 2017. The production of m-Na-Al glass: a perspective using glass beads in Iron Age Taiwan, paper presented in the History of Asian Casting Technology, Taipei Meeting, Taipei Taiwan, 25-26 August.
  27. 王冠文、李坤修、陳光祖、飯塚義之、C. Jackson,2017,〈舊香蘭遺址出土玻璃文物的電子顯微鏡分析〉,發表於「2016年台灣考古工作會報」,台中,:國立自然科學博物館,7月7-8日。
  28. 李匡悌、王冠文、飯塚義之、Caroline Jackson,2016,〈鐵器時代台灣南端聚落與東海岸的文化交流〉,發表於「台灣東半部一千年前後的文化樣相」學術研討會,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,11月15日。
  29. Wang, K.-W., K.-T. Li, Y. Iizuka and C. Jackson. 2016. Chemical composition of glass bead in Kueishan site, southern Taiwan (the late 1st millennium AD), paper presented in International Symposium on Archaeometry 2016, Kalamata, Greece, 15-21 May.
  30. Wang, K.-W. 2015. The consumption and exchange of Iron Age glass beads in northern and northeastern Taiwan, paper presented in ShOx: the joint Sheffield Oxford seminar on Cultural Materials, Sheffield, UK, 6 November.
  31. Wang, K.-W., C. Jackson, Y. Iizuka and Y. Hsieh. 2015. Chemical analysis of Iron Age glass beads from Kiwulan, Taiwan, paper presented in 15th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Paris, France, 6-10 July.
  32. Wang, K.-W. 2014. Tracing glass beads in early Iron Age Taiwan (the 1st millennium AD), paper presented in Taiwan Scientific Symposium in Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 29 November.
  33. Wang, K.-W., Caroline Jackson, Yoshiyuki Iizuka and Kun-hsiu Lee. 2014. Preliminary scientific analysis of Iron Age glass beads from Chiuhsianglan, Taiwan, in International Symposium on Archaeometry 2014, Los Angeles, USA, 19-23 May.
  34. 趙金勇、王冠文,2012,〈初探台灣史前玻璃珠的出現及其在環南海地區的意義〉,發表於「古代交換與殖民模式的跨地域比對」國際學術研討會,9月1-3日。
  35. 王冠文、王宇祥、邱斯嘉,2011,〈貝殼摻和料對陶器性質之影響〉,發表於 「2010 年台灣考古工作會報」,台東:國立臺灣史前文化博物館,5月28-30日。
  36. Wang, K.-W., C. Henshaw, and Th. Rehren, 2009. Early Islamic Mixed Alkali Glazes in Central Asia, paper presented in European meeting on ancient ceramics, London, UK, 10-13 September.
  37. Chen, T.-H., K.-W. Wang, Y.-P. Wang, P.-K. Tseng, J.-F. Lee, M.-T. Tang, P.-C. Shu, 2007. Studies of Chinese celadon by SR-based techniques, paper presented in the 2nd Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1-2 November.
Research / Project Reports
  1. 陳光祖、臧振華、劉益昌、王冠文、陳珮瑜、鄭玠甫,2024,《國定十三行考古遺址出土資料整理研究出版暨先民歷史再現計畫V期末報告》,文化部文化資產局委託計畫。
  2. 陳光祖、臧振華、劉益昌、王冠文、陳珮瑜、鄭玠甫,2023,《國定十三行考古遺址出土資料整理研究出版暨先民歷史再現計畫IV期末報告》,文化部文化資產局委託計畫。
  3. 王冠文,2023,《由玻璃質文物談蘭陽平原近現代的區域互動:化學成份、微結構與同位素分析》成果報告(MOST 110-2410-H-001-003),國科會補助專題研究計畫。
  4. Wang, K.-W., M. Cadet, K.-F. Huang, 2022. Validating the analytical protocol for lead isotope analysis and preliminary comparisons of copper-base remains between Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Final report to the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
  5. 王冠文,2022,〈澎湖一號出水陶瓷殘片分析報告〉,庶谷文創事業股份有限公司委託分析報告。
  6. 王冠文,2022,〈Blihun漢本遺址珠飾鑑定報告〉,庶谷文創事業股份有限公司委託分析報告。
  7. 王冠文,2022,〈Blihun漢本遺址玻璃質樣本分析報告〉,庶谷文創事業股份有限公司委託分析報告。
  8. 陳光祖、臧振華、劉益昌、趙金勇、林淑芬、王冠文,《國定十三行考古遺址出土資料整理研究出版暨先民歷史再現計畫III期末報告》,文化部文化資產局委託計畫,2022.11.30。
  9. 陳光祖、臧振華、劉益昌、趙金勇、林淑芬、王冠文,《國定十三行考古遺址出土資料整理研究出版暨先民歷史再現計畫II期末報告》,文化部文化資產局委託計畫,2021.11.30。
  10. 陳光祖、臧振華、劉益昌、趙金勇、林淑芬、王冠文,《國定十三行考古遺址出土資料整理研究出版暨先民歷史再現計畫I期末報告》,文化部文化資產局委託計畫,2020.12。
  11. 陳維鈞、王冠文,〈籬仔尾遺址出土玻璃珠之研究〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所2019年度考古研究計畫成果報告》:108-120頁,中央研究院歷史語言研究所補助,2020。
  12. 李匡悌、王冠文 “The source and exchange of glass artefacts in Tainan region in Iron Age: Stage II ”,2019年度本所考古研究計畫成果報告,2020。
  13. 王冠文,〈南勢坑遺址玻璃質樣本分析報告〉,國立自然科學博物館委託分析報告,2019。
  14. 王冠文、飯塚義之,〈漢本遺址出土珠飾分析報告〉,國立史前文化博物館委託分析報告,2018。
Book Reviews
  1. Wang, K.-W. 2023. (Book Review) Alok Kumar Kanungo & Laure Dussubieux (Ed.). 2021. Ancient Glass of South Asia. Archaeology, Ethnography and Global Connections. Singapore: Springer; 978-981-16-3655-4 Hardback £119.99. Antiquity 97 (396): 1623–1626.
Other Writings
  1. 王冠文,〈從材料科學到考古科學〉,《女科技人電子報》第170期,2022.2.14。
  2. 王冠文,2021,〈來自古代的傳世秘方:古埃及人與古羅馬人如何製作玻璃?〉,《科學月刊》616:14-17
  3. 王冠文、徐苡庭,〈來去實驗室出田野〉,芭樂人類學,2020.12.14。
  4. 王冠文,2019,〈台灣鐵器時代的玻璃珠:時尚的舶來品〉,《Joy愛十三行》9:22-25。
  5. 王冠文,2017,〈穿閱時空的科學檢閱—考古學與化學分析〉,《科學月刊》576,908-911。
  6. 王冠文,2017,〈出土物成分透露的資訊〉,《科學發展月刊》540:32-36。
  7. Wang, K.-W. 2015. Scientific analysis of Iron Age glass beads from Taiwan, in SAS Bulletin 38 (3): 1-3.
  8. Wang, K.-W. 2014. Glass beads in early Iron Age Taiwan (the 1st millennium AD), in Glass News35: 9-11.

Ph.D., Dept. of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, U.K. (2016)
M.A., Institute of Archaeology, University College London, U.K. (2009)
B.A., Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2007)

Current Position
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (2018.7.1- )

Previous Position
Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholars (2017.07.01-2018.06.30)

2015  蔣經國國際學術交流基金會中華民國留學生博士論文獎學金
2015  The Society for Archaeological Sciences Student Research International Travel Award
2013  教育部留學獎學金乙類
2013  Association for the History of Glass Travel Grants

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