“Tibetan Buddhism in Ming China” (PhD thesis, Harvard University, 2004, Committee on Inner Asian and Altaic Studies).
- Materials for a Genealogy of the Niohuru Clan: With Introductory Remarks on Manchu Onomastics (Aetas Manjurica 10) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005).
- 《歷史語文學論叢初編》 (Miscellanea Historico-Philologica)(上海:上海古籍出版社,2012)。(以下簡稱MHP)
Journal Articles
- “Tibetan mdo,” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55.4 (2002): 391-402. 收入 MHP,頁168-181。
- “Some Classical Malay Materials for the Study of the Chinese Novel Journey to the West,” Being Sino-Platonic Papers 137 (2004): 1-64. 修訂本收入MHP,頁218-264。
- “Chinese Qiong ~ Tibetan Khyung; Taoism ~ Bonpo: Some Questions Related to Early Ethno-Religious History in Sichuan,” Being Sino-Platonic Papers 147 (2005): 1-18. 修訂本收入MHP,頁203-217。
- 〈新發現札克丹滿漢混合詩歌二首〉,《滿語研究》1 (2005):131-137。後收入MHP,頁265-275。
- “Kalmyko-Tibetica: Apropos of samsai, bsam se in Medical Literature,” Manuscripta Orientalia 12.1 (2006): 4-19 + back cover. 後收入MHP,頁182-202。
- 〈塞種源流及李唐氏族問題與老子之瓜葛:漢文佛教文獻所見中、北亞胡族族姓疑案〉,《中央研究院歷史語言硏究所集刊》78.1 (2007):183-224。增訂本收入MHP,頁14-37。
- “Translation, Poetry and Lute Tunes: Some Manchu Writings of Mingsioi and Jakdan,” Central Asiatic Journal 51.2 (2007): 223-246. 後收入MHP,頁283-302。
- “Two Manchu poems of Jakdan on the Merits of Beard and Tobacco,” Zentralasiatische Studien des Seminars für Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft Zentralasiens des Universität Bonn 37 (2008): 143-163. 後收入MHP,頁303-323。
- “Notes on the Earliest Sanskrit Word Known in Chinese,” Being Sino-Platonic Papers 201 (2010): 1-10. 後收入MHP,頁4-13。
- “The Poetic Forms and Two Longer Poems in the Manju gisun i yobo maktara sarkiyan,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 73.1 (2010): 65-99. 增訂本收入MHP,頁324-367。
Book Chapters
- Hoong Teik Toh and James Bosson, “Jakdan and His Manchu Poetry,” in Stephen Wadley and Carsten Naeher, eds., Proceedings of the First North American Conference on Manchu Studies (Portland, Oregon, May 9-10, 2003), Vol. 1 (Studies in Manchu Literature and History) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006),pp. 13-25.
- 〈「演揲兒」為回鶻語考辨:兼論番教、回教與元、明大內秘術〉,收入沈衛榮主編,《西域歷史語言研究集刊‧第一輯》(北京:科學出版社,2007),頁227-258。增訂本收入MHP,頁126-167。
- 〈《大隋故儀同虞公墓誌》中魚國胡名擬測及粟特胡、丁零胡問題〉,收入沈衛榮主編,《西域歷史語言研究集刊‧第二輯》(北京:科學出版社,2009),頁75-77。修訂本收入MHP,頁118-120。
- 〈「蒲速」與相關的契丹語文解讀問題〉,收入沈衛榮主編,《西域歷史語言研究集刊‧第四輯》(北京:科學出版社,2010),頁181-185。後收入MHP,頁121-125。
- 〈正德的番、回傾向:大明皇帝對異族宗教的追求〉,收入林富士主編,《中國史新論‧宗教史分冊》(臺北:中央研究院、聯經出版公司,2010),頁413-438。
- 〈漢初方士所錄古印度語〉,收入MHP,頁1-3。
- 〈吐谷渾的藏文拼寫、藏文名稱及其阿爾泰語源〉,收入MHP,頁38-51。
- 〈雜胡稱兜鍪為「突厥」說〉,收入MHP,頁52-58。
- 〈論鮮卑語「拓()跋」不同於「禿髮」〉,收入MHP,頁59-69。
- 〈「吐蕃」源出「禿(偷)髮」問題析要〉,收入MHP,頁70-97。
- 〈羯胡、契胡、稽胡之若干基本問題〉,收入MHP,頁98-117。
- 〈試論Sonom Gara/Kara < *Sonom Gra/Kra 即「莎南屹囉二合」以及一批中期蒙古語密典下落不明之問題〉,《西域歷史語言研究集刊》。
Ph.D., Harvard University
Previous Positions:
Assistant Research Fellow (2005-2008), and Associate Research Fellow (2012.4-2013.6), Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica