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Corresponding and Adjunct Research Fellows


Tsai-fa Cheng


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

Areas of Research

Chinese Phonology

  1. 《蒙古字韻跟八思巴字有關的韻書》(臺北:臺灣大學文史叢刊之15,1965)。
  2. Ancient Chinese and Early Mandarin. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Monograph Series No. 2. Berkeley, 1985.
  1. 〈漢語音韻史的分期問題〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》36.2(1966):635-648。
  2. 〈八思巴字標註漢語材料校勘記〉,收入《慶祝李濟先生七十歲論文集》(臺北:清華學報社,1967),頁933-1003。
  3. “The Tonal Features of Proto-South-Min,” East Asian Languages 1 (1983): 66-90.
  4. “The Distribtion of -r- and -j- in Archaic Chinese,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 54.3 (1983): 63-75. Also in The Reading of Chinese Historical Linguistics, ed. by P. C. Ting and W. S-y Wang (Taipei: Academia Sinica).
  5. “古閩南語的聲調徵性 (The phonological characteristics of the tones of Old South-Min),” Yuyan Yanjiu 語言研究 2(1983): 94-107 (Wuhan: Institute of Chinese Linguistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology).
  6. “Tonal features of Proto-South-Min,” Papers in East Asian Languages 1 (Hawaii, 1983): 56-81.
  7. 〈格致說的認識論與治平之道〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》73.4(2000):751-771。
  8. 〈漢語的句調與文學的節奏〉,收入《聲韻論叢》第九輯(臺北:臺灣學生書局,2000),頁147-158。
  9. 〈評論:語言與歷史的分合〉,收入《學術史與方法學的省思—史語所七十周年研討會論文集》(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2000)。
  10. 〈就韻母結構的變化論南北方言的分歧:官話方言元音諧和小史〉,收入《第三屆國際漢學會議論文集‧南北是非:漢語方言的差異與變化》(臺北:中央研究院語言學研究所,2002)。
  11. 〈漢語聲母的顎化與濁聲母的衍生〉,《臺大文史哲學報》54(2001):135-164。
  1. 7th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. 4th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics. edited by Tsai-Fa Cheng, Yafei Li, Hongming Zhang. Los Angeles, CA: GSIL (Graduates Students in Linguistics) (University of Southern California, 1996).
  2. Ssu-ma Ch’ien, The Grand Scribe's Records. William H. Nienhauser, Jr., editor; Tsai-fa Cheng [et al.], translators (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994).
Conference Papers
  1. “The song forms, rhyming patterns, and the rhyme categories of Old Chinese 上古音系五元音說:論詩經的曲式、韻式與韻部,” 發表於「慶祝李方桂全集出版及中國語言學季刊出版國際學術會議」,臺北:中央研究院,2006年5月30-31日。
  2. 〈其、之兩字在上古 韻文裏的特殊分佈〉, a paper read at Columbia International Symposium on Research and Pedagogy in Classical Chinese and Chinese Language History, Columbia University, 2005.10.21-22.
  3. 〈漢語教學教些什?〉, an invited talk at the Chinese Language Teachers’ Conference at Nankai University, Tianjin, 2004.7.
  4. 〈漢語動補結構探源〉,發表於「第五屆國際漢語語法研討會暨第四屆海峽兩岸語法史研討會」,臺北:中央研究院,2004.8.20-22。
  5. “The role of 者and it development,” a paper read at the International Conference on Research and Pedagogy in Classical Chinese and Chinese Language History, Columbia University, 2003.3.28-29.
  6. “The diffusion of vowel harmony in Mandarin Chinese,” a paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Aichi Prefectural University, Nagoya, Japan, 2002.8.20-22.
  7. “The stages and types of yodization from Archaic to Modern Chinese: the rise of the voiced fricative and zero initial” and “The typological divergence of Chinese dialects due to final phonotactic change,” two papers presented at the 1st International Symposium on Chinese Linguistics, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou, 2001.12.18-21.
  8. “The formation of the metrics of the regulated poems: on the interaction between tones, intonation, and musical melody,” an invited talk at Nanjing University, 2001.12.17.
  9. “Punctuation as a means of parsing in Classical Chinese,” a paper read at the International Conference on Classical Chinese Grammar, University of British Columbia, 2001.8.15-17.
  10. “Punctuation as a means of parsing in Modern Mandarin,” a paper read at the 1st Conference on Chinese Phonological History for Linguists from the both sides of the Taiwan Strait, Institute of Linguistics, Social Academy of China, Beijing, 2001.6.5.
  11. “The stages of various types of yodization from Archaic to Modern Chinese,” invited talk at the City University of Hong Kong, 2001.6.13.
  12. “The borrowing of rules from Altaic langyages as a cause of typological change in Mandarin during the Liao-Chin-Yuan dynasties,” an invited talk at the Institute of Linguistics, Social Academy of China, 2001.5.31.
  13. Lectures at Beijing University, 2001.5.21-6.8.
  14. 〈就韻母結構的變化論南北方言的分歧:官話方言元音諧和小史〉,發表於「第三屆國際漢學會議」,臺北:中央研究院,2000年6月29日-7月1日。
  15. “On the interpretation of Ke wu chih chih,” an invited talk to demonstrate the linguistic approach to the classical studies at the Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, 1999.6.21.
  16. “The methodology of the Ch’ian-Chia School,” Symposium on the scholarship of Ch’ian-chia, Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, 1999.6.7-9.
  17. “The Tang poetry metrics from linguistic and musical approach,” one day lecture for the professors in the colleges in central Taiwan, Postmeeting of the 17th International Conference on Chinese Phonology at Chung-Hsing University, 1999.5.24.
  18. “Natural language prosody and its literary adoption,” Keynote speech. The 17th International Conference on Chinese Phonology at Taiwan University, 1999.5.16.
  19. “On interdisciplinary studies between Chinese linguistics and other fields of sinology,” a final remarks given in the Linguistic Panel, Symposium on Sinological Methodology in commemorate of the 70 anniversary of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 1998.10.22-24.
  20. “The Aspectual system of negatives in Archaic Chinese,” a paper read to the 7th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Stanford University, 1998.6.25-27.
  21. “A linguistic and musical interpretation of the tonal metrics of the recent form of Tang poetry,” an invited talk in the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1997.12.
  22. “On the etyma of god in Chinese,” an invited talk in the Department of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 1997.10.
  23. “The Values of death: a semantic study of the moral system of self-immolation,” a paper read to the first International Conference commemorating Wang Kuo-wei, Tsing Hua University, Beijing, 1997.9-4-7.
  24. “Kuei ch’iao Li Po: his life and style from the view-point of cultural contact,” a paper presented to the 1st International Conference on Classical Chinese Literature, Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 1997.4.19-20.
  25. “On the interpretation of Ke wu chih chih: a linguistic approach to the Pre-ch’in philosophical texts,” an invited talk a the Tung Hai University, Taiwan, 1997.4.17.
  26. “On the pronominal inflection in Archaic Chinese,” a paper presented at the 8th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996.5.17-19.
  27. “The yodization of Chinese initial consonants,” Keynote speech. Second International Conference on Chinese Philology at National Chung-sahn University, Taiwan, 1992.5.14-16.
  28. “The studies on Chinese phonology in the United States,” an invited talk at the Symposium on Chinese Phonology, Taiwan Normal University, 1992.5.17.
  29. “The Backness Rule from the historical and typological prospective,” an invited talk at the Linguistics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992.3.
  30. “A pragmatic analysis of the aspect marker -le and the sentence particle le in Mandarin,” an invited talk at the institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica; Tung Hai Univ., and Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 1990.1.
  31. “Natural Rhythm, sentence texture, and poetic style,” a talk at the Sinological Circle, Madison, 1987.11.
  32. “Ch’u Yuan and Wang Kuo-wei: A cultural interpretation of their self-immolation,” a paper read at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Chicago. March 21.
  33. “Common etymons for writings in Chinese,” a talk at the Sinological Circle, Madison, 1985.6.5.
  34. “Li Po,” a paper presented at the Li Po Workshop, Madison, 1984.5.30.
  35. “SOV sentence patterns in Early Archaic Chinese,” a paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Seattle, 1983.
  36. “Themes and styles of the Ch’ing essays,” a talk at the Sinological Circle, Madison, 1982.4.30.
  37. “Phonemic reconstruction and phonetic reconstruction,” an invited talk at Tung-Hai University, Taiwan, 1978.
  38. “A linguistic study of the formation of Chinese characters,” a paper presented at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 1971.

美國威斯康辛大學語言學系博士 (1976)
臺灣大學中文研究所碩士 (1962)
臺灣大學中文系學士 (1958)

Previous Positions:
臺灣師範大學國際漢學研究所客座教授(2007- )
中央研究院歷史語言研究所助理研究員(1962.9-1965.7), 副研究員(1970.2-1974.7); 兼任副研究員(1978.1-1986.7), 兼任研究員 (1986.8-2016.7)
美國威斯康辛大學東亞語言與文學系教授(1993-2006); 宗教研究學程教授(1999-2006); 名譽教授 (2006- )
清華大學中國文學系副教授, 籌備主任(1977.8-1979)

美國威斯康辛大學東亞語言與文學系名譽教授(2006- )

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