Research Fellow (Retired)
Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University
History of Ancient Religion
Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University (1984)
Current Positions:
Research Professor of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2009- )
Previous Positions:
Associate Research Fellow (1984.8-1991.7), Research Fellow (1991.7-2009.7), Head of Anthropology Division (1993.7-1999.6), Adjunct Research Fellow (2009.9-2019.7),
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
國科會優等奬 (1991)
行政院新聞局優良學術著作出版奬助 (1993, 1995)
國際埃及學第七屆大會最佳跨學科論文奬 (1995)
蔣經國國際學術交流基金會奬助 (1995-1997)
中華基金會講座 (2001-2003)
國科會傑出研究奬 (2002-2005)
教育部第五十屆學術獎 (2006)
財團法人傑出人才發展基金會九十五年度「傑出人才講座」 (2006)
「胡適紀念研究講座」 (2008)