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Visiting Scholars

Professor John Kieschnick

Professor John Kieschnick, chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Stanford University, has been invited by the IHP to visit from Oct. 28 to Nov. 11, 2022, and during this time, will be holding an online symposium on Nov. 2 in the afternoon as well as an academic lecture on Nov. 7 in the morning. Prof. Kieschnick specializes in Chinese Buddhism, with particular emphasis on its cultural history. Prof. Kieschnick has previously worked at the IHP for several years, and after returning to the United States, has continued to serve as a member of the editorial board for Asia Major. Regarding some of his significant publications, Prof. Kieschnick has published three monographs: The Eminent Monk discusses hagiographies of eminent monks; The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture discourses the material culture of Buddhism; and his latest, Buddhist Historiography in China, concerns historical views on Buddhism. His newest book project is concentrated on the history of vegetarianism in China.

Published on 2022-10-18
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