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“Poised to Ascend: The IHP Postdoctoral and Doctoral Candidate Workshop”: The Publishing of Western Academic Books

Date: April 17 (Monday), 2023, 03:00 p.m.~05:00 p.m.

Venue: 5F Conference Room, Museum of the Institute of History and Philology, IHP

Organizer: IHP, Academia Sinica


Moderator: Ku-ming (Kevin) Chang (Associate Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica)


  1. Jia-Chen Fu (Associate Research Fellow, IMH, Academia Sinica)
  2. Macabe Keliher (Associate Professor, Southern Methodist University; Visiting Scholar, IMH, Academia Sinica)
  3. Albert Wu (Associate Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica)
  4. Ruth Yun-ju Chen (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica)

Registration deadline: April 14. Once the limit of registered attendees has been reached, the registration form will be closed.

Registration link:

Contact: Ms. Luo, (02) 2782-9555 ext. 351


  1. The workshop will not be providing paper cups. We ask that you please prepare your own in advance.
  2. Participants who are experiencing a fever and/or respiratory symptoms are recommended to wear a face mask.
  3. Please do not video, record, or make public the images and contents of the lecture without prior consent.
Published on 2023-04-10