The Fu Ssu-nien Lectures, 2022
Speaker: Professor Kenneth Pomeranz (University Professor of Modern Chinese History and the College, The University of Chicago)
Theme: Expansion and Crisis on China’s Inland Frontiers: From High Qing to World War II
First Lecture
Topic: Migration, Frontier Policy, and the Expansion of China: Redefining the Qing Realm and its Subjects, ca. 1750-1850
Time: December 14th, Wednesday, 10:00 AM (Before the lecture, the “Fu Ssu-nien Scholarship” will be presented.)
Second Lecture
Topic: Making ‘Southwestern China’ in the late Qing and Republic: Economic Change, Provincial State-building, and Native Chieftains in Yunnan, ca. 1873-1937
Time: December 16th, Friday, 10:00 AM
Topic: Consolidation Amidst Fragmentation: Frontiers as Political Bases in Republican China
Time: December 20th, Tuesday, 10:00 AM
Venue: B1 Conference Room, Museum of the Institute of History and Philology
Note: The talk will be given in English. Registration is not required.