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Poised to Ascend: The IHP Postdoctoral and Doctoral Candidate Workshop” and “Welcoming Social for New Personnel

Date: September 22 (Thurs.), 2022, 13:30–17:00

Venue: 5F Conference Room, Museum of the Institute of History and Philology, IHP

Organizer: IHP, Academia Sinica

13:30–15:00 “Poised to Ascend”: Attempts at Gender Perspectives (Moderator: Jen-der Lee, Director, IHP)

  1. Debby Chih-Yen Huang (PhD, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania)—Boundaries and Intimacy: The Attendance of Court Ladies (Mingfu) at Banquets in the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties from a Gender Perspective
  2. Chi Hsiao (PhD, Department of History, National Taiwan University)—A Gender Study of Views on the Body of the Elderly during the Song and Ming Dynasties
  3. Hou-yu Shih (PhD Student, Department of History, National Taiwan University)—The Beaten Man: Gender and Caning in Civil and Military Communities of the Tang Dynasty

15:00–15:10 Break


15:10–16:10 Showing of the documentary “A Walk through Eight Decades: Retracing the Footsteps of the IHP” and discussion (Moderator: Sheng-chih Lin, Deputy Director, IHP)

16:10–17:00: Welcoming Social


  1. Due to COVID-19 control measures, the number of allowed attendees will be limited. Registration is required prior to the date of the event. Once the limit of registered attendees has been reached, the registration form will be closed. Registration deadline: September 20. Registration link:
  2. Please note that the “Welcoming Social for New Personnel” is not open to the public.
  3. In line with COVID-19 control measures: (1) Attendees are required to wear a face mask during the entirety of the lecture; (2) Body temperatures will be measured; (3) Hands should be sanitized; (4) Those not affiliated with Academia Sinica are required to fill out a health record form; and (5) A crisscross seating arrangement will be implemented.

Huang Wenhong (02) 2782-9555 ext. 860,
Ms. Chen (02) 2782-9555 ext. 286,

Published on 2022-09-07