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【Interdisciplinary Workshop on Ancient History】Materiality, Text, and Burial: Interactions between Populations and Regions in the Ancient World

【Interdisciplinary Workshop on Ancient History】

Topic: Materiality, Text, and Burial: Interactions between Populations and Regions in the Ancient World

Date: August 16 (Tues.), 2022, 09:30–16:30

Venue: Room 702, Research Building, IHP

Organizers: Anyang Research Group, IHP; Nangang Research Association for the History of Ancient China


09:30–09:50 Check In

09:50–10:00 Opening Speech

Moderator: Huang Ting-chi (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University),

1st Panel: 10:00–11:30

  1.  Lee Hsiu-ping (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica),“Weaponry, Interaction, and State: Investigating the Culture History in Ancient China through Bronze Weapons and Their Archaeological Contexts”
    Discussant: Lin Kuei-chen (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica)
  2. Wang Shih-han (Doctoral Candidate, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University), “Collectibles or Gifts of the Kings? Wu and Yue Inscribed Weapons outside the Wu and Yue Territories”
  3. Tsai Yi-lin ( MA, Department of History, National Taiwan Normal University), “Gifts and Spoils of War: The Political Landscape of the Upper Belize River Valley”
    Discussant: Lee Hsiu-ping (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica)

11:30–13:30 Break

2nd Panel: 13:30–14:30

  1.  Chen Yi-wen (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Soochow University), “The Interactions between the Late Shang Dynasty and ‘Fang’ States: A Preliminary Study from Oracle Bone Divinations”
    Discussant: Huang Ting-chi (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University)
  2.  Huang Ting-chi (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University), “The Interaction between the Zhou Dynasty and the Ba State: A Discussion on Inscriptions from the Ba Bo Yu
    Discussant: Lin Chia-le (MA Student, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University)

14:30–14:40 Break

3rd Panel: 14:40–15:40

  1. Wang Shao-chun (MA, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University), “Shedding Light on the Relation between Yinxu and Shandong in the Late Shang Period through Burial Bone Artifacts”

    Discussant: Hong Hao-yu (MA Student, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan Normal University)

  2. Ouyang Syuan (Postdoctoral Research Associate, IHP, Academia Sinica), “Musical Instrument, Clan and Interaction: The Socio-cultural Meanings of Nao during the Yinxu Culture Phase III through Their Archaeological Contexts”
    Discussant: Tsai Pei-ling (Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, National Taiwan University)

15:40–16:20 General Discussion

16:20–16:30 Closing Speech

Moderator: Lee Hsiu-ping (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP, Academia Sinica)


  1. Registration is not required. Please feel welcome to join us!
  2. Each speaker will present for 15 minutes, and invited discussants as well as workshop participants will be able to ask questions and share any thoughts for 15 minutes.
  3. This workshop will not provide paper cups or boxed lunches. We ask that you please prepare your own in advance.
  4. In line with COVID-19 control measures: (1) Attendees are required to wear a face mask during the entirety of the event; (2) Body temperatures will be measured; (3) Hands should be sanitized; and (4) A crisscross seating arrangement will be implemented.

Contact: Ms. Shen (02) 2782-9555 ext. 214

Published on 2022-08-08
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