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“Poised to Ascend: The IHP Postdoctoral and Doctoral Candidate Workshop”

“Poised to Ascend: The IHP Postdoctoral and Doctoral Candidate Workshop”

Date: June 28 (Tues.), 2022
Venue: 5F Conference Room, Museum of the Institute of History and Philology, IHP
Organizer: IHP, Academia Sinica
“Poised to Ascend”: Material and Text—A Reconstruction of and Reflections on Ancient
Chinese Institutions
1:45–2:00: Check In
2:00–3:00: Moderator: Hsin-ning Liu, Associate Research Fellow, IHP

  1. Ou-Yang Syuan (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of History, National Taiwan University)—Reflections on the “Grade” and “Institutions” of Burial Sites at Yinxu: A Contextual Analysis of Unearthed Small Bells (Nao)
  2. Shih-han Wang (Doctoral Candidate Fellow, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University)—Porcelain Bowls and Bronze Cauldrons (Ding): Materiality, Burial Custom, and the Formation of Aristocracy in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River during the Bronze Age
  3. Yi-chun Huang (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of History, National Taiwan University)—Discussions on the Functions of “Inner Court” Officials from the Decision-Making Processes of Western Han Emperors

3:00–3:20: Break
3:20–4:00: General Discussion

(1) Due to COVID-19 control measures, the number of allowed attendees will be limited. Registration is required prior to the date of the event. Once the limit of registered attendees has been reached, the registration form will be closed. Registration deadline: June 24. Register by scanning the QR Code or via the link:
(2) Please do not video, record, or make public the images and contents of the event without prior consent.(3) In line with COVID-19 control measures: (1) Attendees are required to wear a face mask during the entirety of the lecture; (2) Body temperatures will be measured; (3) Hands should be sanitized; (4) Those not affiliated with Academia Sinica are required to fill out a health record form; and (5) A crisscross seating arrangement will be implemented.
(4) Contact: Ms. Luo, (02) 2782-9555 ext. 351,

Published on 2022-06-15