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Guest Lectures

【Cancelled】2021 Final Presentation for the Archaeology Department Scholarship Program

Presenter: Yen-Ting Lin (Master’s Student, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University)

Topic: Continuities and Shifts in Practices of Old Social Spaces: A View from the Mudan Village Settlement and Burial Sites

Date: December 20 (Mon.), 2021, 2:00 p.m.【Note: This meeting has been postponed and will be rescheduled.】

Venue: Room 703, Research Building, IHP

Moderator: Dr. Scarlett Chiu (Research Fellow and Organizer of the Archaeology Department, IHP)

We welcome all attendees to provide comments and feedback

❈ In line with the pandemic prevention policy: (1). Attendees are required to wear a face mask; (2). Body temperatures will be measured; (3). Hands should be sanitized; (4). People not affiliated with Academia Sinica are required to fill out a health record form; and (5). Crisscross seating will be implemented.

Contact: Ms. Hsu (


Published on 2021-11-16