2021 Open House
Institute of History and Philology Online Open Lectures
Topic: The World of the Late Shang Dynasty: Yinxu, Neighboring Peoples and Mutual Networks
Speaker: Hsiu-ping Lee (Assistant Research Fellow, IHP)
Moderator: Li-chuan Tai (Research Fellow and Deputy Director, IHP)
Date: November 6 (Sat.) 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Location: Online via Webex
❈ This lecture will also be available via synchronous video conferencing, which does not require registration. Please simply use the link below. A password is not required.
❈ The online lecture will be open starting at 9:45 a.m.
❈ Additional software or applications are not required to view the lecture. After using the link below, click “Join from your browser” or “從瀏覽器登入.” Please input your name and email address, which is to identify you for use of the lecture. Finally, a page will appear to test the video and volume, and once there are no problems, please click “Join meeting” or “進入會議.”
❈ Link for attending the lecture online: https://asmeet.webex.com/asmeet/j.php?MTID=m72973685cd468dc2fc0c800b0e563227