Speaker: Prof. Aude Favereau (Assistant Professor, Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University)
Topic: Myanmar at the Crossroads between South, East and Southeast Asian Exchange Networks: Cultural Contacts from the Pottery Point of View
Host: Prof. Chao Chin-yung (Associate Researcher, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) and Dr. Frank Muyard (EFEO Taipei Center)
Date: April 16 (Friday), 14:00~17:00p.m.
Venue: Room 703, Research Building, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Organizers: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica: EFEO Taipei Center
※ The talk will be given in English. Registration is not required.
※ In line with the pandemic prevention policy: (1). Attendees are required to wear a face mask during the event; (2). Body temperatures will be measured; (3). Hands should be sanitized; (4). People not affiliated with the Sinica should fill out a health record form; and (5). Crisscross seating will be implemented.