"The Prenasalized Stop Initials of Miao-Yao, Tibeto-Burman, and Chinese: A Result of Diffusion or Evidence of a Genetic Relationship?"《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》47.3(1976):467-501 。(with Betty Shefts Chang)
"On the Tone System of the Miao-Yao Languages, Language," The Journal of the Linguistic Society of America 29 (1953): 374-378.
"On Tibetan Poetry," Central Asiatic Journal 2 (1957): 129-139.
"Das Mah?vad?nasutra, ein kanonischer Text uber sieben letzten Buddhas (by Ernst Waldschmidt)," a review published in Language 33 (1957): 214-217.
"Lungtu Dialect (by Soren Egerod)," a review published in The Far Eastern Quarterly, 1957.
"Sinomongolische Glossare: I. Das Hua-I Ih-Yu (by Erich Haenisch)," a review published in Language 34 (1958): 562-565.
"A Comparative Study of the Pr?timoksa (by W. Pachow)," a review published in The Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (1960): 71-77.
"Notes on the Monument in Honor of Monke Khan (with N. Poppe and L. Hurvitz)," Central Asiatic Journal 6 (1961): 14-23.
"Fifty Chinese Stories (by Y. C. Liu)," a review published in The Journal of Asian Studies 22 (1961): 232-233.
"A Grammatical Sketch of Archaic Chinese," The Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (1961): 299-308.
"An Analysis of the Tun-Huang Tibetan Annals," The Journal of Oriental Studies 5 (1959-1960): 122-173.
Nine Abstracts Contributed to Revue Bibliographie de Sinologie 4: 61, 62, 556, 571, etc., 1964.
"Tibetan Poetry, Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics," 1965, pp. 855-856.
"A Morphophonemic Problem in the spoken Tibetan of Lhasa," Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (1965): 34-39. (with Betty J. Shefts)
"Late Han Chinese (by W. A. C. H. Dobson)," a review published in The Journal of Asian Studies 25 (1966): 329-330.
"A Comparative Study of the Yao Tone System," Language 42 (1966): 303-310.
"The Phonemic System of the Moso Dialect (with L. T. Li and T. Ho)," Symposium on Chinese Studies 2: 323-335, The Journal of Oriental Studies (University of Hong Kong, 1966).
"Moso Sound and Tone Charts, Symposium on Historical," Archaeological and Linguistic Studies on Southern China, Southeastern Asia, and the Hong Kong Religion (Hong Kong University, 1967), pp. 90-100. (with L. T. Li and T. Ho)
"Spoken Tibetan Morphophonemics: p.," Language 43 (1967): 512-525. (with Betty J. Shefts)
"A Comparative Study of the Southern Ch'iang Dialects," Monumenta Serica.
"China : Descriptive Linguistics," Linguistics in East Asia and South East Asia .
"China : National Languages," Linguistics in East Asia and South East Asia .
"A Short History of Chinese Linguistics, Reading in Chinese Linguistics," University of Chicago Press.
"The Phonological System of the Sui-T'ang Period," Papers of the CIC Institute of Far Eastern Languages.
"A Short History of Chinese Linguistics, Reading in Chinese Linguistics," University of Chicago Press.