


吳孟軒 Albert Wu






吳孟軒的研究興趣在世界史、宗教史、醫療史。他的研究從歐洲傳教史出發,近年來擴展到醫學的跨國史。紐約哥倫比亞大學歷史系學士,2013年取得加州大學柏克萊分校博士學位。曾在巴黎美國大學 (The American University of Paris) 任教,在柏林自由大學 (Freie Universität Berlin) 擔任博士後研究學者。著有專書From Christ to Confucius: German Missionaries, Chinese Christians, and the Globalization of Christianity, 1860-1950 (Yale University Press, 2016),論文散見於 American Historical Review, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Journal of Global History, Central European History, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften Church History, History of Universities等學報。

  1. "German Missionaries, Chinese Christians, and the Globalization of Christianity, 1860-1950" (PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2013).
  1. From Christ to Confucius: German Missionaries, Chinese Christians, and the Globalization of Christianity, 1860-1950 (Yale University Press, 2016).
  1. "The Secularization of the Chaplaincy: A History of the Columbia University Chaplaincy, 1908-1968," History of Universities 21.1 (Winter 2006): 178-210.
  2. "'Unashamed of the Gospel': Johann Hinrich Wichern and the Battle for the Soul of Prussian Prisons," Church History 78.2 (June 2009): 283-308.
  3. "Catholic and Protestant Individuals in Nineteenth-Century German Missionary Periodicals," in a forum on "The Form and Function of Nineteenth-Century Missionary Periodicals," Church History 82.2 (June 2013): 394-398.
  4. "Catholic Universities as Missionary Spaces: Wilhelm Schmidt, Chen Yuan, and the Catholic University in Beijing," Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 24.2 (June 2013): 92-112. [special issue on "Missionsräume," edited by Christine Egger and Martina Gugglberger]
  5. "Ernst Faber and the Consequences of Failure: A Study of a Nineteenth Century German Missionary in China," Central European History 47.1 (March 2014): 1-29.
  6. "Forever a Patriot: Chinese Christians and the Repudiation of American Liberal Protestantism," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 85.1 (February 2017): 112-135.
  7. "The Quest for an 'Indigenous Church': German Missionaries, Chinese Christians, and the Indigenization Debates of the 1920s," American Historical Review 122.1 (February 2017): 85-114.
  8. "In the Shadow of Empire: Josef Schmidlin and Protestant-Catholic Ecumenism before the Second World War," Journal of Global History 13.2 (July 2018): 165-187. [contribution to a special issue on "The Theory and Practice of Ecumenism: Christian Global Governance and the Search for World Order, 1900-1980," edited by Elisabeth Engel, James Kennedy, and Justin Reynolds]
  9. "Superstition and Statecraft in Late Qing China: Towards a Global History," Past and Present 255.1 (May 2022): 279-316.
  1. "Converting Individuals, Saving the State: Narratives of Conversion in Nineteenth-Century German Missionary Periodicals," in Felicity Jensz and Hanna Acke, eds., Missions and Media: The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century (Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013), pp. 79-96.
  2. "On Chinese Rites and Rights," in Sarah Shortall and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins, eds., Christianity and Human Rights Reconsidered (Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. 207-222.
  3. "The Doctor as Patient: The Case of Elisabeth Kehrer and German Medical Missionaries in China," in Joanne Miyang Cho, ed., Sino-German Encounters and Entanglements: Transnational Politics and Culture, 1890-1950 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), pp. 189-208.
  4. “Cities and Fears of Biological Warfare during the Early Cold War," in Tze-ki Hon, ed., Cold War Cities: The Politics of Space in Europe and Asia during the 1950s (New York: Routledge, August 2021), pp. 111-125.
  5. “Jin Luxian, Chinese Catholicism, and Horizontal Networks of Decolonization,” in Elizabeth Foster and Udi Greenberg, eds., Decolonization and the Remaking of Christianity (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023), pp. 67-86.
  6. “World War I, the Paris Peace Conference, and Conflicts over Global Health Governance,” in Albert Wu and Stephen Sawyer, ed., The Making of a World Order: Global Historical Perspectives on the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles (New York: Routledge, 2023), pp. 218-235.
  7. 〈論史語所和戰後宗教史研究〉,收入李貞德主編,《挑戰與新生:中央研究院歷史語言研究所九十五周年所慶論文集》(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2024),頁119-140。
  1. Albert Wu, Stephen Sawyer, The Making of a World Order: Global Historical Perspectives on the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles (New York: Routledge, 2023).
  1. “Jin Luxian, Chinese Catholicism, and Horizontal Networks of Decolonization.” Invited paper for the “Christianity and Decolonization” Conference and Workshop, Dartmouth College, October 8, 2021. (Online)
  2. “Transnational Medical Missions in an age of decolonization.” Invited paper for the Excellence in Research projects at VID Specialized University, “Connected Histories – Contested Values. World Lutheranism and Decolonization: Processes of Transloyalties, 1919-1970,” Stavanger, Norway, October 19-21, 2021. (Online)
  3. “The ‘Volkskirche’, Indigenization and Decolonization in China: Towards a Conceptual History.” Invited paper for the conference “Volk, Volk Gottes, Volkskirche: Zur ekklesiologischen Verwendung des Volksbegriffs vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart” at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, April 7-8, 2022. (Online)
  4. “Anti-Superstition in the Age of Empire: A Global History of Liang Qichao's Program Against Superstition,” paper for the “Historicizing Secular Studies Across the Disciplines” Conference, Harvard Divinity School, 2022.12.9. (Online)
  5. “Where does China fit into the Historikerstreit 2.0?” paper for the international conference “Erinnerungskultur auf dem Prüfstand – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven angesichts des ‘Historikerstreits 2.0'”, Institut für Evang. Theologie der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 2022.12.15. (Online)
  6. “‘Superstitious beyond all expression': Superstition, China, and the Age of Empire, 1860-1900,” paper for the international conference “Uncanny Beliefs: Superstition and Modern China,” 「不可思議的信仰:迷信和現代中國」國際學術研討會,中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023.1.13-14。
  7. “Recent Trends in the History of Christianity in China,” paper for the international conference“New Directions in Historical and Cultural Studies in Asia: Celebrating the 30th anniversary of cooperation between EFEO and Academia Sinica,” 亞洲歷史與文化研究的新方向:法國遠東學院臺北中心與中央研究院合作三十週年慶祝會議,2023.5.18-19。
  8. “'Why Are There So Many Quacks in Germany?' : The Quackery Question in Germany and its Global History, 1880-1914,”「哈佛大學教授Peter Galison演講暨科學、醫學史研討會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023.6.30。
  9. 〈宗教與社會關懷:論史語所和戰後宗教史研究〉,「挑戰與新生—慶祝九十五周年學術研討會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023.10.17。
  10. “'The Peach-Tree is Dreaded by Ghosts’: Trees, Spirits, and Environmental Change in an Age of Empire”,「病魅:東亞視域下的醫療與鬼邪國際研討會」,中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2023.10.27。
  11. 〈台灣的宗教地景:以雙北地區為例〉,本院近史所主辦,「東亞文化交流視域中的城市書寫」學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所,2023.12.12。
  12. 〈同種療法的多重矛盾:Konstantin Hering與德國醫學知識的全球史,1800-1830〉,中央研究院歷史語言研究所講論會,2024.3.25。
  13. “Translating Sheng as Perfection: Wang Changzhi and Catholic Virtue in Republican China,” paper presented at the International Conference “Sheng 聖: From Sage Kings to Christian Saints and the Modern Concept of Holiness in China,” Freie Universität Berlin, 2024.7.19-21.
  14. “Max Weber and a Global History of Superstition,” 發表於輔仁大學歷史系主辦,「文化交流史的二十年:跨域,多元視角與全球史國際學術研討會」,輔仁大學,2024.11.29-30。
  1. "Church and State," review of Liao Yiwu, God is Red: The Secret Story of How Christianity Survived and Flourished in Communist China, in the Los Angeles Review of Books (8 March 2012).
  2. "Marilynne Robinson and the Miraculous Privilege of Existence," review of Marilynne Robinson, When I Was a Child I Read Books, in the Los Angeles Review of Books (22 May 2012). [co-written with Michelle Kuo]
  3. "In Hell, 'We Shall Be Free': On Breaking Bad and Paradise Lost," review of the television series Breaking Bad, in the Los Angeles Review of Books (13 July 2012). [co-written with Michelle Kuo]
  4. "Imperfect Strollers: Teju Cole, Ben Lerner, W. G. Sebald, and the Alienated Cosmopolitan," review essay of Teju Cole, Open City, Ben Lerner, Leaving the Atocha Station, and W. G. Sebald, The Rings of Saturn, in the Los Angeles Review of Books (2 February 2013). [co-written with Michelle Kuo]https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/imperfect-strollers-teju-cole-ben-lerner-w-g-sebald-and-the-alienated-cosmopolitan/
  5. "Scientology: The Mystery Sandwich," review essay of Lawrence Wright, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief and Hugh Urban, The Church of Scientology: The History of a New Religion (12 May 2013). [co-written with Michelle Kuo]
  6. "Animal Feelings," review essay of Barbara J. King, How Animals Grieve, in Public Books (9 September 2013). [co-written with Michelle Kuo]
  7. "Secularists for Christmas! Can France Make Room for Islam?" Commonweal Magazine (21 February 2014).
  8. "'Take the Good Life and Be Happy': On The Americans," co-written with Michelle Kuo for the Los Angeles Review of Books (24 April 2014).
  9. "The Black Iron Cage: Taiwanese Protesters in an Age of Global Unrest," Los Angeles Review of Books (3 June 2014).
  10. "Browsers Welcome: France vs. Amazon," Commonweal Magazine (30 October 2014).
  11. "I Dare Not: The Muted Style of Writer in Exile Ha Jin," review essay of Ha Jin, A Map of Betrayal, in Los Angeles Review of Books (11 January 2015). [co-written with Michelle Kuo]
  12. "Those Who Leave," review essay of Elena Ferrante, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay, in The Point Magazine (31 March 2015). [co-written with Michelle Kuo]
  13. "Letter from Paris," co-written with Michelle Kuo for the Los Angeles Review of Books (21 November 2015).
  14. "An Exceptional Tradition? The Jesuits in the World," review essay of three books on Jesuits and Globalization for The Immanent Frame (2 November 2016).
  15. "Inner Mission" and "Wichern, Johann Hinrich," two entries in Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions, eds., Timothy Wengert, Mark Granquist, Mary Jane Haemig, Robert Kolb, Mark C. Mattes, and Jonathan Strom (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2017).
  16. "Insecurity and Authority in the Sinosphere," Tocqueville 21 (19 January 2018).
  17. "Cobra Kai, the Twilight of American Empire, and the Allure of Paramilitary Violence," co-written with Michelle Kuo for the Los Angeles Review of Books (8 June 2021).
  18. 〈傾聽鬼魂的聲音:導讀莫妮卡.布萊克的《歐洲鬼地方》〉,收入莫妮卡.布萊克著,張馨方譯,《歐洲鬼地方:戰後德國靈異治療的狂潮,如何揭露科學理性所回應不了的創傷?》(衛城出版社,2023.3.2),頁i-xiii。
  19. 〈《揭開穆斯林世界》和全球知識史給我們的啟示〉,收入賈米勒.艾丁著,江孟勳和苑默文譯,《揭開穆斯林世界:伊斯蘭共同體概念是如何形成的?》(臺灣商務印書館,2024.6.1),頁 5-9。
  20. 風波中的大學:1932年哥倫比亞大學抗議活動的一些反思〉, 「歷史學柑仔店」網站,2024.5.23。
  1. "Review of America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity, by Robert Wuthnow," in Religious Studies Review 36.1 (March 2010): 96.
  2. "Review of The Civic Life of American Religion, ed. by Paul Lichterman and C. Brady Potts," in Religious Studies Review 36.3 (September 2010): 240.
  3. "Review of The Second Disestablishment: Church and State in Nineteenth-Century America, by Steven K. Green," in Religious Studies Review 37.1 (March 2011): 74-75.
  4. "Review of Seeing Things Their Way: Intellectual History and the Return of Religion, edited by Alister Chapman, John Coffey, and Brad S. Gregory," in Religious Studies Review 7.3 (September 2011): 223-224.
  5. "Review of Christianity and Imperialism in Modern Japan: Empire for God, by Emily Anderson," in Journal of World History 27.1 (March 2016): 178-181.
  6. "Review of Germany and China: Transnational Encounters Since the Eighteenth Century, edited by Joanne Miyang Cho and David Crowe," in The Asian Review of World Histories 4.2 (July 2016): 275-277.
  7. "Review of The Bible and Asia: From the Pre-Christian Era to the Postcolonial Age, by R. S. Sugirtharajah," in Itinerario 41.2 (August 2017): 406-408.
  8. "Review of 'Das Fremde im eigenen Lande,' Zur Historiographie des Christentums in China von Liang Qichao (1873–1929) bis Zhang Kaiyuan (geb. 1926) by Dirk Kuhlmann," in H-Soz-Kult (09 November 2017).
  9. "Introduction of  David Hollinger, Protestants Abroad: How Missionaries Tried to Change the World but Changed America (Princeton University Press, 2017)," in H-Diplo Roundtable Review 19.32 (4 May 2018).
  10. "Review of Mark Edward Ruff, The Battle for the Catholic Past in Germany, 1945-1980 (Cambridge University Press, 2017)," in H-Diplo Roundtable Review 19.42 (2 July 2018).
  11. "Review of Die Hildesheimer Blindenmission in Hongkong: Blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder in Werk und Wahrenhmung einer Frauenmission, ca. 1890-1997 by Bernhard Ortmann," in Social History of Medicine 31.3 (August 2018): 660-661.
  12. "Review of 1919 – The Year that Changed China: A New History of the New Culture Movement by Elisabeth Forster," for H-Soz-Kult (4 October 2018).
  13. "Review of China and the True Jesus: Charisma and Organization in a Chinese Christian Church, by Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye," in The Journal of Asian Studies 79.1 (February 2020): 170-171.
  14. "Review of Catholics on the Barricades: Poland, France, and 'Revolution,' 1891-1956, by Piotr Kosicki," in H-Diplo Roundtable 21.38 (27 April 2020).
  15. "Review of Christianizing South China: Mission, Development, and Identity in Modern Chaoshan, edited by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee," in The China Review 21.4 (November 2021): 302-305.
  16. “Book review of Chinese Sympathies: Media, Missionaries, and World Literature from Marco Polo to Goethe, by Daniel Leonhard Purdy,” in Monatshefte 115.4 (Winter 2023):  689-691.
  17. “Book review of The Perils of Human Exceptionalism: Elements of a Nineteenth-Century Theological Anthropology, by Dennis L. Durst,” ISIS 115.3 (September 2024): 665-666.
  18. “Book review of Alexander von Humboldt: Perceiving the World, edited by Beate I. Allert, Christopher R. Clason, Niall A. Peach and Ricardo Quintana-Vallejo,” Monatshefte 116.4 (November 2024): 735-737.
  19. “Book review of Art as a Pathway to God: A Historical-Theological Study of the Jesuit Mission to China, 1552–1773, by Susangeline Yalili Patrick,” Journal of Jesuit Studies 11.4 (November 2024): 682-684.

美國加州大學柏克萊分校歷史學博士 (2013)
美國加州大學柏克萊分校歷史學碩士 (2008)
美國紐約哥倫比亞大學歷史系學士 (2005)

中央研究院歷史語言研究所副研究員 (2021.10- )
《國立政治大學歷史學報》編輯委員 (2024.8.1-2026.7.31)
國立政治大學歷史學系兼任副教授 (2024.2- )
《新史學》雜誌英文編輯 (2023.3- )
本所禮俗宗教研究室召集人 (2022.1- )

巴黎美國大學歷史系副教授 (2020.5-2021.9)
德國柏林自由大學世界史博士後研究學者 (2016-2017)
巴黎美國大學歷史系助理教授 (2013.9-2020.5)

德國洪堡基金會 (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) 博士後研究學者獎助 (2016-2017)
