




一、 申請資格:限國內外各大學博士生以上學者。

二、 申請時間:每年受理三次,於一月、五月、九月底前提出申請(採線上申請方式),並分別於二月、六月、十月間提交本所學發會審核,審核結果另以E-mail 通知。

三、 申請訪問者研究範圍需與本所研究相關,並事先徵詢本所一位研究人員同意擔任接待者 (sponsor)。

四、 訪問學者分為兩類:

(1)有博士學位或相當於國內助教授資格以上者為訪問學人 (visiting scholar);
(2)其他為訪問學員 (junior visiting scholar)。

五、 訪問期間:最長一年,期滿者以延長一次(最多一年)為限。申請延長時,逕行簽請所長核可。

六、 國內學人有專任職務者,以利用休假或暑假來所研究為原則。

七、 本所盡量提供來訪學者各種研究上的方便與協助,但不負擔經費。

八、 訪問學員來所時間逾三個月者,本所始提供研究室,並以共用為原則,本所得視實際需要加以調整。申請延長訪問者,不提供研究室,請自行利用電腦室或圖書館閱覽室。

九、 訪問期間,應多與本所同仁交流,並得安排公開演講或座談。

十、 申請所需文件:

(1) 線上申請表
(2) 申請人履歷表及著作目錄
(3) 推薦信一封
(4) 研究計畫書(至少兩頁)
(5) 經費來源證明

移民署—各類人士來臺限制一覽表 (自2023年1月1日開始實施)

※ 申請相關業務請洽本所秘書室: huangwh@gate.sinica.edu.tw  

Application Requirements and Procedures for Visiting Scholars to the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

The Institute of History and Philology (IHP), Academia Sinica accepts applications to visit the Institute from university instructors, graduate students, and members of research institutions in order to facilitate academic exchange and cooperation with institutions and individuals conducting relevant research in Taiwan and abroad. Application requirements and procedures are as follows:

  1. Applicant Eligibility: Limited to scholars working toward their PhDs or of higher academic standing. Applicants may be of ROC or any other nationality.
  2. Application Period: There are three annual application deadlines: January 31st, May 31st, and September 30th. Applications are reviewed in February, June and October respectively.  (Application materials should be submitted through the online form.  Applicants will be notified of results by email.)
  3. Applicants’ field of research should be related to research conducted at the IHP. Applicants should seek out a research fellow at the Institute to act as their sponsor before applying.
  4. There are two kinds of visiting scholars, visiting scholars and junior visiting scholars:
    (1) Visiting Scholars possess a doctoral degree or a position equivalent to assistant professor in Taiwan or higher..
    (2) Junior Visiting Scholars are PhD candidates and students enrolled in PhD programs.
  5. Duration of Visit: The longest initial period approved for each visit is one year, and this may be extended once only (up to one year). Applications for extensions must be approved by the IHP’s director.
  6. Scholars in Taiwan who are employed full-time by other institutions shall, in principle, visit the Institute of History and Philology during leave or summer vacation.
  7. The Institute offers various types of service and assistance to visiting scholars, but in principle, does not provide funding.
  8. Visitors staying for three months or longer will be offered office space for research which is in principle shared. This may change in accordance with the actual needs of researchers. Visitors extending their stays at the IHP will not be offered office space.
  9. During the visit, visitors are encouraged to interact with IHP colleagues and may give lectures or organize colloquia.
  10. Documents required for application:

    (1) Online Application Form
    (2) Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications.
    (3) One Letter of Recommendation.
    (4) Research Plan.( minimum 2 pages )
    (5) Proof of funding or adequate funds.

    Please upload the above application materials (2)-(5) as PDF files.

National Immigration Agency: Restrictions on Entering Taiwan (starting Jan 1, 2023)

※ Please direct inquiries to the Secretary's Office at the Institute of History and Philology by email huangwh@gate.sinica.edu.tw